Currency etymology


English word currency comes from Latin crescendum, Proto-Indo-European *kers-, and later Proto-Italic *korzō (To run.)

Etymology of currency

Detailed word origin of currency

Dictionary entry Language Definition
crescendum Latin (lat)
*kers- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*kor- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
sincerus Latin (lat) Clean, pure, sound.. Genuine, sincere.. Real, natural.. Uninjured, whole.
currendus Latin (lat)
*ḱers- Proto-Indo-European (ine) to run
*korzō Proto-Italic (itc-pro) To run.
currentis Latin (lat)
currentia Malayalam (mal)
currency English (en) (more, _, specifically) Paper money.. (obsolete) Current value; general estimation; the rate at which anything is generally valued.. (obsolete) fluency; readiness of utterance. Money or other items used to facilitate transactions.. The state of being current; general acceptance or recognition.

Words with the same origin as currency