Desembarcar (to disembark) conjugation

66 examples

Conjugation of desembarcar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I disembark
you disembark
he/she/it disembarks
we disembark
you all disembark
they disembark
Present perfect tense
he desembarcado
I have disembarked
has desembarcado
you have disembarked
ha desembarcado
he/she/it has disembarked
hemos desembarcado
we have disembarked
habéis desembarcado
you all have disembarked
han desembarcado
they have disembarked
Past preterite tense
I disembarked
you disembarked
he/she/it disembarked
we disembarked
you all disembarked
they disembarked
Future tense
I will disembark
you will disembark
he/she/it will disembark
we will disembark
you all will disembark
they will disembark
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would disembark
you would disembark
he/she/it would disembark
we would disembark
you all would disembark
they would disembark
Past imperfect tense
I used to disembark
you used to disembark
he/she/it used to disembark
we used to disembark
you all used to disembark
they used to disembark
Past perfect tense
había desembarcado
I had disembarked
habías desembarcado
you had disembarked
había desembarcado
he/she/it had disembarked
habíamos desembarcado
we had disembarked
habíais desembarcado
you all had disembarked
habían desembarcado
they had disembarked
Future perfect tense
habré desembarcado
I will have disembarked
habrás desembarcado
you will have disembarked
habrá desembarcado
he/she/it will have disembarked
habremos desembarcado
we will have disembarked
habréis desembarcado
you all will have disembarked
habrán desembarcado
they will have disembarked
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I disembark
(if/so that) you disembark
(if/so that) he/she/it disembark
(if/so that) we disembark
(if/so that) you all disembark
(if/so that) they disembark
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya desembarcado
I have disembarked
hayas desembarcado
you have disembarked
haya desembarcado
he/she/it has disembarked
hayamos desembarcado
we have disembarked
hayáis desembarcado
you all have disembarked
hayan desembarcado
they have disembarked
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have disembarked
(if/so that) you have disembarked
(if/so that) he/she/it have disembarked
(if/so that) we have disembarked
(if/so that) you all have disembarked
(if/so that) they have disembarked
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have disembarked
(if/so that) you have disembarked
(if/so that) he/she/it have disembarked
(if/so that) we have disembarked
(if/so that) you all have disembarked
(if/so that) they have disembarked
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera desembarcado
I had disembarked
hubieras desembarcado
you had disembarked
hubiera desembarcado
he/she/it had disembarked
hubiéramos desembarcado
we had disembarked
hubierais desembarcado
you all had disembarked
hubieran desembarcado
they had disembarked
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese desembarcado
I had disembarked
hubieses desembarcado
you had disembarked
hubiese desembarcado
he/she/it had disembarked
hubiésemos desembarcado
we had disembarked
hubieseis desembarcado
you all had disembarked
hubiesen desembarcado
they had disembarked
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have disembarked
(if/so that) you will have disembarked
(if/so that) he/she/it will have disembarked
(if/so that) we will have disembarked
(if/so that) you all will have disembarked
(if/so that) they will have disembarked
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere desembarcado
I will have disembarked
hubieres desembarcado
you will have disembarked
hubiere desembarcado
he/she/it will have disembarked
hubiéremos desembarcado
we will have disembarked
hubiereis desembarcado
you all will have disembarked
hubieren desembarcado
they will have disembarked
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's disembark!
Imperative negative mood
no desembarques
do not disembark!
no desembarque
let him/her/it disembark!
no desembarquemos
let us not disembark!
no desembarquéis
do not disembark!
no desembarquen
do not disembark!

Examples of desembarcar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"y desembarcar a sus pasajeros en el puerto de Haifa"."...and to disembark its passengers at the port of Haifa." That is all.
- Es hora de desembarcar.- Time to disembark.
- Están a punto de desembarcar.- They're about to disembark.
- Permiso para desembarcar, señor.- Permission to disembark, sir.
-... estan listos y esperando para desembarcar.- ..are briefed and ready to disembark. - Send them through.
Aquel primer desembarco fue seguido por muchos otros.That first disembark was followed by many others.
Después del desembarco en el muelle.After disembarkation at the dock.
El desembarco no autorizado del tren ligero dará como resultado la eliminación inmediata.Unauthorized disembarkment of light rail will result in immediate deresolution.
