Tuyauter (to tip off) conjugation

7 examples

Conjugation of tuyauter

Present tense
je tuyaute
I tip off
tu tuyautes
you tip off
il/elle/on tuyaute
he/she/it tips off
nous tuyautons
we tip off
vous tuyautez
you all tip off
ils/elles tuyautent
they tip off
Present perfect tense
j’ai tuyauté
I tipped off
tu as tuyauté
you tipped off
il/elle/on a tuyauté
he/she/it tipped off
nous avons tuyauté
we tipped off
vous avez tuyauté
you all tipped off
ils/elles ont tuyauté
they tipped off
Past impf. tense
je tuyautais
I was tipping off
tu tuyautais
you were tipping off
il/elle/on tuyautait
he/she/it was tipping off
nous tuyautions
we were tipping off
vous tuyautiez
you all were tipping off
ils/elles tuyautaient
they were tipping off
Future tense
je tuyauterai
I will tip off
tu tuyauteras
you will tip off
il/elle/on tuyautera
he/she/it will tip off
nous tuyauterons
we will tip off
vous tuyauterez
you all will tip off
ils/elles tuyauteront
they will tip off
Past perfect tense
j’avais tuyauté
I had tipped off
tu avais tuyauté
you had tipped off
il/elle/on avait tuyauté
he/she/it had tipped off
nous avions tuyauté
we had tipped off
vous aviez tuyauté
you all had tipped off
ils/elles avaient tuyauté
they had tipped off
Past preterite tense
je tuyautai
I tipped off
tu tuyautas
you tipped off
il/elle/on tuyauta
he/she/it tipped off
nous tuyautâmes
we tipped off
vous tuyautâtes
you all tipped off
ils/elles tuyautèrent
they tipped off
Past anterior tense
j’eus tuyauté
I had tipped off
tu eus tuyauté
you had tipped off
il/elle/on eut tuyauté
he/she/it had tipped off
nous eûmes tuyauté
we had tipped off
vous eûtes tuyauté
you all had tipped off
ils/elles eurent tuyauté
they had tipped off
Future perfect tense
j’aurai tuyauté
I will have tipped off
tu auras tuyauté
you will have tipped off
il/elle/on aura tuyauté
he/she/it will have tipped off
nous aurons tuyauté
we will have tipped off
vous aurez tuyauté
you all will have tipped off
ils/elles auront tuyauté
they will have tipped off
Present subjunctive tense
que je tuyaute
that I tip off
que tu tuyautes
that you tip off
qu’il/elle/on tuyaute
that he/she/it tip off
que nous tuyautions
that we tip off
que vous tuyautiez
that you all tip off
qu’ils/elles tuyautent
that they tip off
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie tuyauté
that I have tipped off
que tu aies tuyauté
that you have tipped off
qu’il/elle/on ait tuyauté
that he/she/it have tipped off
que nous ayons tuyauté
that we have tipped off
que vous ayez tuyauté
that you all have tipped off
qu’ils/elles aient tuyauté
that they have tipped off
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je tuyautasse
that I would tip off
que tu tuyautasses
that you would tip off
qu’il/elle/on tuyautât
that he/she/it would tip off
que nous tuyautassions
that we would tip off
que vous tuyautassiez
that you all would tip off
qu’ils/elles tuyautassent
that they would tip off
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse tuyauté
that I had tipped off
que tu eusses tuyauté
that you had tipped off
qu’il/elle/on eût tuyauté
that he/she/it had tipped off
que nous eussions tuyauté
that we had tipped off
que vous eussiez tuyauté
that you all had tipped off
qu’ils/elles eussent tuyauté
that they had tipped off
Conditional mood
je tuyauterais
I would tip off
tu tuyauterais
you would tip off
il/elle/on tuyauterait
he/she/it would tip off
nous tuyauterions
we would tip off
vous tuyauteriez
you all would tip off
ils/elles tuyauteraient
they would tip off
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais tuyauté
I would have tipped off
tu aurais tuyauté
you would have tipped off
il/elle/on aurait tuyauté
he/she/it would have tipped off
nous aurions tuyauté
we would have tipped off
vous auriez tuyauté
you all would have tipped off
ils/elles auraient tuyauté
they would have tipped off
Imperative mood
tip off!
let's tip off!
tip off!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie tuyauté
have tipped off
ayons tuyauté
let's have tipped off
ayez tuyauté
have tipped off

Examples of tuyauter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
J'ai tuyauté la police, ils t'ont arrêté et j'ai pu poursuivre mon œuvre.I tipped off the police. Once you were in prison, I was able to move forward.
Le type sur lequel on vous a tuyauté.I'm the person you were tipped off about.
On ne veut pas qu'un autre gars soit tuyauté et s'enfuit.We don't want another guy tipped off and on the run.
On nous a tuyauté sur Hinton.We were tipped off to Hinton.
Parce qu'elle a tuyauté la police.Because she tipped off the police.
- Tu sais, suivre des pistes, faire des blagues, je repère des trucs et on tuyaute la police...- You know, follow a few leads, make some inappropriate jokes, I'll remember and then we'll tip off the police using a little bit of this. - You got it.
Je tuyaute les flics et le fbi.I'll tip off the cops and the FBI.

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