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Restructurer (to restructure) conjugation

12 examples

Conjugation of restructurer

Present tense
je restructure
I restructure
tu restructures
you restructure
il/elle/on restructure
he/she/it restructures
nous restructurons
we restructure
vous restructurez
you all restructure
ils/elles restructurent
they restructure
Present perfect tense
j’ai restructuré
I restructured
tu as restructuré
you restructured
il/elle/on a restructuré
he/she/it restructured
nous avons restructuré
we restructured
vous avez restructuré
you all restructured
ils/elles ont restructuré
they restructured
Past impf. tense
je restructurais
I was restructuring
tu restructurais
you were restructuring
il/elle/on restructurait
he/she/it was restructuring
nous restructurions
we were restructuring
vous restructuriez
you all were restructuring
ils/elles restructuraient
they were restructuring
Future tense
je restructurerai
I will restructure
tu restructureras
you will restructure
il/elle/on restructurera
he/she/it will restructure
nous restructurerons
we will restructure
vous restructurerez
you all will restructure
ils/elles restructureront
they will restructure
Past perfect tense
j’avais restructuré
I had restructured
tu avais restructuré
you had restructured
il/elle/on avait restructuré
he/she/it had restructured
nous avions restructuré
we had restructured
vous aviez restructuré
you all had restructured
ils/elles avaient restructuré
they had restructured
Past preterite tense
je restructurai
I restructured
tu restructuras
you restructured
il/elle/on restructura
he/she/it restructured
nous restructurâmes
we restructured
vous restructurâtes
you all restructured
ils/elles restructurèrent
they restructured
Past anterior tense
j’eus restructuré
I had restructured
tu eus restructuré
you had restructured
il/elle/on eut restructuré
he/she/it had restructured
nous eûmes restructuré
we had restructured
vous eûtes restructuré
you all had restructured
ils/elles eurent restructuré
they had restructured
Future perfect tense
j’aurai restructuré
I will have restructured
tu auras restructuré
you will have restructured
il/elle/on aura restructuré
he/she/it will have restructured
nous aurons restructuré
we will have restructured
vous aurez restructuré
you all will have restructured
ils/elles auront restructuré
they will have restructured
Present subjunctive tense
que je restructure
that I restructure
que tu restructures
that you restructure
qu’il/elle/on restructure
that he/she/it restructure
que nous restructurions
that we restructure
que vous restructuriez
that you all restructure
qu’ils/elles restructurent
that they restructure
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie restructuré
that I have restructured
que tu aies restructuré
that you have restructured
qu’il/elle/on ait restructuré
that he/she/it have restructured
que nous ayons restructuré
that we have restructured
que vous ayez restructuré
that you all have restructured
qu’ils/elles aient restructuré
that they have restructured
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je restructurasse
that I would restructure
que tu restructurasses
that you would restructure
qu’il/elle/on restructurât
that he/she/it would restructure
que nous restructurassions
that we would restructure
que vous restructurassiez
that you all would restructure
qu’ils/elles restructurassent
that they would restructure
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse restructuré
that I had restructured
que tu eusses restructuré
that you had restructured
qu’il/elle/on eût restructuré
that he/she/it had restructured
que nous eussions restructuré
that we had restructured
que vous eussiez restructuré
that you all had restructured
qu’ils/elles eussent restructuré
that they had restructured
Conditional mood
je restructurerais
I would restructure
tu restructurerais
you would restructure
il/elle/on restructurerait
he/she/it would restructure
nous restructurerions
we would restructure
vous restructureriez
you all would restructure
ils/elles restructureraient
they would restructure
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais restructuré
I would have restructured
tu aurais restructuré
you would have restructured
il/elle/on aurait restructuré
he/she/it would have restructured
nous aurions restructuré
we would have restructured
vous auriez restructuré
you all would have restructured
ils/elles auraient restructuré
they would have restructured
Imperative mood
let's restructure!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie restructuré
have restructured
ayons restructuré
let's have restructured
ayez restructuré
have restructured

Examples of restructurer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Dans l'état hypnotique, fouiller puis restructurer sa personnalité.In the trance state, the personality will be deeply probed and then restructured.
Donc ce matin, le chef m'a donné son accord pour restructurer le service.So this morning, the commissioner gave me the go-ahead to restructure the division.
Ensuite, je vais restructurer toute la campagne de pub.And then l'm gonna restructure the whole damn ad campaign.
Et je devrai restructurer ses pommettes et son menton avec des implants siliconés, mais ce n'est pas impossible.And I'm gonna have to restructure his cheekbones and his chin with silicone implants, but it's not impossible.
Il ya longtemps, je t'ai implanté une puce sous-cutanée qui pourrait réveiller des nano robots dormants dans ta circulation sanguine Pour restructurer ton anatomie et te transformer en voiture.A long time ago, I implanted you with a subdermal chip that could call upon dormant nanobots in your bloodstream to restructure your anatomy and turn you into a car.
Il a augmenté la productivité, restructuré notre stratégie d'investissement et ouvert une mutuelle dentaire.Oh, he increased productivity... restructured our investment strategy and organized a dental plan.
Il a restructuré l'orchestre.In fact, he restructured the orchestra.
J'ai déjeuner avec Eric Gainor l'autre jour et il parlait de la façon dont vous aviez restructuré la dette.I was just having lunch with Eric gainor the other day, and he was talking about how you restructured the debt.
J'ai restructuré d'autres programmes pour te réveiller.l restructuredpre-existing programs to allow myselfto wake you.
Je l'ai restructuré pour le rendre assez mordant pour que tu obtiennes la première page.'I restructured it so it had enough bite for you to get a front-page byline.
En restructurant le commerce de la drogue.By restructuring the drug trade.
Je souhaite arriver à un décret destituant Ally comme chef des pom-pom girls, restructurant l'organisation afin d'éliminer l'intimidation, et, bien sûr, les triples dommages et intérêts mandatés par la loi.I am seeking a consent decree deposing Ally Roth as head cheerleader, restructuring the organization to eliminate bullying, and, of course, the statutorily mandated treble damages.

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