Kan du fortælle os, hvordan du har gjort? | Could you tell us your secret? |
Vil du fortælle mig om ringen? | Do you want to tell me about the ring? |
Nu vil jeg fortælle dig dit livs hemmelighed. | I will tell you the secret that was kept from you. |
Jeg kunne ikke fortælle dig det. | I couldn't tell you. |
Du skal fortælle verden det hele! | I want you to tell the world everything! |
Om en uge sidder du og ryger en cigar og fortæller løgnehistorier til Katarina Hammerschmidt. | telling fat lies to Katrine Hammerschmidt. |
- Hvad for en fortæller du mig? | - Which one are you going to tell me? |
Du fortæller den anderledes. | You're telling it all different. |
Nu fortæller han os det. | He'll tell us now. |
Jeg fortæller dem om Kong og miss Darrow. | I'll make a speech and tell them about Kong, Darrow |
Mor fortalte det på hospitalet. | Mom told me everything in the hospital. |
Hun trængte til at tale og fortalte mig alt. | She told me everything. |
Porthos fortalte mig om din søn. | Porthos told me about your son. |
Jeg fortalte hende det i går. | I told her last night. |
Jeg var ude med nogle andre studerende på gåtur... og snart kom vi til en drage, der sad i en gammel bil... som fortalte os, at der var en magisk sø i skoven. | I was out with some other students on a walking trip... and pretty soon we came to a dragon sitting in an automobile... who told us there was a magic pool in the forest. |
Ring til Kincaid og fortæl dem det. | Call the Kincaids and tell them about it. |
Kom nu, fortæl mig sandheden. | Come on, tell me the truth. |
Gå ind og fortæl hende at du skal til kongressen. | Go in and tell her that you're going to the convention. |
Værsgo og fortæl hende det. Hvad tror du...? | Alright, go ahead and tell her. |
Værsgo og fortæl hende det. | Go ahead and tell her. |
Bøver er ikke fortællende vitser. | Boov do not do telling jokes. |
Hun var blevet fortalt, at du døde ved fødslen. | She had been told you died at birth. |
Pat Burke har fortalt mig det hele. | Pat Burke told me everything. |
Jeg har allerede fortalt, jeg var hjemme. | I already told him, I was home. |
Mor har lige fortalt det. | Mother just told me. |
Far, du har stadig ikke fortalt mig om Mutia-skråningen. | Father, you still haven't told me about the Mutier escarpment. |