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Turun (to down) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah turun
Present perfect tense
sudah turun
Future perfect tense
akan sudah turun
Future recent tense
turun nanti
Future distant tense
turun kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang turun
Past distant tense
dulu turun
Past recent tense
turun tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja turun

Examples of turun

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Petugas ruang istirahat 'itu turun dengan cara ini.Officers' dugout's down this way.
Unit apos; s turun dalam api, dan karir Anda berkembang.The Unit's going down in flames, and your career is thriving.
Jangan malu, jangan ragu untuk turun, dan mengisi kursi kosong tersebut.Don't be shy, feel free to come down and fill up these empty seats.
Bisakah kamu yang turun dan lihat siapa itu?(Knocking) Christine: Honey, would you go down and get that?
Apa, kau akan turun kesana?What, are you going down there? Are you nuts?

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