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Buscar (to seek) conjugation

125 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: to look for, to search for

Conjugation of buscar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I seek
you seek
he/she/it seeks
we seek
you all seek
they seek
Present perfect tense
he buscado
I have sought
has buscado
you have sought
ha buscado
he/she/it has sought
hemos buscado
we have sought
habéis buscado
you all have sought
han buscado
they have sought
Past preterite tense
I sought
you sought
he/she/it sought
we sought
you all sought
they sought
Future tense
I will seek
you will seek
he/she/it will seek
we will seek
you all will seek
they will seek
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would seek
you would seek
he/she/it would seek
we would seek
you all would seek
they would seek
Past imperfect tense
I used to seek
you used to seek
he/she/it used to seek
we used to seek
you all used to seek
they used to seek
Past perfect tense
había buscado
I had sought
habías buscado
you had sought
había buscado
he/she/it had sought
habíamos buscado
we had sought
habíais buscado
you all had sought
habían buscado
they had sought
Future perfect tense
habré buscado
I will have sought
habrás buscado
you will have sought
habrá buscado
he/she/it will have sought
habremos buscado
we will have sought
habréis buscado
you all will have sought
habrán buscado
they will have sought
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I seek
(if/so that) you seek
(if/so that) he/she/it seek
(if/so that) we seek
(if/so that) you all seek
(if/so that) they seek
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya buscado
I have sought
hayas buscado
you have sought
haya buscado
he/she/it has sought
hayamos buscado
we have sought
hayáis buscado
you all have sought
hayan buscado
they have sought
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have sought
(if/so that) you have sought
(if/so that) he/she/it have sought
(if/so that) we have sought
(if/so that) you all have sought
(if/so that) they have sought
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have sought
(if/so that) you have sought
(if/so that) he/she/it have sought
(if/so that) we have sought
(if/so that) you all have sought
(if/so that) they have sought
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera buscado
I had sought
hubieras buscado
you had sought
hubiera buscado
he/she/it had sought
hubiéramos buscado
we had sought
hubierais buscado
you all had sought
hubieran buscado
they had sought
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese buscado
I had sought
hubieses buscado
you had sought
hubiese buscado
he/she/it had sought
hubiésemos buscado
we had sought
hubieseis buscado
you all had sought
hubiesen buscado
they had sought
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have sought
(if/so that) you will have sought
(if/so that) he/she/it will have sought
(if/so that) we will have sought
(if/so that) you all will have sought
(if/so that) they will have sought
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere buscado
I will have sought
hubieres buscado
you will have sought
hubiere buscado
he/she/it will have sought
hubiéremos buscado
we will have sought
hubiereis buscado
you all will have sought
hubieren buscado
they will have sought
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's seek!
Imperative negative mood
no busques
do not seek!
no busque
let him/her/it seek!
no busquemos
let us not seek!
no busquéis
do not seek!
no busquen
do not seek!

Examples of buscar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
"Con semillas sacadas De una vaina mágica los monjes hicieron un sendero para buscar a su dios."With seeds they pulled from a magical pod the monks grew a pathway to seek out their God.
"Debemos luchar, buscar, encontar, Y no ceder. ""To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. "
"En la mitad de nuestra vida, empezamos a buscar un hogar propio."Midway upon the journey of our life we start to seek a home of our own."
"Están aquí para buscar una carretera construida por un antiguo dictador.""You are here to seek out a road "built by a former dictator.
"Has, como muchos antes que tú, viajado muy lejos para buscar tu aprobación.""You have, like so many before you, travelled far to seek our approval."
"Al pretender vivir, encuentro que busco morir, y, buscando muerte, encuentro vida."To sue to live, I fiind I seek to die. And seeking death, fiind life.
"Buscad mi rostro." Por lo tanto Oh Señor, tu rostro, que busco."Seek ye my face." Therefore I seek, O Lord, thy face.
"Cuanto menos busco mis orígenes para algún definitivo..."The less I seek my source for some definitive..."
