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Operare (to operate) conjugation

68 examples
This verb can also mean the following: do, work, carry out, act

Conjugation of operare

Present tense
I operate
you operate
he/she/it operates
we operate
you all operate
they operate
Present perfect tense
ho operato
I have operated
hai operato
you have operated
ha operato
he/she/it has operated
abbiamo operato
we have operated
avete operato
you all have operated
hanno operato
they have operated
Past preterite tense
I operated
you operated
he/she/it operated
we operated
you all operated
they operated
Future tense
I will operate
you will operate
he/she/it will operate
we will operate
you all will operate
they will operate
Conditional mood
I would operate
you would operate
he/she/it would operate
we would operate
you all would operate
they would operate
Past impf. tense
I used to operate
you used to operate
he/she/it used to operate
we used to operate
you all used to operate
they used to operate
Past perfect tense
avevo operato
I had operated
avevi operato
you had operated
aveva operato
he/she/it had operated
avevamo operato
we had operated
avevate operato
you all had operated
avevano operato
they had operated
Future perfect tense
avrò operato
I will have operated
avrai operato
you will have operated
avrà operato
he/she/it will have operated
avremo operato
we will have operated
avrete operato
you all will have operated
avranno operato
they will have operated
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I operate
(if/so that) you operate
(if/so that) he/she/it operate
(if/so that) we operate
(if/so that) you all operate
(if/so that) they operate
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia operato
I have operated
abbia operato
you have operated
abbia operato
he/she/it has operated
abbiamo operato
we have operated
abbiate operato
you all have operated
abbiano operato
they have operated
Imperative mood
let's operate!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei operato
I would have operated
avresti operato
you would have operated
avrebbe operato
he/she/it would have operated
avremmo operato
we would have operated
avreste operato
you all would have operated
avrebbero operato
they would have operated

