How To Say 70 Body Parts in Spanish (With Examples)

Updated on: January 5, 2024
Body parts in Spanish

In this article, we invite you to learn more about the Spanish language as we introduce you to 70 body parts that may not be as well-known but are equally fascinating. From the crown of the head to the tips of the toes, join us, and let's go beyond the basics, enriching your Spanish vocabulary and providing a more comprehensive understanding of the human form.

Additionally, we'll provide example sentences to illustrate the usage of each term, enhancing your practical understanding of these words in context.

Get ready to uncover the language and anatomy, one body part at a time. ¡Vamos! 

How Do You Label Head and Face Body Parts in Spanish?

Let's look at some essential terms describing the human body in Spanish. Understanding these basics lays the groundwork for more nuanced communication in Spanish. Let's explore these terms as we deepen our grasp of the language.

  1. Cabeza: Head

Me duele la cabeza después de un largo día de trabajo

My head hurts after a long day at work.

  1. Ojos: Eyes

Sus ojos brillaban de felicidad al recibir la noticia.

Her eyes sparkled with joy upon receiving the news.

  1. Nariz: Nose

Siempre me gusta oler las flores con mi nariz.

I always enjoy smelling flowers with my nose.

  1. Boca: Mouth 

Saboreé el delicioso postre con cada bocado en mi boca.

I savored the delicious dessert with every bite in my mouth.

  1. Orejas: Ears

Sus orejas se sonrojaron cuando le hicieron un cumplido.

Her ears turned red when she received a compliment.

Now, let's explore the other parts of head and face: 

  1. Mejilla: Cheeks

Le di un beso en ambas mejillas como saludo.
I gave her a kiss on both cheeks as a greeting.

  1. Frente: Forehead

Sentí su mano cálida en mi frente, verificando la temperatura.
I felt her warm hand on my forehead, checking for a temperature.

  1. Cejas: Eyebrows

Arqueó las cejas en señal de sorpresa ante la noticia inesperada.
She raised her eyebrows in surprise at the unexpected news.

  1. Pestañas: Eyelashes

Sus pestañas largas enmarcaban sus ojos de manera encantadora.
Her long eyelashes framed her eyes in a charming way.

  1. Pómulos: Cheekbones

Sus pómulos resaltaban con elegancia en la fotografía.
Her cheekbones stood out elegantly in the photograph.

  1. Sienes: Temples

Aplicó una suave presión en las sienes para aliviar el dolor de cabeza.
She applied gentle pressure to her temples to relieve the headache.

  1. Barbilla: Chin

Apoyó la barbilla en la palma de la mano mientras pensaba.
He rested his chin in his palm while thinking.

  1. Mandíbula: Jaw

La tensión en la mandíbula revelaba su preocupación.
The tension in her jaw revealed her concern.

  1. Nuca: Nape

El sol acariciaba su nuca mientras caminaba por la playa.
The sun caressed her nape as she walked along the beach.

  1. Filtrum: Philtrum 

Noté un pequeño lunar justo encima de su filtrum
I noticed a small mole just above her philtrum.

  1. Sien: Temple (side of the forehead)  

Se llevó la mano a la sien al sentir un ligero mareo.
She brought her hand to her temple when feeling a slight dizziness.

  1. Labios: Lips 

Sus labios formaron una sonrisa al recibir la buena noticia.
Her lips formed a smile upon receiving the good news.

  1. Arco de Cupido: Cupid's Bow

El pintalabios resaltaba su hermoso arco de Cupido.
The lipstick emphasized her beautiful Cupid's bow.

  1. Surco nasolabial: Nasolabial Fold 

Las risas profundizaron el surco nasolabial a lo largo de los años.
Laughter deepened the nasolabial fold over the years.

  1. Hoyuelo en la barbilla: Chin Dimple 

Su hoyuelo en la barbilla apareció cuando sonrió tímidamente.
Her chin dimple appeared when she smiled shyly.

Upper Body Parts in Spanish

  1. Cuello: Neck

Llevaba un collar elegante alrededor de su cuello.
She wore an elegant necklace around her neck.

  1. Hombros: Shoulders

Sus hombros se relajaron después de un día agotador
Her shoulders relaxed after a tiring day.

  1. Brazos: Arms

Levantó los brazos en señal de victoria.
She raised her arms in a sign of victory.

  1. Codos: Elbows

Apoyó los codos en la mesa mientras escuchaba atentamente.
He rested his elbows on the table while listening attentively.

