He ovat tyhjentäneet ruokakomeron. | They've pillaged the pantry. |
Hyvä on. Avasin ruokakomeron. | All right, so, I unlocked the pantry. |
Nyt järjestät uusiksi koko ruokakomeron. Hyvä on. | Now you will reorganize this entire pantry and you will do it right. |
Näin, miten makasit hänen allaan ruokakomeron lattialla. | I saw you lying under him on the floor of the pantry. |
Onneksi pidimme aina ruokakomeron hyvin varustettuna. | Thank God we always kept a well-stocked pantry. |
Hän taitaa yhä olla siellä tuhoamassa ruokakomeroa. | I think he's still down there tearing through the pantry. |
- Olet ruokakomerossa. | - You're in the pantry. |
- Oliko se kaapissa vai ruokakomerossa? | Was it in the cupboard or the pantry. It was in the pantry, sir. |
-Hän nukkuu ruokakomerossa. | He's sleeping in the pantry. |
Että olemme piilossa ruokakomerossa? | What, that we were hiding in the pantry? |
Hetkinen, miksi olitte ruokakomerossa? | Wait. Why were you in the pantry? |
- Kellarin ruokakomerosta. | The basement pantry. |
- Varastitko nämä ruokakomerosta? | This came from the pantry. You... you stole it? |
En halunnut sanoa mitään Louisin kuullen, mutta löysin jotain ruokakomerosta. | I didn't want to say anything in front of Louis, but I found something hidden in the pantry. |
Etsin uutta maissihiutalepakkausta - ja löysin tämän syvältä ruokakomerosta. | Um, I was looking for a fresh box of cornflakes, and I found this hidden way back in the pantry. |
Gretchen, haemme ruokakomerosta papuja juhlia varten-- | Gretchen, we're going to the pantry to get some beans for the party. |
- Panit Elviksen ruokakomeroon. | You put Elvis in the pantry. |
Edith, veisitkö nämä kaksi ruokakomeroon? | Edith, can you take these two into the pantry? |
Epäilen, että hän pinoaisi tölkit ruokakomeroon. | I doubt that she's stacking cans in the pantry. |
Miksi ei ruokakomeroon? | Why don't I put them in the pantry? |
Panenko sammakot jääkaappiin vai ruokakomeroon? | Do I put frogs in the refrigerator or the pantry? |
Sitten menit Julian ruokakomerolle ja myrkytit hänen chilinsä. | (Lisbon) And then you went to the pantry and, uh, you found Julia's pepper and you dosed that, too. |
- Hyvin järjestetty ruokakomero. | A well-organized pantry. |
- Se on ruokakomero. | It's a pantry. |
Hei, täällä on hovimestarin ruokakomero! | Hey, there's a butler's pantry in here! |
Ja ruokakomero on isompi kuin kotona! | Look, you have a pantry as well! It's bigger than the one we have at home. A freezer, too! |
Jos lähdemme kanssanne, ruokakomero ryöstetään - ja tarvitsemme ruokaa. | If we go with you, there won't be any food left in the pantry when we come back. And we need to eat, same as you. |