"General Hospital", kus arstid ja õed pühendavad oma elu imele, milleks on inimene. | General Hospital: Where doctors and nurses dedicate their lives to that wonder which is a human being. |
"Haiguste kontrolli keskuse arstid reisivad Ganwari regiooni, kuna väidetavalt kogesid selle elanikud massilist teadvusekaotust." | "C. D. C. doctors travel to the Ganwar region "in response to claims that the inhabitants suffered a mass loss of consciousness. " |
"Kas arstid on mõelnud, et võib-olla on Brock mürgitatud?" | "Have the doctors thought maybe Brock got poisoned?" |
Seega ma arstisin tema hüvastijätu joogi ja rikkusin tema koera! | So I doctored his goodbye drink and I moralized the dog! |
"Ehk peaksin nüüd arsti juurde minema." | "Maybe I should see a doctor about it..." |
"Kui jään haigeks, ei lähe arsti juurde." | (singing: if I fall ill, I won't go to the doctors.) |
"Ma pean arsti juurde minema!" | "I've got to see a doctor!" |
Said arstida ühendust? | You get through to the doctor? |