Course etymology


English word course comes from Latin crescendum, Proto-Indo-European *kers-, and later Proto-Italic *korzō (To run.)

Etymology of course

Detailed word origin of course

Dictionary entry Language Definition
crescendum Latin (lat)
*kers- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
*kor- Proto-Indo-European (ine)
sincerus Latin (lat) Clean, pure, sound.. Genuine, sincere.. Real, natural.. Uninjured, whole.
curro Latin (lat) (intransitive) I hurry, hasten, speed. (intransitive) I move, travel, proceed. (intransitive) I run. (transitive, of a race, journey, with accusative) I run. (transitive, with accusative) I travel through, traverse, run.
*ḱers- Proto-Indo-European (ine) to run
*korzō Proto-Italic (itc-pro) To run.
cursus Latin (lat) (figuratively) Course, progress, direction, development, succession, passage; career.. Course, way, passage, journey; tendency.. Journey, march, voyage, passage.. The act of running; race.
cours Old French (fro) Route; course; way.
course English (en) (especially in, _, medicine) A treatment plan.. (golf) A golf course.. (in the plural, courses, obsolete, euphemistic) Menses.. (masonry) A row of bricks or blocks.. (music) A pair of strings played together in some musical instruments, like the vihuela.. (music) A string on a lute.. (nautical) The direction of movement of a vessel at any given moment.. (nautical) The lowest square sail in a [...]

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