Sculpter (to sculpt) conjugation

21 examples

Conjugation of sculpter

Present tense
je sculpte
I sculpt
tu sculptes
you sculpt
il/elle/on sculpte
he/she/it sculpts
nous sculptons
we sculpt
vous sculptez
you all sculpt
ils/elles sculptent
they sculpt
Present perfect tense
j’ai sculpté
I sculpted
tu as sculpté
you sculpted
il/elle/on a sculpté
he/she/it sculpted
nous avons sculpté
we sculpted
vous avez sculpté
you all sculpted
ils/elles ont sculpté
they sculpted
Past impf. tense
je sculptais
I was sculpting
tu sculptais
you were sculpting
il/elle/on sculptait
he/she/it was sculpting
nous sculptions
we were sculpting
vous sculptiez
you all were sculpting
ils/elles sculptaient
they were sculpting
Future tense
je sculpterai
I will sculpt
tu sculpteras
you will sculpt
il/elle/on sculptera
he/she/it will sculpt
nous sculpterons
we will sculpt
vous sculpterez
you all will sculpt
ils/elles sculpteront
they will sculpt
Past perfect tense
j’avais sculpté
I had sculpted
tu avais sculpté
you had sculpted
il/elle/on avait sculpté
he/she/it had sculpted
nous avions sculpté
we had sculpted
vous aviez sculpté
you all had sculpted
ils/elles avaient sculpté
they had sculpted
Past preterite tense
je sculptai
I sculpted
tu sculptas
you sculpted
il/elle/on sculpta
he/she/it sculpted
nous sculptâmes
we sculpted
vous sculptâtes
you all sculpted
ils/elles sculptèrent
they sculpted
Past anterior tense
j’eus sculpté
I had sculpted
tu eus sculpté
you had sculpted
il/elle/on eut sculpté
he/she/it had sculpted
nous eûmes sculpté
we had sculpted
vous eûtes sculpté
you all had sculpted
ils/elles eurent sculpté
they had sculpted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai sculpté
I will have sculpted
tu auras sculpté
you will have sculpted
il/elle/on aura sculpté
he/she/it will have sculpted
nous aurons sculpté
we will have sculpted
vous aurez sculpté
you all will have sculpted
ils/elles auront sculpté
they will have sculpted
Present subjunctive tense
que je sculpte
that I sculpt
que tu sculptes
that you sculpt
qu’il/elle/on sculpte
that he/she/it sculpt
que nous sculptions
that we sculpt
que vous sculptiez
that you all sculpt
qu’ils/elles sculptent
that they sculpt
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie sculpté
that I have sculpted
que tu aies sculpté
that you have sculpted
qu’il/elle/on ait sculpté
that he/she/it have sculpted
que nous ayons sculpté
that we have sculpted
que vous ayez sculpté
that you all have sculpted
qu’ils/elles aient sculpté
that they have sculpted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je sculptasse
that I would sculpt
que tu sculptasses
that you would sculpt
qu’il/elle/on sculptât
that he/she/it would sculpt
que nous sculptassions
that we would sculpt
que vous sculptassiez
that you all would sculpt
qu’ils/elles sculptassent
that they would sculpt
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse sculpté
that I had sculpted
que tu eusses sculpté
that you had sculpted
qu’il/elle/on eût sculpté
that he/she/it had sculpted
que nous eussions sculpté
that we had sculpted
que vous eussiez sculpté
that you all had sculpted
qu’ils/elles eussent sculpté
that they had sculpted
Conditional mood
je sculpterais
I would sculpt
tu sculpterais
you would sculpt
il/elle/on sculpterait
he/she/it would sculpt
nous sculpterions
we would sculpt
vous sculpteriez
you all would sculpt
ils/elles sculpteraient
they would sculpt
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais sculpté
I would have sculpted
tu aurais sculpté
you would have sculpted
il/elle/on aurait sculpté
he/she/it would have sculpted
nous aurions sculpté
we would have sculpted
vous auriez sculpté
you all would have sculpted
ils/elles auraient sculpté
they would have sculpted
Imperative mood
let's sculpt!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie sculpté
have sculpted
ayons sculpté
let's have sculpted
ayez sculpté
have sculpted

