Johdin ryhmät läpi anomalioiden. | I'm the one who led the collection teams through the anomalies. |
Se on useiden anomalioiden risteys. | It's some sort of junction. Multiple anomalies. |
Ei muita luuston anomalioita. | No other vertebral anomalies. |
Herra Nigel-Murray on löytänyt uusia luuston anomalioita. Voitteko selittää? | Mr. Nigel-Murray has found some additional bone anomalies. |
Hän ei voi tehdä mitään, jos ei löydä anomalioita. | He can't do anything if he can't find the anomalies. Well, that's not gonna happen. |
Itse syytän anomalioita. | But you know what I blame? The anomalies. They're what's wrong with this picture. |
Voisimme yhdessä hallita anomalioita. | That's not a good idea. We could work together to control these anomalies. |
Anomalian laskuri antoi ristiriitaisia tuloksia, - koska signaalit tulivat useista anomalioista. | The anomaly timer was giving those contradictory readings because those signals were coming from different anomalies. |
Tiedät anomalioista. | You know about the anomalies. |
Cross uskoo voivansa tehdä mitä haluaa, koska omaa avaimet anomalioihin. Uskotte selviävänne seurauksitta, koska teillä on avain Crossiin. | Well, Evan Cross thinks he can do whatever he wants because he holds the only key to the anomalies, and you think that you can escape the consequences of your actions because you hold the only key to Evan Cross, |
Lähetimme 53 ihmistä anomalioihin, eikä maailma ole muuttunut. | We have sent 53 people through different anomalies, and life as we know it has yet to change. |
Heidän kokeilunsa anomalioilla on vaarallista. | If they experiment on the anomalies, do you know how dangerous that could be? |
Aika kulkee samaa tahtia anomalian kummankin puolen. Brooke kuolee 97 minuutin päästä. | Time passes at the same rate on both sides of the anomaly, which means Brooke dies in 97 minutes. |
En halua odotella anomalian löytymistä. | Anomaly second. I don't like waiting to find the anomaly. |
Hän asentaa anomalian havaitsemisjärjestelmää. | We cleared out the anomaly detection system. She's setting it up someplace safe. |
Hän estää kotiinpääsymme anomalian kautta. | Hall. He wants to put us on an plane home, but we need to go back through the anomaly. |
Isoin edistys on anomalian aikalaskuri. | But the big leap is that anomaly timer. |
- Mitään anomaliaa ei ole. | We couldn't find an anomaly because there isn't one. |
Ei ole anomaliaa. | How? There's no anomaly. |
Herra Cross pyysi miehiänne vartioimaan anomaliaa. | Right, after which Mr. Cross asked you to have your men guard the anomaly. |
Ellet ole anomaliassa aikajanan muuttuessa, - et edes tiedä siitä. | Unless you're actually in an anomaly when the timeline changes, you don't even know about it. |
Et voi hakea sitä anomaliasta. | No, no, wait, you can't! That anomaly could close at any second! |
- Ette anomaliaan. | I can go wherever I please. Except back into the anomaly. |
Eversti lähettää joukot anomaliaan, koska tietää kauanko se on auki. | [Quietly] The colonel's mobilizing a ground force to enter the anomaly now that he knows how long he has until it closes. |
Laitoit tyhjän laatikon anomaliaan. | You put an empty box through the anomaly and kept the bird? |
Raporttinne mukaan herra Cross ryhmineen - raahasi otuksen metsän läpi anomaliaan. | As per your report, Mr. Cross and his team dragged the creature through the forest to the anomaly. |
- Mikroskooppinen anomalia. | Microscopic anomaly. |
- Mitä? Harvinainen anomalia, joka sai nimensä Bela Tykeniltä melthusialaiselta kapteenilta, joka kohtasi sen ensin. | A rare anomaly, named after Bela Tyken, who first encountered it. |
- Outo ilmastollinen anomalia. | Unusual climatic anomaly. |
Entä jos anomalia sulkeutuu? | And what if the anomaly closes while I'm gone? |
Enää tarvitaan anomalia tuon testaamiseksi. | So now all we need is an anomaly to test it on... |