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Montare (to mount) conjugation

49 examples
This verb can also mean the following: climb, beat, go, rise, edit, ride, whip, assemble, whisk, go up, get on to

Conjugation of montare

Present tense
I mount
you mount
he/she/it mounts
we mount
you all mount
they mount
Present perfect tense
ho montato
I have mounted
hai montato
you have mounted
ha montato
he/she/it has mounted
abbiamo montato
we have mounted
avete montato
you all have mounted
hanno montato
they have mounted
Past preterite tense
I mounted
you mounted
he/she/it mounted
we mounted
you all mounted
they mounted
Future tense
I will mount
you will mount
he/she/it will mount
we will mount
you all will mount
they will mount
Conditional mood
I would mount
you would mount
he/she/it would mount
we would mount
you all would mount
they would mount
Past impf. tense
I used to mount
you used to mount
he/she/it used to mount
we used to mount
you all used to mount
they used to mount
Past perfect tense
avevo montato
I had mounted
avevi montato
you had mounted
aveva montato
he/she/it had mounted
avevamo montato
we had mounted
avevate montato
you all had mounted
avevano montato
they had mounted
Future perfect tense
avrò montato
I will have mounted
avrai montato
you will have mounted
avrà montato
he/she/it will have mounted
avremo montato
we will have mounted
avrete montato
you all will have mounted
avranno montato
they will have mounted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I mount
(if/so that) you mount
(if/so that) he/she/it mount
(if/so that) we mount
(if/so that) you all mount
(if/so that) they mount
Present perf. subjunctive tense
abbia montato
I have mounted
abbia montato
you have mounted
abbia montato
he/she/it has mounted
abbiamo montato
we have mounted
abbiate montato
you all have mounted
abbiano montato
they have mounted
Imperative mood
let's mount!
Conditional perfect tense
avrei montato
I would have mounted
avresti montato
you would have mounted
avrebbe montato
he/she/it would have mounted
avremmo montato
we would have mounted
avreste montato
you all would have mounted
avrebbero montato
they would have mounted