"Eres la única que busco, la única que conozco""You are the only one I seek, the only one I know"
"Espíritu Santo, en la dificultad, yo te busco y te llamo.""Holy Ghost, in times of trouble I seek you and call you.
" Qué buscas, poeta, en el ocaso?""What you seek, poet, in the sunset?"
""cuanto más duele, más lo buscas"""the more it hurts," the more you seek
"El Libro que buscas está escondido en un lugar seguro"The book you seek is hidden in a safe place
"En el reino de Nápoles, en un lugar llamado Otranto, es dónde encontrarás lo que buscas".'In the Kingdom of Naples, a place called Otranto is where you will find what you seek.'
"Encontrarás la combinación que buscas si descifras el secreto de la tumba del Faraón"."You will find the combination you seek "if you figure out the secret at the heart of Pharaoh's tomb. "
"... busca joven mujer como ama de llaves. ""...seeks young woman as housekeeper."
"15 años busca hogar limpia, hermosa, buena estudiante""15-year-old seeks home- Neat, pretty, good student."
"Bailarina ex stripper de 35 años busca trabajo..." No."35-year-old ex go-go dancer seeks job..." No.
"Bueno es el Señor con quienes le esperan, para el alma que le busca."The Lord is good to those who wait for him, "to the soul that seeks him.
"Bufete busca secretaria bilingüe, dinámica, que sepa expresarse y escribir correctamente."Law firm seeks dynamic, bilingual secretary for long-term contract. "Good spoken, written language skills...
"Hoy buscamos bIessings de Gauri Maa" "Que Reveis en Iove de Shiva para siempre"Today we seek Gauri Maa's blessings, who revels in Shiva's love forever
"Lo buscamos aquí, lo buscamos allí esos franchutes lo buscan en todas partes ¿está en el cielo? , ¿está en el infierno?"We seek him here, we seek him there, those frenchies seek him everywhere, is he in heaven, is he in hell?
"Lo buscamos aquí, lo buscamos por ahí... esos franchutes los buscan por todas partes.''We seek him here, we seek him there. Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.
"No buscamos, no provocamos, no esperamos, ni alentamos...""We did not seek, nor did we provoke. We did not expect, nor did we invite"?
"Por la espada que buscamos la paz, pero la paz sólo en virtud de la libertad""By the sword we seek peace, but only under liberty."
"Si con todo el corazón de verdad me buscáis, sin duda me encontraréis. ""If with all your hearts ye truly seek me, ye shall ever surely find me. "
"¿Por qué buscáis entre los muertos al que vive?""Why seek ye the living among the dead, among the dead?"
- Si os proporciono lo que buscáis, me llevaréis con vos como esposa cuando regreséis al norte.- If I deliver what you seek, you'll take me with you as your wife when you return to the north.
-¿A cuál buscáis?-Which one do you seek?
Ahora, decidme lo que buscáis en mi mesa, porque tal vez os pueda ayudar.Now, tell me what you're seeking at my table, because maybe I can help.
" En las estrellas que ver el brillo que buscan""In you the star will see the sheen they seek."
" y buscan a sospechosos para interrogarlos,"and seeking suspects for questioning,
"A los 17, muchos buscan fortuna"At 17, many their fortunes seek
"Alemania y Polonia buscan un acuerdo laboral para facilitar la ampliación de la Unión Europea"."Germany and Poland seek labour deal to ease EU enlargement."
"Amigos de la ciencia y de la voluptuosidad, buscan el silencio y el horror de las tinieblas.""Friends of science and of delight" "They seek the silence and horror of darkness"
"En la playa, busqué refugio en el ostracismo""On the beach, I sought refuge in an ostracism
"Este dolor insorportable yo mismo me lo busqué"This unbearable pain I sought
"Quería oro y lo busqué;"I wanted the gold, and I sought it;
"Sin pedir, ahora he encontrado todas las respuestas que busqué""Unasked, I have now found all the answers I sought"
# A quien busqué, a quien hallé A quien perdí y a quien ganéWhat I sought for, what I found What I lost, what I won
- Y buscaste la ayuda de Chedi Singh.And you sought Chedi Singh's help.
