Mitä ametistit tekevät? | Why do we need these amethysts? |
Ne ametistit varmasti liittyvät siihen. | I don't know what it's for, but those amethysts are definitely part of it. |
Sitten vastarinta tuhosi ametistit. Vain tämä jäi. | But then your friends in the Resistance destroyed the amethysts in the tunnels, except for this one. |
Ilman ametisteja emme saa signaalia kuvulle. | So we don't have enough amethysts, and we don't have a way to transmit a signal to the dome? |
Jos säveliä on kahdeksan, miksi ametisteja on vain seitsemän? | If there are eight notes, why did Christine only draw seven amethysts? |
Mihin tarvitsemme ametisteja? | So why do we need these amethysts? |
Nämä seitsemän saattavat merkitä ametisteja. | These seven geometric shapes on the schematic could be the amethysts that were in the tunnels. |
Tunneleissa on ametisteja, jotka on tuotava ylös. | There are amethysts in these tunnels that need to be brought to the surface. We've got some mining to do. |
Vaikeinta on ametistin jakaminen. | Neither of us do. The real trick'll be doing the calculations necessary to split the amethyst into seven pieces. |
Se vaatisi seitsemän ametistia ja munan. Jim tuhosi ne. | Of course, that requires seven amethysts and the egg, both of which Big Jim destroyed. |
Tässä on seitsemän ametistia. | There are seven amethysts here. |
Hän tiesi, että se oli ametisti, koska se oli morsiamen syntymäkivi. | And he said that he knew that it was an amethyst because that was his fiancée's birthstone. |
Kivesi on ametisti. | Your stone is the amethyst. |
Mahdollisesti ametisti. | Possibly amethyst? |
Olen Emma Duvall. Salasana on ametisti. | My name is Emma Duval, and the code word is, "amethyst." |
Oli minun ideani tuoda ametisti tänne. | It was my idea to bring the amethyst here. |