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Takut (to do) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah takut
Present perfect tense
sudah takut
Future perfect tense
akan sudah takut
Future recent tense
takut nanti
Future distant tense
takut kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang takut
Past distant tense
dulu takut
Past recent tense
takut tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja takut

Examples of takut

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
apa yg kalian tidak tahu alasan kenapa aku membunuh dia itu karena rasa takut dan sikap pengecut dia yg membuat dia terbunuh oleh seorang pemimpin hebatBy now, the world knows that President Spencer is dead. What you don't know is why I had to kill her. It was her fear and cowardice that lead directly to the murder of a truly great leader.
Tidak takut bukan berarti kamu akan aman.Being fearless doesn't mean you're being safe.
apapun yang kau lakukan jangan perlihatkan rasa takut.Whatever you do, don't show fear.
Kita tidak perlu takut lagi akan wabahnya.We don't have any fear of a further outbreak.
Kau tahu bahwa dia selalu takut terhadap dokter.You know she's always been afraid of doctors.

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