Es el truco mas viejo del libro, retrasar el desembarco de los VIP.It's the oldest trick in the book, delaying the VIP disembark.
Las chicas no estaban en el barco cuando atracó y Aduanas no tiene registro del desembarco en Singapur.The girls weren't on the ship when it docked and Customs has no record of disembarkation in Singapore.
"Efisio, ¿por qué desembarcas?""Efisio, why disembark?"
Entonces, después de un almuerzo ligero de waffles con salsa desembarcas, le dices al público tus más íntimos secretos Y vomitas un pollo frito entero.Then, after a light lunch of waffles and gravy you disembark, tell a studio audience your innermost secrets and snarf down a whole fried chicken.
Tú desembarcas así...You disembark like this...
Los molestaré unos instantes mientras la escolta desembarca del avión.I'm going to inconvenience you for a few moments while the escort disembarks the plane.
Si Richards aparece con una buena historia, tu hermano desembarca.If Richards turns up with a good story, your brother disembarks.
"Después de navegar alrededor de las islas durante dos días, finalmente desembarcamos y encontramos una raza amable viviendo allí.""After sailing around the islands for two days, "we finally disembarked "and found a gentle race in residence.
'Como desembarcamos a pocos kilómetros de distancia en un embarcadero propio,'As we disembarked a few miles away on a proper landing jetty,
A las tres, mi novia y yo recién desembarcamos en Punta Gorda de nuestro avión que iba retrasado porque el piloto debía fumigar unos cultivos.At 3:00, my girlfriend and I had just disembarked in Punta Gorda from our plane that was late because the pilot had to dust some crops.
Al igual que muchas familias de emigrantes, nuestro nombre original fue americanizado cuando desembarcamos en la Isla Ellis del viejo continente.Like many émigré families, our original name was Americanized... when we disembarked at Ellis Island from the old country.
Entiendo que todos quieren tener sexo pero desembarcamos por orden de antigüedad.I understand everyone wants to get laid, but we disembark by seniority.
Aquí, cuando desembarcan del avión el año en que murió.Here disembarking from the plane in the year of her death.
Atacan a los cansados persas mientras desembarcan con las piernas trémulas después de un mes en el mar.They attack the weary Persians as they disembark... their ships on shaky legs after a month at sea.
El lugarteniente Melin y otros oficiales regresan de Alemania y desembarcan en Vaasa el 25 de Febrero.Senior lieutenant Melin and other jaegers return from Germany, and disembark in Vaasa on February 25.
En el puerto, las autoridades británicas... controlan a los pasajeros europeos que desembarcan del Great Eastern... la inmensa nave conocida como "La Isla Flotante".While at theport, the British authorities... maintain a close check on European passengers... disembarking from the Great Eastern... the huge steamship also known as the "Floating City. "
Es un crucero de lujo con una lista de pasajeros muy exclusiva, la mayoría de los cuales desembarcan comprometidos.It is a luxury liner with a very exclusive passenger list, most of whom disembark engaged.
...el vicepresidente desembarcó en Fuerza Terrestre Uno.- the vice president disembarked Earthforce One.
Colin desembarcó en la calurosa y bulliciosa Argelia en 1931.Colin disembarked into the heat and bustle of Algiers in 1931.
Con las tropas de D. Pedro desembarcó Almeida Garrett, Y así cantaba el Poeta:Almeida Garrett, a poet and a liberal from Oporto, disembarked with King Don Pedro's troops.
El resto de la tripulación desembarcó antes de que nos pusiéramos en marcha.The rest of the crew has disembarked prior to our getting underway.
El vuelo de Nueva York desembarcó hace rato.The passengers from New York disembarked long ago.
"A medida que desembarcaron unas pocas millas de distancia en un embarcadero propio,'As we disembarked a few miles away on a proper landing jetty,
72 pasajeros desembarcaron del Mothak'cha.72 passengers disembarked Mothak'cha.
B-B-Británicas y C-C-Canadienses... desembarcaron en una pequeña playa al norte de la F-F...British and Canadian troops disembarked on a small beach in the North of F-F.
Buscamos Galos que desembarcaron ilegalmente.We're looking for Gauls who disembarked illegally.
Cuando las tropas procedentes de Noruega desembarcaron, un enojado parlamento se reunió para debatior sobre el desastre.As the troops disembarked, an angry parliament was assembling to debate the disaster.
