Aivoja syövät amebat ehkä sitten? | Brain-eating amoebas, on the other hand? |
Eikä F1-auton jousitukseen tarvita kumia suojaamaan kuskia - aina kun auto kulkee ameban yli. | Ana' what's more, F7 cars don '2' need rubber in their suspension bushes to protect the occupants from shattering every time the car goes over an amoeba. |
He löysivät ameban, joka voi imeä ihmisen aivot päästä. | They discovered an amoeba that can suck a man's brains out. |
-Voisit saman tien rakastaa amebaa. | well, that's the most pathetic thing of all. i might just as easily ask you to love an amoeba. |
Tuo paksu jakautuu kohta kuin ameba kahdeksi Kardashianiksi. | Darling, look at this fat one at the end. Very soon, she will split like an amoeba and become TWO Kardashians. |
Yksisoluinen ameba voi muuttua. | A single-celled amoeba can be mutated. |