Nii sulatame need kaks elementi kokku ja need toodavadki hämmastavalt suurel hulgal energiat. | We then try to get the two elements to combine or fuse, which produces a staggering amount of energy. |
Nii sulatame need kaks elementi kokku... ja need toodavadki hämmastavalt suurel hulgal energiat. | We then try to get the two elements to combine or fuse, which would produce a staggering amount of energy. |
Tehnoloogia instituudi õpilased sulatasid auto | M.I.T. Students fused a car |
Jõudsin selle vaevalt käele panna, kui see mu naha ära sulatas. | Barely put it on my arm before it fused to my skin. |
Miski sulatas mikroskeemid ära. | Something fused the circuits. |
Äkki see oli mõeldud passiivseks, aga oli nii arenenud, et sulatas üles meie süsteemid. | Maybe it was intended to be passive,... ..but was so advanced that it fused our systems. |
Kivimikihid meie ja põhjavee vahel tuleb kokku sulatada | We have to fuse the substratum rock between here and the aquifer. |
Ma unustasin, et sul on võime sulatada metalli. | I forgot about your ability to fuse metal. |