  1. Pecho: Chest

Su corazón latía fuerte en su pecho después de correr.
Her heart was beating fast in her chest after running.

  1. Cintura: Waist

Se puso un cinturón para resaltar su cintura delgada.
She wore a belt to highlight her slim waist.

  1. Costillas: Ribs

Sintió dolor en las costillas después de toser intensamente.
She felt pain in her ribs after coughing intensely.

  1. Caderas: Hips

Movió las caderas al ritmo de la música.
She moved her hips to the rhythm of the music.

  1. Cintura: Waist

Ajustó su vestido en la cintura para un mejor ajuste.
She adjusted her dress at the waist for a better fit.

  1. Muñecas: Wrists

Llevaba pulseras elegantes alrededor de las muñecas.
She wore stylish bracelets around her wrists.

  1. Palmas: Palms

Ella extendió las palmas para recibir el regalo.
She extended her palms to receive the gift.

  1. Dedos: Fingers

Contó con los dedos para asegurarse de no olvidar nada.
She counted on her fingers to make sure not to forget anything.

  1. Uñas: Fingernails

Se pintó las uñas con un esmalte brillante.
She painted her fingernails with a shiny polish.

  1. Falanges: Phalanges

Se lastimó las falanges al golpear accidentalmente la mesa.
She injured her phalanges by accidentally hitting the table.

  1. Muñones: Stumps

Llevaba mangas largas para cubrir los muñones de los brazos.
She wore long sleeves to cover the stumps of her arms.

  1. Antebrazos: Forearms

Se aplicó crema en los antebrazos para mantener la piel suave.
She applied lotion to her forearms to keep the skin soft.

  1. Clavícula: Collarbone

El vestido sin tirantes revelaba elegantemente su clavícula.
The strapless dress elegantly revealed her collarbone.

Torso and Back Body Parts in Spanish

Reiterating common spanish core terms (Espalda, estómago, abdomen): 

  1. Espalda: Back

Se relajó apoyándose en la silla, estirando la espalda.
She relaxed by leaning back in the chair and stretching her back.

  1. Abdomen: Abdomen

Notó un nudo en el abdomen cuando recibió la noticia impactante.
She felt a knot in her abdomen when she received the shocking news.

  1. Estómago: Stomach

Después de una comida abundante, su estómago estaba lleno y satisfecho.
After a hearty meal, her stomach was full and satisfied.

  1. Caja torácica: Ribcage

La caja torácica protege los órganos internos, como el corazón y los pulmones.
The ribcage protects internal organs, such as the heart and lungs.

  1. Axilas: Armpits

Aplicó desodorante en las axilas después de hacer ejercicio.
She applied deodorant to her armpits after exercising.

  1. Lumbar: Lower back

Sentía tensión en la región lumbar después de trabajar todo el día sentado.
He felt tension in his lower back after sitting down and working all day.

  1. Omóplatos: Shoulder blades

Sus omóplatos se movieron con gracia al bailar.
Her shoulder blades moved gracefully while dancing.

  1. Pecho superior: Upper chest

El vestido dejaba al descubierto su pecho superior, creando un aspecto elegante.
The dress exposed her upper chest, creating an elegant look.

  1. Espina dorsal: Spinal cord

La espina dorsal es esencial para la comunicación entre el cuerpo y el cerebro.
The spinal cord is essential for communication between the body and the brain.

  1. Cintura alta: High waist

Los pantalones de cintura alta realzaban su figura y alargaban las piernas.
High-waisted pants accentuated her figure and elongated her legs.

  1. Lumbares: Lumbar region

Se aplicó calor en la región lumbar para aliviar el dolor.
She applied heat to the lumbar region to relieve pain.

  1. Vientre bajo: Lower abdomen

Realizó ejercicios para fortalecer los músculos del vientre bajo.
She did exercises to strengthen the muscles of the lower abdomen.

  1. Espalda baja: Lower back

Masajeó su espalda baja para aliviar la tensión muscular.
She massaged her lower back to relieve muscle tension.

Lower Body Parts in Spanish

  1. Piernas: Legs

Caminó durante horas, sintiendo cansancio en las piernas al final del día.
She walked for hours, feeling tiredness in her legs by the end of the day.

  1. Rodillas: Knees

Se arrodilló frente a la audiencia como gesto de humildad y respeto.
He kneeled in front of the audience as a gesture of humility and respect.

  1. Pies: Feet

Sumergió los pies en el agua fría para aliviar la hinchazón.
She soaked her feet in cold water to relieve the swelling.

