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Jadi (to do) conjugation

5 examples
Present tense
Past tense
sudah jadi
Present perfect tense
sudah jadi
Future perfect tense
akan sudah jadi
Future recent tense
jadi nanti
Future distant tense
jadi kelak
Present continuous tense
sedang jadi
Past distant tense
dulu jadi
Past recent tense
jadi tadi
Past very recent tense
baru saja jadi

Examples of jadi

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Anda tidak kenal saya, tapi saya dalam tv, jadi anda boleh percayakan saya.You don't know me, but I'm on TV, so you can trust me.
Oh, jadi sekarang kau seorang astronot dan dokter?Oh, so now you're an astronaut and a doctor?
Akan ku bantu Dia adalah pacarku, jadi kalian jangan berani main mata dengannya Aku pembunuh, pemerkosa, pencuri...I'll help he's my boyfriend, so don't you dare try making eyes at him i'm a three-peat offender murder, arson, rape... try this.
Kakakku memutuskan untuk beriventasi pada hal seperti ini, tapi dia tak punya selera seni, jadi pengetahuan seninya sedikit.My brother decided to invest in something like this, but that guy has no artistic sense so he doesn't know much about art.
-Baiklah, Anda patah aliran jadi sekarang saya kira saya hanya perlu untuk Segue ke dekat.-Okay, you broke my flow so now I guess I'll just have to segue down to the near.

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