Eh bien, il pourrait tout saborder, par souci - pour sa propre sécurité. | Well, he might scuttle everything, out of concern for his own safety. |
Et les gens disaient, attention tu es en route pour le paradis les gens disaient, attention tu vas saborder le navire | For the people all said beware, you're on a heavenly trip People all said beware, beware, you'll scuttle the ship |
Et vous laisser saborder le futur ? | Ah-ha, what? And let you scuttle off back to the future? |
Génial pour saborder une carrière. | It's a good way to scuttle a career. |
Hesselboe l'aurait-il persuadée de saborder l'accord ? Tais-toi ! | Has Hesselboe offered her something to scuttle the agreement? |
Après l'avoir sabordé. | After you scuttled it. |
Et ensemble, ils ont sabordé le bateau et tué le prince et sa femme. | And together, they scuttled the ship and murdered the Prince and his wife. |
Et si les Votans l'avaient kidnappé. et ils auraient sabordé la station spatiale pour couvrir leur traces ? | What if the Votans abducted him and then they scuttled the space station to cover their tracks? |
Il a été sabordé six mois après votre mariage. | It was scuttled six months after you were married. |
J'ai pris l'argent et j'ai sabordé l'appareil. | I took the money and I scuttled the aircraft. |
On les attaque et on les saborde ! | You engage them, rake and scuttle them. |