  1. Muslos: Thighs

Realizó ejercicios para tonificar los músculos de los muslos.
She did exercises to tone the muscles of her thighs.

  1. Pantorrillas: Calves

Se estiró para aliviar la tensión en las pantorrillas después de correr.
She stretched to relieve tension in her calves after running.

  1. Tobillos: Ankles

Se torció el tobillo al tropezar con una piedra en el camino.
She twisted her ankle after tripping on a stone on the path.

  1. Talones: Heels

Llevaba zapatos altos que resaltaban sus elegantes talones.
She wore high heels that accentuated her elegant heels.

  1. Plantas de los pies: Soles of the feet

Sintió la arena cálida bajo las plantas de los pies mientras caminaba por la playa.
She felt the warm sand under the soles of her feet as she walked on the beach.

  1. Dedos de los pies: Toes

Se pintó las uñas de los dedos de los pies con un esmalte brillante.
She painted the toenails with a shiny polish.

  1. Gemelos: Calves

Los gemelos se contrajeron después de un ejercicio intenso.
The calves contracted after an intense workout.

  1. Espinillas: Shins

Se golpeó las espinillas al chocar accidentalmente con la mesa.
She hit her shins accidentally when colliding with the table.

  1. Cadera: Hip

Llevaba un cinturón que resaltaba su cadera y marcaba su estilo.
She wore a belt that highlighted her hip and defined her style.

  1. Muslo interno: Inner thigh

Realizó estiramientos para trabajar los músculos del muslo interno.
She did stretches to work the muscles of the inner thigh.

  1. Tendón de Aquiles: Achilles tendon

Se lesionó el tendón de Aquiles mientras practicaba deportes.
He injured his Achilles tendon while playing sports.

  1. Arco del pie: Arch of the foot

El calzado ortopédico proporciona soporte al arco del pie.
Orthopedic footwear provides support to the arch of the foot.

  1. Dedo gordo del pie: Big toe

Se golpeó el dedo gordo del pie contra la esquina de la mesa.
She hit her big toe against the corner of the table.

  1. Tendones de los pies: Foot tendons

Los tendones de los pies se estiraron al caminar largas distancias.
The foot tendons stretch after walking long distances.

  1. Rodillas traseras: Back of the knees

Se aplicó crema en las rodillas traseras para suavizar la piel.
She applied lotion to the back of her knees to soften the skin.

  1. Cubierta del talón: Heel pad

Usó plantillas con cubierta del talón para mayor comodidad al caminar.
She used insoles with a heel pad for added comfort while walking.

  1. Tobillos: Ankles

Los tobillos sufrieron un ligero esguince durante la actividad deportiva.
The ankles experienced a mild sprain during the sports activity.


Mastering these body parts in Spanish equips you with essential vocabulary. It opens doors to more nuanced conversations, cultural understanding, and perhaps even a deeper connection with the Spanish-speaking world.

So, as you continue learning Spanish, use these terms to paint vivid descriptions, share experiences, and navigate to better communicate in the language. 

¡Felicidades! Congratulations on discovering and expanding your knowledge of these 70 body parts in Spanish. ¡Vamos! Keep exploring, learning, and embracing the beauty of language.


Why should I learn these body parts in Spanish?

Learning a variety of body parts enhances your ability to communicate with precision. It adds depth to your vocabulary and allows you to express yourself more vividly in different situations.

How can I remember all these new terms?

Consider creating flashcards, practicing with a language partner, or incorporating these words into daily conversations. Associating each term with a memorable example can also aid in retention.

Are these terms commonly used in everyday Spanish?

While some terms are more common in medical or formal contexts, many are used in everyday conversations. Understanding a wide range of body parts allows for more comprehensive communication.

Can I find resources to hear the pronunciation of these words?

Various online platforms and language learning apps offer audio resources to help you perfect your pronunciation. You can also listen to Spanish speakers or use language exchange programs to practice with native speakers.

How do I use these terms in practical situations?

Practice is key. Try describing daily activities, expressing feelings, or discussing health using these terms. Additionally, pay attention to how native speakers use them in context, whether in movies, TV shows, or real-life conversations.

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Carolina is a skilled content strategist and storyteller with over 7 years of experience in language education and the development of engaging learning materials. Leveraging her background in linguistics and scriptwriting, she crafts immersive stories and content that help language learners grasp new concepts. Carolina's work in the film and media industries allows her to bring a creative lens to language instruction and utilize multimedia tools to connect with diverse learners.