Así que lo buscaste y lo pegaste hasta matarlo.So you sought him out and beat him to death.
Digo, me atrajiste, me buscaste ¿y luego me mientes?I mean, you lured me in, you sought me out and then you lie to me? What's that about?
Dijiste que no tomabas clientes nuevos, pero me buscaste.I mean, you said before that you weren't taking any new clients, but you sought me out, you were looking for me.
Díles por que me buscaste.Tell himwhy you sought me.
"Se sabe en la Casa Blanca, que luego de tener dos hijas Bartlet quería un hijo y buscó consejos en un libro:"It is well-known in the White House, after having two daughters Bartlet wanted a son and sought advice from the book:
"Torre Blanca" buscó perfeccionar y mejorar lo que se comenzó en "Torre Negra"White Tower sought to improve and perfect what Black Tower had introduced.
- Creo que buscó a un chino al azar y le mató para fortalecer su ridículo cuento.I think you sought out a random Chinese person and killed him to bolster your ridiculous story.
- Sr. Tarrant me buscó .- Mr. Tarrant sought me out.
- ¿Por qué la buscó a usted?You're lying. Why do you suppose he sought you out?
Manos de Severas... que jamás un beso dulce vos buscasteis.Hands of Fado singers Who never sought A sweet kiss from you
Sabeis que hubo un tiempo en cada una de vuestras vidas que buscasteis inspiración.You know, there was a time in each of your lives When you sought to be inspired.
"... que estés justificada en contra de aquellos que buscaron hacerte mal. ""Thou art justified against those that sought to do thee harm."
"Nos ayudaron cuando estábamos en aprietos sanaron nuestras heridas nos buscaron cuando perdidos nos enderezaron convirtiendo en luz nuestra oscuridad""They delivered us when bound and when bleeding "healed our wounds sought us wandering "set us right turned our darkness into light"
"Y buscaron refugio en la India"'And they sought refuge in India.'
Ahora, esta es la marca de una antigua secta secreta de coleccionistas que buscaron y explotaron a los anormales para su propia ganancia y aparentemente guardaban sus posesiones con ferocidad.Now, this is the mark of an ancient cabal of collectors who sought and exploited abnormals for their own personal gain and apparently guarded their possessions fiercely.
Alguien les informó que algunos chicos muyahidines de la India buscaron refugio aquí.Someone tipped them that some kids from the Indian Mujahiddin have sought refuge here.
"... Una cosa he demandado al Señor, ésta buscaré..."One thing have I desired of the Lord that I will seek after.
"Te buscaré en los cielos.""From the skies I will seek you"
Ahora me levantaré, recorreré la ciudad por las calles, por las plazas, buscaré a aquel que ama mi alma.I will rise now and go about the city... ..in the streets and the squares I will seek him who my soul love.
De lo contrario, buscaré Tú-Otherwise, I will seek you-
Junto a ti, buscaré otro mar.At Your side I will seek another sea...
Pero entre ellas buscarás a la que Keu golpeó.You will seek out the one slapped by Kay.
¿Cómo puedo permitirte volver a casa sabiendo que buscarás a nuestros trabajadores para castigarlos?How can I allow you to return home knowing you will seek to punish our employees?
"Sin descanso, mi corazón te buscará. ""In restlessness my heart will seek you."
A partir de este día, vuestro rey buscará la unión entre sajones y normandos.From this day forward, your king will seek a close union between Saxon and Norman.
Así que usted buscará una estancia?So you will seek a stay?
Dado su reciente fracaso, creéis que buscará consejo.Given his recent failure, you believe he will seek counsel.
El abogado opositor buscará explotar cualquier debilidad que perciba.Opposing counsel will seek to exploit any perceived weakness.
Como siempre, buscaremos comprender nuestro papel mediante la meditación.As always, we will seek to understand our role through meditation.
