Despertarse is a Spanish reflexive verb meaning "to wake up", which is irregular in the preterite tense, conjugating as "me desperté", "te despertaste", etc. It fits into Spanish sentences just like any other reflexive verb, with the pronoun preceding the conjugated form, such as "Ella se despertó" (She woke up).
Example in Spanish | Translation in English |
! No podemos empezar a entender las fuerzas que intervienen aquí.
We cannot begin to understand the forces at work here. |
Example in Spanish | Translation in English |
! - ¡No te muevas! - ¡No
entiendo que está pasando! |
- I don't understand what's happening. |
Example in Spanish | Translation in English |
"Cuando trabajaba en mi árbol
genealógico, entendí la extraña comunión del destino... que me une a mis
antepasados. |
"As I was working on my family tree, I understood the strange communion of destiny that linked me to my ancestors. |
Example in Spanish | Translation in English |
"Yo lo entenderé, siempre" |
I will understand, always |
Example in Spanish | Translation in English |
*creo que entendería * *
cómo se siente amar a una chica * * juro que seré un mejor hombre * * la
escucharía * * porque sé cómo duele * *cuando pierdes a alguien que querías * *
porque lo diste por sentado * |
♪ if I were a boy ♪ I think I would understand ♪ ♪ how it feels to love a girl ♪ |
Example in Spanish | Translation in English |
"Acaba de cometer un
genocidio, pero debo hacer que este personaje sea querido y que la gente
entienda por qué hizo lo que hizo". |
"I committed genocide, but I have to make this character relatable and in a weird way have people understand where he was coming from at that point." |
Example in Spanish | Translation in English |
Imaginaos, si podéis,
estar en el reino de la fantasía y ciencia ficción, y ahora, por favor, entended
que he usado este género para enmascarar la profunda relevancia social... una
profunda y erótica expedición por el amor interplanetario, |
Imagine, if you will, in the sci-fi/fantasy realm... and now please understand that I use the genre to mask its profound social relevance... a deeply erotic exploration of interplanetary love, a multi-galactic Romeo and Juliet probing, if you will... |