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Retourner (to flip) conjugation

24 examples

Conjugation of retourner

Present tense
je retourne
I flip
tu retournes
you flip
il/elle/on retourne
he/she/it flips
nous retournons
we flip
vous retournez
you all flip
ils/elles retournent
they flip
Present perfect tense
j’ai retourné
I flipped
tu as retourné
you flipped
il/elle/on a retourné
he/she/it flipped
nous avons retourné
we flipped
vous avez retourné
you all flipped
ils/elles ont retourné
they flipped
Past impf. tense
je retournais
I was flipping
tu retournais
you were flipping
il/elle/on retournait
he/she/it was flipping
nous retournions
we were flipping
vous retourniez
you all were flipping
ils/elles retournaient
they were flipping
Future tense
je retournerai
I will flip
tu retourneras
you will flip
il/elle/on retournera
he/she/it will flip
nous retournerons
we will flip
vous retournerez
you all will flip
ils/elles retourneront
they will flip
Past perfect tense
j’avais retourné
I had flipped
tu avais retourné
you had flipped
il/elle/on avait retourné
he/she/it had flipped
nous avions retourné
we had flipped
vous aviez retourné
you all had flipped
ils/elles avaient retourné
they had flipped
Past preterite tense
je retournai
I flipped
tu retournas
you flipped
il/elle/on retourna
he/she/it flipped
nous retournâmes
we flipped
vous retournâtes
you all flipped
ils/elles retournèrent
they flipped
Past anterior tense
j’eus retourné
I had flipped
tu eus retourné
you had flipped
il/elle/on eut retourné
he/she/it had flipped
nous eûmes retourné
we had flipped
vous eûtes retourné
you all had flipped
ils/elles eurent retourné
they had flipped
Future perfect tense
j’aurai retourné
I will have flipped
tu auras retourné
you will have flipped
il/elle/on aura retourné
he/she/it will have flipped
nous aurons retourné
we will have flipped
vous aurez retourné
you all will have flipped
ils/elles auront retourné
they will have flipped
Present subjunctive tense
que je retourne
that I flip
que tu retournes
that you flip
qu’il/elle/on retourne
that he/she/it flip
que nous retournions
that we flip
que vous retourniez
that you all flip
qu’ils/elles retournent
that they flip
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie retourné
that I have flipped
que tu aies retourné
that you have flipped
qu’il/elle/on ait retourné
that he/she/it have flipped
que nous ayons retourné
that we have flipped
que vous ayez retourné
that you all have flipped
qu’ils/elles aient retourné
that they have flipped
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je retournasse
that I would flip
que tu retournasses
that you would flip
qu’il/elle/on retournât
that he/she/it would flip
que nous retournassions
that we would flip
que vous retournassiez
that you all would flip
qu’ils/elles retournassent
that they would flip
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse retourné
that I had flipped
que tu eusses retourné
that you had flipped
qu’il/elle/on eût retourné
that he/she/it had flipped
que nous eussions retourné
that we had flipped
que vous eussiez retourné
that you all had flipped
qu’ils/elles eussent retourné
that they had flipped
Conditional mood
je retournerais
I would flip
tu retournerais
you would flip
il/elle/on retournerait
he/she/it would flip
nous retournerions
we would flip
vous retourneriez
you all would flip
ils/elles retourneraient
they would flip
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais retourné
I would have flipped
tu aurais retourné
you would have flipped
il/elle/on aurait retourné
he/she/it would have flipped
nous aurions retourné
we would have flipped
vous auriez retourné
you all would have flipped
ils/elles auraient retourné
they would have flipped
Imperative mood
let's flip!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie retourné
have flipped
ayons retourné
let's have flipped
ayez retourné
have flipped

Examples of retourner

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Faire la chambre". Vous avez dû retourner la carte.Maybe... maybe you flipped the card.
' -'Faudrait la retourner'.' 'Can't tell till we flip her.'
- Faut le retourner.- Gotta flip that over pretty soon.
- Je peux la retourner maintenant ?- Can I flip it over now? - No, no, no.
- Là. Vous pouvez la retourner Astrid ?Wait, Astrid, can you flip it over?
- Carlo a donc bien retourné sa veste.- so Carlo has flipped.
- Donnie a retourné sa veste ?Hundred bucks. Donnie flipped?
- Elle a retourné sa veste.Uh-- he flipped her.
- Garza a retourné sa veste, il a fini par écouter sa conscience, par trouver la force de dire non.- Garza flipped on Booth, finally listened to his conscience, finally found the strength to say no.
- Il s'est retourné.- It flipped.
- Attends, je la retourne.- Then let me flip it over.
- Gus, retourne la table !- Gus, flip the table!
- Hé, retourne sur les infos.- Hey, flip back to the news.
- Je la retourne ?- Shall I flip it now?
- Je le retourne!- I'm flipping it!
- quand vous vous retournez.- What do you call it when you flip over? - A barrel roll?
. C'est à l'envers, retournez le !- It's upside down, flip it.
Et depuis que nous commençons à savoir knively du bifteck si bien en tout cas... retournez son sens dessus dessous.And since we're getting to know steak knively so well anyway... flip her upside down.
Et il ne peut pas tirer ce livre sur l'étagère supérieure et retournez à la page de droite.And it can't pull this book off the top shelf and flip to the right page.
Et nous ne pouvons certainement pas retournez sur le verre parce que l'un d'entre nous mourront.And we definitely cannot flip over the glass because one of us will die.
Devant la cuisinière, retournant les pancakes.Standing over the stove, flipping pancakes.
Pourquoi êtes-vous retournant sur ? moi?Why are you flipping on me?
Tu ne sais pas ce que c'est, une zigounette retournant ta jupe.You don't know what it's like, peepers flipping up our skirts.
Vous irez tour à tour, retournant une pièce et vous rendant dessus.You'll take turns flipping over a puzzle piece and stepping on to it.

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