Examples of montare

Example in ItalianTranslation in English
(Gandini) Questo è il suo avvocato che lo aiuta a montare la videocamera.(Gandini) This is his lawyer which helps him to mount the camera.
- Come fai a farti montare da quella merda di Kovalski?Let that pig, Kovalski, mount you? How can you?
- Prima di montare il toro meccanico.Right before you two mounted that mechanical bull.
A quegli idioti ci sono voluti otto giorni e mee'e'o per montare la loro tesi.12 minutes! Eight and a half days it took those idiots to mount their case!
Abbiamo giurato di montare una difesa forte e, sì, ciò include vincere.We swore an oath to mount a vigorous defense, and, yes, that includes winning.
# Perche' nessuno puo' passare ne' nobile ne' messere # # che non ha per tre giorni il lasciapassare. # # E Steve monto' sul destriero # # e i colpi si preparo' a schivare # # per la mano di una donzella # # che ora sperava di non sposare. #* for none shall pass * * no lord, no lass * * that haveth not the three day pass * * and Steve mounted his steed * * and readied to parry * * for the hand of a wench *
- Ne monto un altro.Got another mount.
- Quando io monto sul palco, tu suoni... ...- When I mount the stage, you play...
Calmati, 50 Cent, o ti monto un'altra volta.Simmer down, 50 Cent, or I'll mount you again.
E non vi importa se il monto conoscera' la Cittadella non piu' come una montagna di Kurtal, ma come una montagna di Broli?Do you care if the world no longer knows the Citadel as the mountain of Kurtal, but as the mountain of Broli?
"I Re, i grandi capitani, i potenti della Terra, si nascosero nelle spelonche, fra le rocce dei monti, e a esse dissero: Cadeteci addosso e nascondeteci dall'ira di Dio"."The kings, the magnates, the generals, the powerful of the Earth They hid in the caves, and the rocks of the mountains, and called to the rocks and the mountains: 'Fall on us and hide us from the wrath of God.' "
"Il Treno sbuffa attraversando monti e valli""The train chugs through mountains and valleys
"Io alzo gli occhi ai monti."I raise my eyes toward the mountains.
"La sera cullava già la terra, e sui monti si posava la notte;"The evening "already rocked the world... And in the mountains hung the night
"Le sue fondamenta sono sui monti santi.""His foundation lie in the holy mountain."
"Lo stallone che monta il mondo"."The stallion who mounts the world."
# Un uomo prende un cavallo e monta in sella. #A man takes a horse and mounts the saddle.
Dai, monta.Come on, mounts.
Quando è in calore, si mette in posizione di preghiera e rimane in quella posizione finché un maschio vagabondo non la monta.When in heat, she takes on a praying position and remains exquisitely still until a vagrant male specimen mounts her.
Questa ora monta un motore dinamico, in modo che possano irrigidirsi in una curva difficile.This one now has dynamic engine mounts, so that they can stiffen up under hard cornering.
Non possiamo cavalcare i cavalli selvaggi del Settimo, se non li montiamo durante il Sesto.You can't ride the wild horses of the seventh without mounting them during the sixth.
Prendete un mezzo e montiamo.Grab a diesel. Let's mount up.
"Ti ho gia' montato una volta", rispose Kristen.' Jessup asked. 'Oh, I've mounted you before.' Kristen replied."
- Magari un 50 pollici montato a muro.Probably like 50-inch, you know, wall-mounted.
Abbiamo montato delle luci speciali sul camioncino.That's why i've got the sun guns mounted on the van.
Aveva un V6 Ferrari 2.4 litri montato al centro.It had a 2.4 litre Ferrari V6 mounted in the middle.
Chiunque le stia facendo questo, ha montato una minuscola webcam sulle sue cuffie.Whoever's doing this to you has mounted a tiny webcam on your headset.
- Distaccamento di guardia, montate.- Guard detail, mount.
- Squadra, montate.- Bravo, mount up.
All'inizio erano montate all'esterno, quindi ogni volta che si attraversava un villaggio venivano distrutte.On the early ones, they were originally mounted. When you went through things like villages, they got smashed.
Andiamo, montate.Come on, mount up.
Arriverà un elicottero radiocomandato sul quale sono montate delle pistole ad aria compressa,that has paintball guns mounted on either side.
- No, ma tornera'... insieme alla polizia, ad un'ambulanza, o a una squadra di soccorso montano, o qualsiasi cosa abbiano li'.-No, but he'll be back... and he'll bring the police, or ambulance, or mountain rescue team or whatever they have out here.
E' come se per intimidire tutto un villaggio si tagliano le teste di alcuni abitanti e le si montano su forche come monito per tutti.It's really as though they decided to intimidate the village they would just chop of the heads of a few villagers, mount those heads on pikes as a warning to everyone else.
Freddo Vicino al fuoco, come un lago montano.As cool under fire as a mountain lake.
Gli USA ebbero la loro chance migliore nel tardo novembre 2001, quando appartenenti alle forze afghane ed americane circondarono il nascondiglio montano di Osama.The U. S. had its best chance in late November of 2001, when elements of both Afghan and American forces closed in on Osama's mountain hideout.
Gli svizzeri e i francesi hanno fatto la pace su un passo montano, e stretto un'alleanza clandestina con la Spagna, lasciandoci senza alleati in Europa, a meno che non facciamo un patto con l'Ungheria?Have the Swiss and French made sudden peace at a mountain pass, then forged a clandestine alliance with Spain, leaving us without friends in Europe, unless we make an immediate pact with Hungary?
"Il barone dopo morto montò in bicicletta...""The baron, after his death, mounted a bicycle, and down..."
"così montò sulla scala e la possedette!""so he mounted the ladder and had her!"
Il servo Io montò, gli affondò gli speroni nel fianco e scappò alla volta di Samarra il più velocemente possibile.The servant mounted it and dug his spurs into its flank. As fast as the horse could gallop, he rode towards Samarra.
E poi John Wash e compagnia la montarono su un grosso pezzo di vetro e tagliarono ognuna di quelle finestre a montante.And then John Wash and company mounted that on a large piece of glass and cut out every one of those windows on a mullion.
"Chi monterà questo animale?"Who will mount this animal here?
Dunque, una volta afferrata la scopa, voglio che ci montiate.Now, once you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. Grip it tight.
Mentre il nostro esercito avanza rapidamente... e tutti si fanno in quattro per diventare eroi, noi siamo nelle retrovie, nel caso i crucchi montino... una controffensiva su Parigi o magari su New York.While our armies are advancing so fast and everyone's knocking themselves out to be heroes we are holding ourselves in reserve in case the Krauts mount a counteroffensive which threatens Paris or maybe even New York.
- Non sta montando.Giant! It's not mounting.
Banda di Scar sta montando un raid.Scar's gang is mounting a raid.
Ci sto montando un laser elio-neon.I'm mounting a helium-neon laser on it.
E' il periodo in cui guadagniamo di piu' montando teste alle pareti.That's when we make most of our money, mounting' heads.
Il mio avversario pensa che dovremmo combattere la prostituzione, montando telecamere di sorveglianza per mettere in imbarazzo i clienti.My opponent thinks we should combat prostitution By mounting surveillance cameras to embarrass the customers.

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