Recompter (to recount) conjugation

12 examples

Conjugation of recompter

Present tense
je recompte
I recount
tu recomptes
you recount
il/elle/on recompte
he/she/it recounts
nous recomptons
we recount
vous recomptez
you all recount
ils/elles recomptent
they recount
Present perfect tense
j’ai recompté
I recounted
tu as recompté
you recounted
il/elle/on a recompté
he/she/it recounted
nous avons recompté
we recounted
vous avez recompté
you all recounted
ils/elles ont recompté
they recounted
Past impf. tense
je recomptais
I was recounting
tu recomptais
you were recounting
il/elle/on recomptait
he/she/it was recounting
nous recomptions
we were recounting
vous recomptiez
you all were recounting
ils/elles recomptaient
they were recounting
Future tense
je recompterai
I will recount
tu recompteras
you will recount
il/elle/on recomptera
he/she/it will recount
nous recompterons
we will recount
vous recompterez
you all will recount
ils/elles recompteront
they will recount
Past perfect tense
j’avais recompté
I had recounted
tu avais recompté
you had recounted
il/elle/on avait recompté
he/she/it had recounted
nous avions recompté
we had recounted
vous aviez recompté
you all had recounted
ils/elles avaient recompté
they had recounted
Past preterite tense
je recomptai
I recounted
tu recomptas
you recounted
il/elle/on recompta
he/she/it recounted
nous recomptâmes
we recounted
vous recomptâtes
you all recounted
ils/elles recomptèrent
they recounted
Past anterior tense
j’eus recompté
I had recounted
tu eus recompté
you had recounted
il/elle/on eut recompté
he/she/it had recounted
nous eûmes recompté
we had recounted
vous eûtes recompté
you all had recounted
ils/elles eurent recompté
they had recounted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai recompté
I will have recounted
tu auras recompté
you will have recounted
il/elle/on aura recompté
he/she/it will have recounted
nous aurons recompté
we will have recounted
vous aurez recompté
you all will have recounted
ils/elles auront recompté
they will have recounted
Present subjunctive tense
que je recompte
that I recount
que tu recomptes
that you recount
qu’il/elle/on recompte
that he/she/it recount
que nous recomptions
that we recount
que vous recomptiez
that you all recount
qu’ils/elles recomptent
that they recount
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie recompté
that I have recounted
que tu aies recompté
that you have recounted
qu’il/elle/on ait recompté
that he/she/it have recounted
que nous ayons recompté
that we have recounted
que vous ayez recompté
that you all have recounted
qu’ils/elles aient recompté
that they have recounted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je recomptasse
that I would recount
que tu recomptasses
that you would recount
qu’il/elle/on recomptât
that he/she/it would recount
que nous recomptassions
that we would recount
que vous recomptassiez
that you all would recount
qu’ils/elles recomptassent
that they would recount
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse recompté
that I had recounted
que tu eusses recompté
that you had recounted
qu’il/elle/on eût recompté
that he/she/it had recounted
que nous eussions recompté
that we had recounted
que vous eussiez recompté
that you all had recounted
qu’ils/elles eussent recompté
that they had recounted
Conditional mood
je recompterais
I would recount
tu recompterais
you would recount
il/elle/on recompterait
he/she/it would recount
nous recompterions
we would recount
vous recompteriez
you all would recount
ils/elles recompteraient
they would recount
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais recompté
I would have recounted
tu aurais recompté
you would have recounted
il/elle/on aurait recompté
he/she/it would have recounted
nous aurions recompté
we would have recounted
vous auriez recompté
you all would have recounted
ils/elles auraient recompté
they would have recounted
Imperative mood
let's recount!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie recompté
have recounted
ayons recompté
let's have recounted
ayez recompté
have recounted

Examples of recompter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" La guerre des Barnes commencé avec ta famille a causé plus de cœur brisé qu'aucun de nous a le temps de recompter."The feud digger Barnes started with our family caused more heartbreak than either of us has time to recount.
1 % des votes. Au vu des résultats de ce recomptage d'1 % , le comité de vérification des votes décidera s'il doit recompter manuellement les 99 % de bulletins restants.And based on the results of this 1% recount, the canvassing board will then decide if they are to hand-recount the remaining 99% of their ballots.
58 comtés retournent aux boîtes à bulletins pour recompter les bulletins nuls, par ordre de la Cour suprême.As many as 58 counties are going back to the ballot boxes recounting so-called undervotes by order of the State Supreme Court.
Dr Hart, après, il faudra recompter les abaisses-langues.Then, Dr. Hart, you need to recount those tongue depressors.
Il me manque des dizaines de voix. Il va falloir recompter. Le vote à distance.No, I'm down a few dozen now, so it's gonna come down to a recount, but... maybe the absentee ballots.
Ils ont recompté ces votes.And they've already recounted those votes.
Vous avez été extrêmement impolie, mais j'ai recompté, et je m'étais trompé.Now, you were very rude, but I recounted and I was wrong.
- J'exige un recompte!- Well, then I demand a recount!
- Vous pouvez demander un recompte.- Lf I were you, I'd demand a recount.
-Attends, je recompte.-Wait, I recount.
Bon, je recompte.I'll do a recount...
Dans le dossier de contestation, le vice-président Gore a demandé à ce que Miami-Dade finisse son recomptage avorté et à ce que Palm Beach recompte ses bulletins suivant un critère qui inclut les traces de trous.In the contest brief, Vice President Gore requested that Miami-Dade complete its aborted recount and for Palm Beach to recount their ballots with a standard that includes dimpled chads.

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