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Lay down (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: state authoritatively, institute, surrender, specify, enact, in order to prevent a more serious collision, yield, stock, draw, store, do, assert firmly, on a bed, place in a reclined, give up, establish, lie, give, lie down, sacrifice

Conjugation of lay down

you all
Present Simple
lay down
lay down
lays down
lay down
lay down
lay down
Future Simple
will lay down
will lay down
will lay down
will lay down
will lay down
will lay down
Past Simple
laid down
laid down
laid down
laid down
laid down
laid down
Conditional Simple
would lay down
would lay down
would lay down
would lay down
would lay down
would lay down
you all
Present Progressive
am laying down
are laying down
is laying down
are laying down
are laying down
are laying down
Future Progressive
will be laying down
will be laying down
will be laying down
will be laying down
will be laying down
will be laying down
Past Progressive
was laying down
were laying down
was laying down
were laying down
were laying down
were laying down
Conditional Progressive
would be laying down
would be laying down
would be laying down
would be laying down
would be laying down
would be laying down
you all
Present Perfect
have laid down
have laid down
has laid down
have laid down
have laid down
have laid down
Future Perfect
will have laid down
will have laid down
will have laid down
will have laid down
will have laid down
will have laid down
Past Perfect
had laid down
had laid down
had laid down
had laid down
had laid down
had laid down
Conditional Perfect
would have laid down
would have laid down
would have laid down
would have laid down
would have laid down
would have laid down
Present Perfect Progressive
have been laying down
have been laying down
has been laying down
have been laying down
have been laying down
have been laying down
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been laying down
will have been laying down
will have been laying down
will have been laying down
will have been laying down
will have been laying down
Past Perfect Progressive
had been laying down
had been laying down
had been laying down
had been laying down
had been laying down
had been laying down
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been laying down
would have been laying down
would have been laying down
would have been laying down
would have been laying down
would have been laying down

Examples of lay down

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
! I will lay down my life to save Your Highness!
"Accordingly, in agreement with the Imperial Duma we have thought it right to abdicate from the Russian throne and to lay down the supreme power.
"As you wrote in your letter dated the 28th of last month, meeting up would lay down a solid foundation to our friendship and is a cond/t/o s/ne qua non, as the quote says.
"Before night, "Dorothy, and Toto, and the lion lay down "upon the grass and fell asleep,
"Even if I have to lay down my life for it. "
! I will lay down my life to save Your Highness!
"Accordingly, in agreement with the Imperial Duma we have thought it right to abdicate from the Russian throne and to lay down the supreme power.
"As you wrote in your letter dated the 28th of last month, meeting up would lay down a solid foundation to our friendship and is a cond/t/o s/ne qua non, as the quote says.
"Before night, "Dorothy, and Toto, and the lion lay down "upon the grass and fell asleep,
"Even if I have to lay down my life for it. "
"Agostino Miciacio lays down the crown before our saint."
"Greater love has no man than this: that he lays down his life for his friend."
"The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."
"than he who lays down his life for his brother.
# And he lays down his head
"Agostino Miciacio lays down the crown before our saint."
"Greater love has no man than this: that he lays down his life for his friend."
"The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."
"than he who lays down his life for his brother.
# And he lays down his head
"Allow the child to set his own parameters "within the boundaries laid down by the parents."
"Fearing that Angkar knows it, " I laid down it on a bed of camp.
"Hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us."
"If we face the fact that we go alone... and that we belong to the world of reality... not only to men and women... then the dead poet that was Shakespeare's sister... will put on the body she so often laid down."
"This fearful worm would often feen on calves and lambs and sheep, "And swallow little babes alive when they laid down to sleep.
"I have never wanted to add to your burden, "but my only consolation, as I disappear from your life, "would be if you considered laying down your arms.
"I'm laying down a trail." How the hell was I supposed to know?
"Thank Christ for that" he said, laying down his rifle and going home, so helping to perpetuate the dangerous myth that soldiers don't like war.
(Barry) On the side Gags was laying down juice loans on the street for this Attaglia.
(Steve) But he was laying down on his back
"Allow the child to set his own parameters "within the boundaries laid down by the parents."
"Fearing that Angkar knows it, " I laid down it on a bed of camp.
"Hereby perceive we the love of God because he laid down his life for us."
"If we face the fact that we go alone... and that we belong to the world of reality... not only to men and women... then the dead poet that was Shakespeare's sister... will put on the body she so often laid down."
"This fearful worm would often feen on calves and lambs and sheep, "And swallow little babes alive when they laid down to sleep.
"I have never wanted to add to your burden, "but my only consolation, as I disappear from your life, "would be if you considered laying down your arms.
"I'm laying down a trail." How the hell was I supposed to know?
"Thank Christ for that" he said, laying down his rifle and going home, so helping to perpetuate the dangerous myth that soldiers don't like war.
(Barry) On the side Gags was laying down juice loans on the street for this Attaglia.
(Steve) But he was laying down on his back

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