# Ükskõik mis mul on, ma uhkeldan # | # Whatever I've got, I'm gonna flaunt # |
Mäletad, Max sina punastad sellega, mina uhkeldan sellega. | Remember, Max you flush it, I flaunt it. |
Mäletad, Max... ...sina punastad sellega, mina uhkeldan sellega. | Remember, Max... ...you flush it, I flaunt it. |
Paapua Uus-Guineas elab hõim ja kui sealne kütt uhkeldab oma eduga teiste külaelanike ees, siis ta tapetakse ning kurjad vaimud aetakse ära tema nahast tehtud trummiga. | There's a tribe in Papua New Guinea where when a hunter flaunts his success to the rest of the village they kill him and drive away evil spirits with a drum made of his skin. |
Nad uhkeldavad oma ihuga ja iga mees, saaks kõiketeadjaks, millal iganes ta sooviks. | They flaunt their flesh and any man may have knowledge of them whenever he so chooseth. |
Samal ajal, kui Charlotte andis truudusevannet... ja Samantha uhkeldas oma truudusetusega... tundsin mina end olevat kusagil vahepeal. | And while Charlotte embraced fidelity... and Samantha flaunted her infidelity... I found myself caught somewhere in between. |
Kui sul see on, uhkelda sellega! | When you got it, flaunt it! |
Rahulolematusega nad ei uhkelda. | They never flaunt their discontent. |
Kas teil uhkeldama seda nägu korralike, jumalakartlik kodanikke? | Do you have to flaunt it in the faces Of decent, god-fearing citizens? |
Miks peaks ta oma oskustega uhkeldama? | But why would she flaunt her special skills? |
Mulle meeldiks, kuid on mõned näod tahan uhkeldama uudised sisse Aga miks te kaks ei lähe? | I'd love to, but there are some faces I want to flaunt the news in. But why don't you two go? |
Pidid uhkeldama. | You had to flaunt it. |
- Ma ei taha sellega uhkeldada. | Ah, yes, I mean, I just haven't told many people because I don't want to flaunt it. |
Ja sa tood ta siia, et temaga minu ja Emily ees uhkeldada, lootuses midagi üles õhutada? | So what, you-- You bring him here to flaunt him in front of me and Emily, hoping to stir something up? |
Ma ei taha uhkeldada oma tugeva enesekindlusega, kui lähen temalt asju küsima. | You know,I... I don't want to flaunt my strong assertiveness by, you know,asking for stuff. |
Me jätsime ukse peal nägemist, et mitte armastusega uhkeldada. | We said goodbye at the door so as not to flaunt our new love. |