Examples of sculpter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Axel Magee quitta la diplomatie pour aider son beau-père qui fut ébahi par son habileté à sculpter les mariés dans du foie haché.Axel Magee quit the Foreign Service... and went to work for his father-in-law... who was overwhelmed with the young man's natural gifts... for sculpting the bride and groom out of chopped liver.
Bien que Mars ait perdue la plupart de son atmosphère, les quelques molécules qui reste ont toujours le pouvoir de sculpter et de transformer la surface.Although Mars has lost most of its atmosphere, those few molecules that remain still have the power to sculpt and transform the surface.
Comment font-iIs pour sculpter Ça ?I don't know how they sculpt these. Hmm, I wonder.
Donc, vous devez avoir vraiment un sens d'un sculpteur de vraiment sculpter, de modeler votre corps.So you have to really have a sense of a sculptor to really sculpt, to mold your body.
Elle dit que ça affecte le goût mais je crois qu'elle aime le sculpter.She claims it affects the taste, but I think she just likes making sculptures with it. What else?
Antônio Francisco, avec à peine 19 ans... à la demande de son pére, a sculpté le buste d'une femme... pourorner la fontaine de la butte de la Croix.Antônio Francisco, when he was just 19... sculpted, on his father's demand, a woman's bust... to crown the fountain of Aito da Cruz.
Avec le retrait des eaux, l'érosion a sculpté la roche en un sanctuaire luxuriant. Un dédale de 1500 îlots de plancton fossilisé couvert de forêt primaire.With the receding of the waters, erosion sculpted the rock into an elaborate graveyard, a labyrinth of 1,500 islands of fossilised plankton.
Ce n'était pas autant taillé à la main que sculpté à la main.It wasn't hand-carved so much as it was hand-sculpted.
Ces charmants jeunes hommes de fac nous offre leur corps parfaitement sculpté pour votre spring break !These delicious college boys have offered up their perfectly-sculpted bods for your spring break enjoyment!
D'un homme plus courageux qu'un lion, plus fort qu'un boeuf, au corps si parfait qu'on croirait que les dieux l'ont eux-mêmes sculpté.With a man more courageous than a lion, stronger than an ox, and so perfectly formed it is as if he had been sculpted by the gods themselves.
"Bientot emergea d'un portail sculpte... la silhouette d'une jeune fille... revetue d'un gout aussi riche que la plus splendide des fleurs."Soon there emerged from under a sculpted portal... the figure of a young girl... arrayed with as much richness of taste as the most splendid of the flowers.
- Je sculpte les pommes.- I'm an apple sculptor.
- Là où on sculpte et où on peint?- Where we all sculpt and paint and stuff?
Ce que je veux parler de la présence de l'esprit artistique qui sculpte le corps en fin de compte.What I'm really talking about is the presence of the artistic mind that ultimately sculpts the physique.
Eh bien, son utilisation du gigantisme... Il sculpte des petits symboles culturels à une échelle monumentale.Well... his use of gigantism... sculpting his little cultural tokens but on such heroic scale.
Alors j'ai pensé à vous parce que vous sculptez la chair.So I thought of you because you're flesh sculptors.
Que sculptez-vous ?And what do you sculpt?
Vous sculptez, n'est-ce pas ?- You're the sculptress, right?
C'est un artisan pourrait porter tout en sculptant.This is one an artisan might wear while sculpting.
En sculptant cette poignée, on permet à la main de se verrouller autour et donc il faut moins serrer pour obtenir une prise plus assurée.So by sculpting this handle area, it locks your hand around this form, so you have to squeeze less, so you have a really secure grip.
Tu crois vraiment pouvoir absoudre tes péchés, en sculptant des stupides poupées ?Do you really think you can absolve yourself of sin.. by sculpting stupid little toys?

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