- Meidän tehtävämme on havitella jokaista huumekauppiasta. | And it's our job to go after every single drug dealer. |
Ehkä vihaat minua siksi, että voit havitella vaimoani. Mieti nyt vähän. | Maybe it's easier to make me the villain, so you have a reason to hate me and an excuse to go after my wife. |
Sitä neukut saattavat havitella. | I think it's a real weak spot-- something the Soviets might try to go after. |
Mitä yhtiöitä havittelen? | - Good. Then which of those five companies should I go after? |
Kun Snart havittelee jotain, hän ei hevillä luovuta. | Snart's been deterred before, but once he goes after something, he doesn't stop until he gets it, ever. |
Mason havittelee äitiään muistuttavia naisia. | Instead he goes after women that remind him of his mother. |
- Kelloa he havittelivat. | That's what they saw when they went after him - a good watch. |
Olen tuntenut sinut viisi vuotta, ja jokainen nainen - pitäisi sanoa tyttö - jota olet havitellut, on ollut aivan eri luokkaa kuin sinä. | In the five years I've known you, every woman - I should say girl - you've gone after has been completely out of your league. |