Entonces buscaremos justicia.Then we will seek justice.
Y nosotros te buscaremos.And we will seek.
Yo y Cherub buscaremos el oro de Avery.Me and Cherub will seek Avery's gold.
"Si los refrenamos, buscarán un suelo más rico."And if we stunt them, "they will seek a richer soil.
"buscarán otros destinos."they will seek a richer soil.
Aquellos que practican magia buscarán explotar la inexperiencia de Arthur.Those who practise magic will seek to exploit Arthur's inexperience.
Cuando el dinero se utiliza para regular y distribuir los recursos con fines de lucro y los pueblos y naciones dejados por sí mismos buscarán aprovecharse a toda costa.When money is used to regulate and distribute resources for profit and people and nations are out for themselves they will seek advantage at any cost.
Cuando su mundo haya sido destruido buscarán a todo aquel que haya tenido contacto con ustedes.They will seek out any who have had contact with you.
Antes de aventurar una opinión sobre la materia buscaría el consejo de una autoridad más experimentada.Before venturing an opinion on the matter, I would seek the advice of a more experienced authority.
Naturalmente buscaría una alianza con Atlantis a través de su hijo.Naturally he would seek to make an alliance with Atlantis through his son.
No me refiero a que él buscaría su firma en ninguna lista de detalles sino confirmando el hecho de que hablé con usted.I don't mean that he would seek your signature on any itemizing of particulars, merely to confirm the fact that I spoke to you.
Prometí a esta mujer que buscaría a su hija y cumpliré esa promesa.I promised this woman would seek out her daughter and I'll fulfill that promise.
Sabía que al menos uno de los secuaces de Moriarty buscaría mi muerte ahora aún con mayor determinación para vengar a su líder muerto, a menos que pudiera convencer al mundo de que yo también estaba muerto,I knew that at least one of Moriarty's henchmen would seek my demise now. With even keener determination to revenge their dead leader but if I could convince the world that I too was dead,
Si hubiera previsto su muerte y la terrible retribución que tú buscarías nunca hubiera concedido tu deseo.If I had foreseen her death, and the terrible retribution you would seek... ..I would never have granted your wish.
Y sé que hay personas en la galaxia que buscarían promover el miedo y dispersar el caos.And I know there are those individuals in the galaxy who would seek to promote fe and spread chaos.
"B", quiero que éste sea un viaje espiritual... donde cada uno busque lo desconocido y aprenda de ello. ¿Os parece?I want us to make this trip a spiritual journey, where each of us seek the unknown, and we learn about it. Can we agree to that? - Sure.
"Concédeme que no busque ser consolado, sino consolar, ser entendido, sino entender, ser amado, sino amar.Saint Francis of Assisi said, "Grant that I may not so much seek "to be consoled as to console, "to be understood as to understand,
"No hay nadie que ame el dolor en sí mismo, que lo busque, ...""There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks it"
"Para encontrar a Buda de Barro, primero busque el Mono de Fuego""To find Mud Buddha, first seek the Fire Monkey"
-No queremos que se busque publicidad.- We don't want any publicity seekers.
"Ni siempre con tus abatidos párpados busques por tu noble padre...Do not forever with thy veiled lids seek for thy noble father...
(JOSEFINA) Quizás sea cierto que sólo busques la gloria... pero no se Io tomamos a mal, ¿ verdad?Perhaps you seeks glory, my darling. But we won't be grudge by that, won't we?
- Pues no busques más.- Well, seek no more.
Aladino, nunca me ha desalentado que busques tu fortuna.Aladdin, I have never discouraged you from seeking your fortune.
Aunque busques venganza, no puedes devolver a la vida al Señor Jo.Even if you seek revenge, you can't revive Mr, Jo,
Busquemos, busquemos.Let's seek, let's seek,..
Digo que busquemos a la Princesa misteriosa incluso si ella no quiere ser encontrada.I say we shall seek out the mystery princess, even if she does not want to be found.