Examples of operare

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
"Ai soldati e' permesso operare cosi' su terreno americano?"."Are soldiers permitted to operate like that on U.S. soil?"
"Chirurgo del mio cuore, "bella occasione per operare!"Darling surgeon, here's an opportunity to operate.
"Chirurgo del mio cuore, bella occasione per operare!"Darling surgeon, here's an opportunity to operate.
- ...che deve operare.I wouldn't want to be the patient he's gonna operate on.
- Ascoltami. Devo operare ora mentre questi pazienti sono ancora uniti, ok?I need to operate right now, while these patients are still attached to one another, okay?
- Certamente opero bene con lei.I certainly operate well with her.
- Io opero i pazienti piu' gravi.I operate on the sickest people we got.
- No, non e' cosi' che opero. - Oh, davvero?No, that's not how I operate.
- Non opero per denaro.- I do not operate for money.
- Non opero qui!- I don't operate here.
- A quanto pare operi al meglio così.Seems that's how you operate best.
- Nel modo in cui operi.-In the way you operate.
Beh, non serve che si operi. Era li'. - Ha visto tutto.Well, we don't have to operate.
Che sorpresa trovarvi a mangiare... gunshock, quanto ci vorrà prima che il chirurgo operi crichton?What a surprise to find you eating. So, Gunshock. How long will it be before the surgeon can operate on Crichton?
Deve lasciare che il dottore la operi!- You have to let the doctor operate!
"..che opera con mezzi blindati negli Stati Uniti e in Canada.""that operates throughout the United States and Canada."
- Io invece sono egoista in questo senso: nessuno opera in questo quartiere senza trattare con me.I'm selfish this way - nobody operates in this neighborhood without dealing with me.
- Tutto cio' che si trova sull'asse opera in un campo dinamico polare.- Polar dynamics, Jack. Everything on this axis operates in a polar-dynamic field.
Abbiamo bisogno di sapere in che modo opera.We need to know how he operates.
Barbanera è vivo e opera da qualche luogo sconosciuto.Blackbeard is alive and operates from some unknown location.
# E' nei nostri occhi # # E' cosi che operiamo #♪ It's in our eyes It's how we operate ♪
- E le linee guida sotto cui operiamo... - Le linee guida non sono leggi.And the guidelines under which we operate... guidelines aren't laws.
- E siccome Chase non e' cosi' dis... - Ehi, perche' non operiamo quella gamba infartuata?Hey, why don't we operate on his infarcted leg while we're at it?
- Jim, se non lo operiamo, non ce la fa.Jim, we have to operate on him.
- Ma ha detto che un bambino sta bene. - Si'. Ma se non operiamo l'altro, potrebbe verificarsi... un aumento della pressione sanguigna intracranica, che peggiorando potrebbe mettere in pericolo il bambino.Yes, but if we don't operate on the other one, there could be a decrease in blood flow to the brain, which could put the child at risk developmentally.
- Abbiamo operato casi peggiori.We've operated on worse.
- Allora perche'... Valerie Hale dice che lei ha operato Darren McKenzie?So, why is Valerie Hale saying that you operated on Darren McKenzie?
- E' appena operato.- We just been operated on.
- Ha operato dopo aver bevuto?~ He operated after a drink?
- Ha qualcosa di operato ?- What? - Anything operated?
'Diverse ragazze sono state operate chirurgicamente e i loro reni sono stati rimossi.'Several girls have been operated surgically and their kidneys have been removed.
Allora operate anche me.then please operate on me too.
Cosa vuol dire, operate?What do you mean, operate?
E che se non operate... E' una condanna a morte?And if you don't operate, it's a death sentence?
Le persone vengono operate.There's people being operated on.
- Alcuni nuovi strumenti medici operano usando frequenze radio.- Some new medical devices operate using radio frequencies.
- Come può essere importante - mentre operano papà?When dad's in there getting his heart operated on?
- I chirurghi non operano se il donatore non ha avuto molto tempo per valutare la decisione.Surgeons won't operate unless the donor's had a long time to weigh the decision.
- No. Senti, i medici non operano i propri familiari e noi non indaghiamo su uno dei nostri.Look, doctors don't operate on their families, and we don't investigate our own.
- Pero' non e' fuoco. In realta' sono nanobot programmabili che operano su un'unica frequenza che controllo con questo radiocomando.It's actually a series of programmable nanobots that operate on a unique frequency that I can control with this remote.
Io ero il suo assistente... ...esonomoltoorgogliosodelfatto che operai la seconda cinepresa... ...durantela sequenzafinale, che è un vero combattimento.I was his assistant on that and I'm very proud of the fact that I operated the second camera during the final fight sequence, which is a real fight.
La sua fortuna fu avere l'opportunità di conoscere il chirurgo che l'operò, Jeff Li.The lucky thing was, she got to know the surgeon who operated on her, Jeff Li!
Poi suo padre, il professore, mi operò alla testa.Then your father, the old professor, operated on my head.
È curioso, mi guardo le mani e le scopro molto diverse tra loro, il dottore che mi operò mi disse che è tipico delle famiglie reali degli Aztechi e degli Inca.It's funny, but I'm revealing my hands and they are very distinct, and I was told by my doctor who operated me that it is from the Aztec and the Inca's royal family.
- Non sapevo operaste alla luce del sole.Didn't know you guys operated out in the open.
Non le avevo prima che voi due idioti mi operaste.I didn't have them before you two idiots operated.
- Io sentivo quando operarono me.I did when they operated on me.
Gli uomini in nero operarono nel periodo tra il 1953 e il 1972.The men in black operated in the period 1953 to 1972.
Quando la operarono, trovarono i suoi intestini crivellati di buchi, della grandezza di piccoli morsi.When they operated, they found her intestines were riddled with little, bite-sized holes.
Anders opererà, sono tutti altamente qualificati.Anders will operate, they're all highly skilled.
Quelle con cattive intenzioni si esporranno, la macchina sarà lubrificata da me, da altri e opererà come ha fatto in passato.Those with poisonous motives will be exposed, the machine will be greased - by me, by others - and it will operate as it did before.
Trapianteranno il fegato, la stabilizzeranno e poi il dottor Goran opererà la sua spina dorsale.They'll transplant the liver, stabilize you, and then Dr. Goran will operate on your spine.
Come al solito, opereremo in stato EMCON:As usual, we will operate at EMCON.
La opererei anche qui fuori, ma non penso che sia particolarmente sterile.I would operate out here, but I don't think it's particularly sterile.
Non posso credere che nessun medico in città opererebbe sul mio messia funghi.I can't believe that no doctor in town would operate on my mushrooming messiah.
Se fosse più grande e voi foste d'accordo, i chirurghi opererebbero subito.If she were older and you were agreeable, the surgeons would operate now.
Bene, Voglio che operiate con questi controlli qui... e mandare a piena potenza quando glielo dicoWell, I want you to operate these controls here... and switch on to full power when I call out.
Non dovrebbe riposare prima che lei e la dottoressa Grey mi operiate, domani?Shouldn't you be resting before you and Dr. Grey operate on me tomorrow?
Collaboriamo a stretto contatto con il dipartimento dello sceriffo per assicurarci che operino con l'intento e lo spirito insiti nella proposta 215.Sheriff's Department to ensure that they operate with the intent and the spirit of Proposition 215.
Com'è possibile che grandi società operino così?How can big companies operate like this?
Dobbiamo lasciare che gli studenti operino.We have to let students operate.
E' una delle ventiquattro che la Buoncostume pensa operino in quest'area.It's one of two dozen that Vice thinks they operate in the area.
Ovunque operino i responsabili.Wherever the People In Charge operate.
- Chi la sta operando?Who's operating on her?
- Diane sta operando in segreto.- Diane is operating in secret.
- La stanno ancora operando.They're still operating.
- Lo stanno ancora operando.They're still operating on him.
- Quello che sta operando e' il nonno?Is that granddad operating? Yes.

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