. نعم , واحزنّني كثّر ما احزّنك | Yes, and it distresses me as much as it does you. |
..كلا، بل لأنهم تم إقناعهم بهذا الأمر أقنعتهم بذلك الشركات العِملاقه ..التي تقوم بأبحاث مُكثّفه لكي يعرفوا ما الذي يجذب الإحتياجات ..النفسيّه لهؤلاء الناس | No, because they're being programmed by these giant corporations that do all this research to figure out how to push these psychological buttons in people to make them get these presents, right? |
،حتى مع العلاج المُكثّف .لا تعجبني إحتمالاتي | You were right-- even with aggressive treatment, I-I don't like my odds. |
أعَتقِد بِاني يجِب أن أقَتنِع بمعَرفة أن العَالم يَعرِف بِأن الَكثِير مِن الأخطَاء حدَثَت لي | I suppose I ought to be content in the knowledge that the world knows the many wrongs that have been done to me. |
أنا لا أَنْكثُ العهد على a صفقة ضَربتْ مرّة. | I do not renege on a bargain once struck. |
! قَال لي بِأنهَا فعَلتهَا مَع أكثَر مِن مَائة رجُل | He told me that she'd had to do with over a hundred men. |
"فَخامتُك، تِوفي الأن "فيشر مَا الذِي ينَبغي القِيام بِه أكثَر؟ | Majesty, now that Fisher is dead what is to be done about More? |
- لماذا لا نفعلهُ أكثَر؟ | - why don't we do it more? |
.أنا أُقاتِل أكثَر مِن اللازم ضِد مصلحتي | He is on every donor list. |
{\pos(192,220)}سَـيِّـد (بيروتي)، لَديَّ أشياء أكثَــر أهميَّـة ...لأفعَـلها بوقتي، بَدلاً مِن أن آتي لِهـنا كـ | Mr. Perotti. I have more things to do with my time than to come here like a, like a woman dragged here |
.لا أريد نكث وعودي | I don't want to break my promise. |