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Refonctionner (to work again) conjugation

1 examples

Conjugation of refonctionner

Present tense
je refonctionne
I work again
tu refonctionnes
you work again
il/elle/on refonctionne
he/she/it works again
nous refonctionnons
we work again
vous refonctionnez
you all work again
ils/elles refonctionnent
they work again
Present perfect tense
j’ai refonctionné
I worked again
tu as refonctionné
you worked again
il/elle/on a refonctionné
he/she/it worked again
nous avons refonctionné
we worked again
vous avez refonctionné
you all worked again
ils/elles ont refonctionné
they worked again
Past impf. tense
je refonctionnais
I was working again
tu refonctionnais
you were working again
il/elle/on refonctionnait
he/she/it was working again
nous refonctionnions
we were working again
vous refonctionniez
you all were working again
ils/elles refonctionnaient
they were working again
Future tense
je refonctionnerai
I will work again
tu refonctionneras
you will work again
il/elle/on refonctionnera
he/she/it will work again
nous refonctionnerons
we will work again
vous refonctionnerez
you all will work again
ils/elles refonctionneront
they will work again
Past perfect tense
j’avais refonctionné
I had worked again
tu avais refonctionné
you had worked again
il/elle/on avait refonctionné
he/she/it had worked again
nous avions refonctionné
we had worked again
vous aviez refonctionné
you all had worked again
ils/elles avaient refonctionné
they had worked again
Past preterite tense
je refonctionnai
I worked again
tu refonctionnas
you worked again
il/elle/on refonctionna
he/she/it worked again
nous refonctionnâmes
we worked again
vous refonctionnâtes
you all worked again
ils/elles refonctionnèrent
they worked again
Past anterior tense
j’eus refonctionné
I had worked again
tu eus refonctionné
you had worked again
il/elle/on eut refonctionné
he/she/it had worked again
nous eûmes refonctionné
we had worked again
vous eûtes refonctionné
you all had worked again
ils/elles eurent refonctionné
they had worked again
Future perfect tense
j’aurai refonctionné
I will have worked again
tu auras refonctionné
you will have worked again
il/elle/on aura refonctionné
he/she/it will have worked again
nous aurons refonctionné
we will have worked again
vous aurez refonctionné
you all will have worked again
ils/elles auront refonctionné
they will have worked again
Present subjunctive tense
que je refonctionne
that I work again
que tu refonctionnes
that you work again
qu’il/elle/on refonctionne
that he/she/it work again
que nous refonctionnions
that we work again
que vous refonctionniez
that you all work again
qu’ils/elles refonctionnent
that they work again
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie refonctionné
that I have worked again
que tu aies refonctionné
that you have worked again
qu’il/elle/on ait refonctionné
that he/she/it have worked again
que nous ayons refonctionné
that we have worked again
que vous ayez refonctionné
that you all have worked again
qu’ils/elles aient refonctionné
that they have worked again
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je refonctionnasse
that I would work again
que tu refonctionnasses
that you would work again
qu’il/elle/on refonctionnât
that he/she/it would work again
que nous refonctionnassions
that we would work again
que vous refonctionnassiez
that you all would work again
qu’ils/elles refonctionnassent
that they would work again
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse refonctionné
that I had worked again
que tu eusses refonctionné
that you had worked again
qu’il/elle/on eût refonctionné
that he/she/it had worked again
que nous eussions refonctionné
that we had worked again
que vous eussiez refonctionné
that you all had worked again
qu’ils/elles eussent refonctionné
that they had worked again
Conditional mood
je refonctionnerais
I would work again
tu refonctionnerais
you would work again
il/elle/on refonctionnerait
he/she/it would work again
nous refonctionnerions
we would work again
vous refonctionneriez
you all would work again
ils/elles refonctionneraient
they would work again
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais refonctionné
I would have worked again
tu aurais refonctionné
you would have worked again
il/elle/on aurait refonctionné
he/she/it would have worked again
nous aurions refonctionné
we would have worked again
vous auriez refonctionné
you all would have worked again
ils/elles auraient refonctionné
they would have worked again
Imperative mood
work again!
let's work again!
work again!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie refonctionné
have worked again
ayons refonctionné
let's have worked again
ayez refonctionné
have worked again

Examples of refonctionner

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Libère la chaise. Si tu veux que cette zone refonctionne, je dois m'asseoir.Hey, you need to move because if this area is going to work again, it needs to sit.

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