Damas y caballeros, nosotros ahora entramos al puerto de Portsmouth y desembarcaremos en 40 minutos,Ladies and gentlemen, we're now entering the port of Portsmouth and will disembark in 40 minutes,
Abordaron el Aldan y desembarcarán en Dalian pasado mañana.They boarded the Aldan and will disembark at Dalian day after tomorrow.
Damas y caballeros, los autos desembarcarán...Ladies and gentlemen, cars will disembark...
Los pasajeros desembarcarán por la aduana 7.Passengers will disembark through Customs Area 7.
Nos dirigimos a la base estelar 440, donde los ulianos desembarcarán y regresarán a su planeta.We have set a course for Starbase 440, where the Ullians will disembark and return home.
Todos los Dalek desembarcarán!All Daleks will disembark!
"En el otro lado, estaba decidido para hacer un mejor trabajo de desembarque "Que Jeremy tenía.'On the other side, I was determined to make a better job of disembarking 'than Jeremy had.'
"Eso sí, todavía quedaba el pequeño detalle de desembarque. ''Mind you, there was still the small matter of disembarking.'
"Eso sí, todavía quedaba la pequeña cuestión de desembarque.'Mind you, there was still the small matter of disembarking.'
'Por otro lado, yo estaba decidido a hacer un mejor trabajo de desembarque "Que Jeremy tenía. ''On the other side, I was determined to make a better job of disembarking 'than Jeremy had.'
- Prepárense para el desembarque.-Prepare for disembarkation.
Oh, y adoran los aires de superioridad en Nebraska, también, Así que golpéalos con eso tan pronto como desembarques.Oh, and they love condescension in Nebraska, too, so hit them with that as soon as you disembark.
Los discos oculares deben activarse tan pronto como desembarquemos.Eye drives need to be activated as soon as we disembark.
Un Rolls con su chófer nos esperarán en el muelle, cuando desembarquemos.A Rolls and a driver will wait on the quay as soon as we disembark.
Y aunque es casi seguro que destruirán estas páginas antes de que desembarquemos, eliminando cualquier constancia de sus actividades o de sus identidades... solo el hecho de plasmar mis pensamientos en papel me ha ayudado a ser yo misma otra vez.And though they will almost certainly destroy these pages before we disembark, eliminating any record of their activities or their identities... just the act of putting my thoughts to paper has helped me feel myself again.
Tenemos que pediros que desembarquéis.We're gonna have to ask you to disembark.
Ahora, necesitamos que ustedes desembarquen, tomen su equipaje, y se dirijan al otro bus de manera ordenada.Now, what I need from all of you is to disembark, grab your luggage, and head on over to the next bus in an orderly fashion.
Aqui aguardamos que desembarquen los americanos señor...!We expect the Americans to disembark here, Sir!
Bien, huérfanos, desembarquen.Okay, orphans, disembark.
Cuando ellos desembarquen, ¿las lanchas se alejarán, señor?Once the men have disembarked, will the launches lay off, sir?
En cuanto desembarquen, se van a reunir en un edificio de la ciudad.Once they've disembarked, they'll gather in a building in the city.
Cuando hayamos desembarcado en Keelung tendremos que hacer una exhibición de fuerza.Once disembarked at Keelung Port we must sweep the entire island with force.
El grupo de trabajo ha desembarcado.The task force has disembarked.
El objetivo ha desembarcado.Target has disembarked.
En los últimos diez años, ningún capitán Homer Jackson ha abordado un barco desde América ni ha desembarcado de alguno aquí.In the last ten years, no Captain Homer Jackson has boarded a ship from America nor disembarked one here.
Entraron en el puerto de La Spezia al amparo de la oscuridad y han desembarcado, entrando en tierra firme.They put into the port of La Spezia under cover of darkness and have disembarked, made their way inland.
Estamos desembarcando ahora.We are disembarking now.
Estoy desembarcando de un barco que se hunde.I'm disembarking a sinking ship.
Pasajeros de la nave Za'Fal desembarcando por aduana."Passengers on Minbari liner" Za'Fal "are" now disembarking through customs.
Soldados desembarcando tanques, excepto los ponemos cerca de las fronteras en disputa.Soldiers disembarking tanks, except we put them near the disputed boundaries.
Tropas desembarcando.Troops disembarking.

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