Digo que salgamos y busquemos un centro de evacuación.I say go out and seek an evacuation center.
Dios nos ha reunido para que extirpemos el mal. Para que busquemos a los adoradores del diablo, les purifiquemos el alma y encuentren piedad bajo el manto del Señor en la hoguera.God is calling on us who believe in His holy Word to stamp out that evil... to seek out the devil worshippers... and to purify their spirits so that they may find mercy at the seat of the Lord
Es hora de que busquemos nuestra felicidad.It's time for us to seek happiness for ourselves.
"No busquéis entre los muertos al que vive"."O seek not the living among the dead. "
...No la busquéis.... Do not seek.
Cualquier castigo que busquéis palidece en comparación con lo que me enfrentaré de vuelta en Inglaterra, cuando me llamen ante mi muy enfadada reina.Whatever punishment you seek might pale in comparison to what I face back in England, when I am called before my very angry queen.
Dicha ley os exige que busquéis vuestro propio bien,It commands you to seek your own good.
Entonces Ditialus dijo a la gente de los planos inferiores... no busquéis la debilidad en vuestros vecinos, hasta que os encontreis libres de ella en vuestra propia casa"Then did Tyolus say to the people of the low plains, seek not wickedness amongst your neighbors, lest it find purchase in your own house."
"No busquen otro refugio más que ustedes mismos."seek no other refuge but yourselves.
- "No busquen venganza."Don't seek vengeance.
- Quiere que se escondan y busquen.- Wants you to hide and seek.
...y en este mismo instante, abandonen sus vicios terrenales y busquen la palabra del Señor.... very moment, turn away from your worldly ways and seek the word of the Lord.
A partir de ahí, busquen y destruyan objetivos secundarios.From then on, seek and destroy secondary targets.
"No es así. Id al extranjero, buscad y machacad a mis enemigos."Not so, Go abroad, seek out my enemies And strike them down.
"Volved y buscad la felicidad en la tierra de los mortales""Return and seek happiness in the land of mortals"
Bueno, buscad y hallaréis.Well, seek and ye shall find.
Dejad que os proteja de verdad. Y buscad el mal donde está, en el castillo de la colina, donde el conde practica todo tipo de rituales maléficos. Y su maestro es el diablo.Then let Him be your protection, and seek out the evil you fear where it really is... in the castle on the hill, where the Karnsteins have practiced every evil known to man for centuries with their master, the devil.
Escribid a vuestro hermano, buscad su apoyo.Say you were to write to your brother, seeking his support.
"En vano he buscado tomar..." "de mis libros, un descanso de la pena,..." "pena por la perdida Lenore."Vainly I had sought to borrow from my books, surcease of sorrow, sorrow for the lost Lenore.
"Es muy buscado."It's highly sought after.
"Había buscado el amor en el hombre equivocado"."She had sought love from the wrong man."
"Old Boggy" ha buscado el lugar ideal para ocultarse.Old Boggy has sought out the ideal place to conceal himself.
"Súper plus, un buen, bien presentado combustible convenientemente situado en un surtidor en un rango de octanaje buscado, ideal para la gente profesional.""Super Plus, a fine, well-presented petrol, conveniently situated in a pump, "in an increasingly sought-after octane range, ideal for the professional person."
"... y buscando preservar y mantener la paz y dignidad de este estado..."... and seeking to preserve and maintain the peace and dignity of this state...
"A" por la amistad, que ella vino buscando, tú encontraste una adversaria."F for friendship, she came seeking, you found a foe.
"Al pretender vivir, encuentro que busco morir, y, buscando muerte, encuentro vida."To sue to live, I fiind I seek to die. And seeking death, fiind life.
"Cuando el espíritu inmundo ha salido del hombre, anda por lugares secos, buscando reposo, y no lo halla."When an evil spirit comes out of a man, it goes through arid places seeking rest. It does not find it.
"Desesperadamente buscando a Susan"."Desperately seeking Susan. "

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