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Entrometerse (to meddle) conjugation

15 examples

Conjugation of entrometerse

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
me entrometo
I meddle
te entrometes
you meddle
se entromete
he/she/it meddles
nos entrometemos
we meddle
os entrometéis
you all meddle
se entrometen
they meddle
Present perfect tense
he entrometido
I have meddled
has entrometido
you have meddled
ha entrometido
he/she/it has meddled
hemos entrometido
we have meddled
habéis entrometido
you all have meddled
han entrometido
they have meddled
Past preterite tense
me entrometí
I meddled
te entrometiste
you meddled
se entrometió
he/she/it meddled
nos entrometimos
we meddled
os entrometisteis
you all meddled
se entrometieron
they meddled
Future tense
me entrometeré
I will meddle
te entrometerás
you will meddle
se entrometerá
he/she/it will meddle
nos entrometeremos
we will meddle
os entrometeréis
you all will meddle
se entrometerán
they will meddle
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
me entrometería
I would meddle
te entrometerías
you would meddle
se entrometería
he/she/it would meddle
nos entrometeríamos
we would meddle
os entrometeríais
you all would meddle
se entrometerían
they would meddle
Past imperfect tense
me entrometía
I used to meddle
te entrometías
you used to meddle
se entrometía
he/she/it used to meddle
nos entrometíamos
we used to meddle
os entrometíais
you all used to meddle
se entrometían
they used to meddle
Past perfect tense
había entrometido
I had meddled
habías entrometido
you had meddled
había entrometido
he/she/it had meddled
habíamos entrometido
we had meddled
habíais entrometido
you all had meddled
habían entrometido
they had meddled
Future perfect tense
habré entrometido
I will have meddled
habrás entrometido
you will have meddled
habrá entrometido
he/she/it will have meddled
habremos entrometido
we will have meddled
habréis entrometido
you all will have meddled
habrán entrometido
they will have meddled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
me entrometa
(if/so that) I meddle
te entrometas
(if/so that) you meddle
se entrometa
(if/so that) he/she/it meddle
nos entrometamos
(if/so that) we meddle
os entrometáis
(if/so that) you all meddle
se entrometan
(if/so that) they meddle
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya entrometido
I have meddled
hayas entrometido
you have meddled
haya entrometido
he/she/it has meddled
hayamos entrometido
we have meddled
hayáis entrometido
you all have meddled
hayan entrometido
they have meddled
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
me entrometiera
(if/so that) I have meddled
te entrometieras
(if/so that) you have meddled
se entrometiera
(if/so that) he/she/it have meddled
nos entrometiéramos
(if/so that) we have meddled
os entrometierais
(if/so that) you all have meddled
se entrometieran
(if/so that) they have meddled
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
me entrometiese
(if/so that) I have meddled
te entrometieses
(if/so that) you have meddled
se entrometiese
(if/so that) he/she/it have meddled
nos entrometiésemos
(if/so that) we have meddled
os entrometieseis
(if/so that) you all have meddled
se entrometiesen
(if/so that) they have meddled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera entrometido
I had meddled
hubieras entrometido
you had meddled
hubiera entrometido
he/she/it had meddled
hubiéramos entrometido
we had meddled
hubierais entrometido
you all had meddled
hubieran entrometido
they had meddled
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese entrometido
I had meddled
hubieses entrometido
you had meddled
hubiese entrometido
he/she/it had meddled
hubiésemos entrometido
we had meddled
hubieseis entrometido
you all had meddled
hubiesen entrometido
they had meddled
Future subjunctive tense
me entrometiere
(if/so that) I will have meddled
te entrometieres
(if/so that) you will have meddled
se entrometiere
(if/so that) he/she/it will have meddled
nos entrometiéremos
(if/so that) we will have meddled
os entrometiereis
(if/so that) you all will have meddled
se entrometieren
(if/so that) they will have meddled
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere entrometido
I will have meddled
hubieres entrometido
you will have meddled
hubiere entrometido
he/she/it will have meddled
hubiéremos entrometido
we will have meddled
hubiereis entrometido
you all will have meddled
hubieren entrometido
they will have meddled
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's meddle!
Imperative negative mood
no te entrometas
do not meddle!
no se entrometa
let him/her/it meddle!
no nos entrometamos
let us not meddle!
no os entrometáis
do not meddle!
no se entrometan
do not meddle!

Examples of entrometerse

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
, una cosa es contactar con los muertos, y otra es entrometerse y usted está se entrometiendo.Listen, it is one thing to contact the dead, it is another to meddle, and you are meddling.
- No hay nadie que pueda entrometerse.There is no-one to meddle.
Ahora América empezará a entrometerse e interferir.Now America will start to meddle and interfere.
Bien, alguien tenía que entrometerse, porque el Día de las Fotos estaba llamando.Well somebody had to meddle in it, because Picture Day was phoning' it in.
De nuevo, Miss Lane, ha causado un inenarrable sufrimiento con su manía de entrometerse.Once again, Miss Lane, you have caused untold distress with your mission to meddle.
Cada vez que te has entrometido en sus planes, o desviado sus ambiciones.All the times you've meddled in his plans...
Cuando se vuelve un lugar familiar para nosotros, termina probablemente tan malo como todas las partes donde nos hemos entrometido.As it becomes a familiar place for us, it'll probably end up as bad as everywhere else we've meddled.
No debería haberme entrometido en la vida personal de Wendy.I shouldn't have meddled in Wendy's personal life.
No me tendría que haber entrometido. Yo...l shouldn't have meddled.
No, ya te has entrometido lo suficiente.No. You've meddled enough.
Delincuentes profesionales entrometiéndose en el área política.Professional criminals meddling in the political area.
Disculpe, señor, pero no necesitamos a estos chicos entrometiéndose en asuntos de seguridad.Excuse me, sir, but we don't need these kids meddling in security matters.
Esas grandes compañías no ganan nada entrometiéndose en los asuntos de una pobre mujer ignorante.Them big companies got no business meddling in the affairs of poor ignorant women.
Este es nuestro legado, y él está entrometiéndose en él.This is our legacy, and he's meddling with it.
Hace varios años captó mi atención que alguien estaba entrometiéndose en mi negocio.Several years ago, it came to my attention that somebody was meddling in my business.

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