Preposition etymology


English word preposition comes from Latin pono (I ordain. I place, put, lay. I set up, pitch (camp).), Latin positio, Icelandic for-, Latin prae (Because of. Before. In front of Before. In front.), Icelandic setning ((colloquial) a sentence. (grammar) a clause.)

Etymology of preposition

Detailed word origin of preposition

Dictionary entry Language Definition
pono Latin (lat) I ordain. I place, put, lay. I set up, pitch (camp).
positio Latin (lat) Attitude. Framing. Lie (of land). Planting (of crops). Position, place. Theme.
for- Icelandic (isl) (emphatic) extremely. Negative meaning. Previous, before, first, pre-.
prae Latin (lat) Because of. Before. In front of Before. In front.
setning Icelandic (isl) (colloquial) a sentence. (grammar) a clause.
prae- Latin (lat) Before; in front. In charge.
praepono Latin (lat) I place in command, in front of or before.
praepositus Latin (lat) (Medieval) A provost.. (Medieval) A reeve.. A chief, a head.. A prefect.. A president.. An overseer.. One placed in command: a commander, a leader, particularly:.
praepositionem Latin (lat)
preposition English (en) (grammar, strict sense) Any of a class of non-inflecting words typically employed to connect a following noun or a pronoun, in an adjectival or adverbial sense, with some other word: a particle used with a noun or pronoun (in English always in the objective case) to make a phrase limiting some other word.. (obsolete) A proposition; an exposition; a discourse.

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