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Taksir (to do) conjugation

2 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah taksir
Present perfect tense
sudah taksir
Future perfect tense
akan sudah taksir
Future recent tense
taksir nanti
Future distant tense
taksir kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang taksir
Past distant tense
dulu taksir
Past recent tense
taksir tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja taksir

Examples of taksir

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Katanya, kau tukang taksir asal perampas uang sialan.He said you're a double-dealing, money-grubbing bastard.
Dan kamu tidak bisa membiarkannya begitu saja tanpa balasan, jadi kamu mengeluarkan pesonamu, kamu memanipulasi Selby untuk memenuhi permintaanmu, tahu kalau dia begitu gembira membantu gadis populer gadis yang selalu dia taksir.And you just couldn't let it pass without a response, So you turned on the charm, you manipulated Selby to do your bidding, knowing that he'd be thrilled to help the popular girl-- The girl he was always a little in love with.

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