C'est impoli d'essayer de complexer son prochain | I don't think it's very polite to try to make other people feel stupid. |
Je ne veux pas te complexer. | I don't want to give you a complex. |
Je vais devoir jouer comme un pied pour pas le complexer. | Great! Now I gotta sandbag my drive so Ponchos doesn't spew on his shoes. |
Notre Teddy risque de complexer s'il finit pas Président des USA. | I don't want Teddy to think he's a failure if he doesn't wind up on Mount Rushmore. |
ça va la complexer. | -l can't tell her. l don't wanna give her a complex. |
"engendre souvent un complexe." | Look, all I'm trying to do... is find the gentleman whom, thanks to you... |
"la vie est si complexe, Dieu doit l'avoir fait." | "life is so complex, God must have done it." |
(rire) La prochaine chose que vous allez dire c'est que nous avons un gouvernement secret dans un complexe souterrain. | ( laughs ) Next thing you'll be saying is that we have a shadow government in an underground complex somewhere. |
- Le concierge te mate sans complexe. | Hey, that janitor was looking right down your shirt. |
- Nous ferons une fouille plus efficace du complexe. | - so that we may do a proper search of the settlement. |