Kau berpangkat kolonel, namun dimana rasa pengabdianmu? | You bear the rank of Colonel, yet where is it mon ami that you serve? |
Mendiang adalah Jia yang berpangkat 4 | The deceased was Jia of the 4th rank, |
Tempat di mana semuanya berpangkat yang sama. Terlepas dari apapun masalah mereka. | The one place where all men truly share the same rank... regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in. |
Mendiang adalah Xue yang berpangkat tiga... | The deceased was Xue of the 3rd rank... |
Anggota berpangkat tinggi dari Persekutuan Penyihir, yang memimpin perlawanan terhadapku. | A high-ranking member of the Grand Coven, the one who led the charge against me. |