¿Es posible que los extraterrestres se dieran cuenta de este accidente e hicieran algo para aminorar el impacto de este desastre, y en el fondo salvaran a la humanidad de lo que pudo haber sido un cataclismo mucho peor? | Is it possible that extraterrestrials became aware of this meltdown and they did something to lessen the impact of this disaster and ultimately save mankind from what could have been a much worse cataclysm? |
Suelta el acelerador, aminora, y aprienta el embriague. | Release the accelerator, lessens, aprienta and clutch. |
La madurez aminoraría la pena. | That maturity would lessen the pain. |
No es que aminore el dolor, pero oí que me dejó algunas golosinas. | Not that it lessens the grief, but I heard she left me some goodies. |
Quizá aminore su culpabilidad si digo... que lo hizo en defensa propia, y que John Straker... era un hombre que no merecía su confianza en absoluto. | And it may lessen his guilt if I say that it was done entirely in self-defense, and that John Straker was a man quite unworthy of your trust. |
Quitad las luces y aminorad la velocidad, les sacamos una hora. | You clear the lights and you lessen the speed, we removed one hour to them. |
Puede ayudar aminorando sus tareas. | You can help by lessening her duties. |