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Pistonner (to pull strings) conjugation

7 examples

Conjugation of pistonner

Present tense
je pistonne
I pull strings
tu pistonnes
you pull strings
il/elle/on pistonne
he/she/it pulls strings
nous pistonnons
we pull strings
vous pistonnez
you all pull strings
ils/elles pistonnent
they pull strings
Present perfect tense
j’ai pistonné
I pulled strings
tu as pistonné
you pulled strings
il/elle/on a pistonné
he/she/it pulled strings
nous avons pistonné
we pulled strings
vous avez pistonné
you all pulled strings
ils/elles ont pistonné
they pulled strings
Past impf. tense
je pistonnais
I was pulling strings
tu pistonnais
you were pulling strings
il/elle/on pistonnait
he/she/it was pulling strings
nous pistonnions
we were pulling strings
vous pistonniez
you all were pulling strings
ils/elles pistonnaient
they were pulling strings
Future tense
je pistonnerai
I will pull strings
tu pistonneras
you will pull strings
il/elle/on pistonnera
he/she/it will pull strings
nous pistonnerons
we will pull strings
vous pistonnerez
you all will pull strings
ils/elles pistonneront
they will pull strings
Past perfect tense
j’avais pistonné
I had pulled strings
tu avais pistonné
you had pulled strings
il/elle/on avait pistonné
he/she/it had pulled strings
nous avions pistonné
we had pulled strings
vous aviez pistonné
you all had pulled strings
ils/elles avaient pistonné
they had pulled strings
Past preterite tense
je pistonnai
I pulled strings
tu pistonnas
you pulled strings
il/elle/on pistonna
he/she/it pulled strings
nous pistonnâmes
we pulled strings
vous pistonnâtes
you all pulled strings
ils/elles pistonnèrent
they pulled strings
Past anterior tense
j’eus pistonné
I had pulled strings
tu eus pistonné
you had pulled strings
il/elle/on eut pistonné
he/she/it had pulled strings
nous eûmes pistonné
we had pulled strings
vous eûtes pistonné
you all had pulled strings
ils/elles eurent pistonné
they had pulled strings
Future perfect tense
j’aurai pistonné
I will have pulled strings
tu auras pistonné
you will have pulled strings
il/elle/on aura pistonné
he/she/it will have pulled strings
nous aurons pistonné
we will have pulled strings
vous aurez pistonné
you all will have pulled strings
ils/elles auront pistonné
they will have pulled strings
Present subjunctive tense
que je pistonne
that I pull strings
que tu pistonnes
that you pull strings
qu’il/elle/on pistonne
that he/she/it pull strings
que nous pistonnions
that we pull strings
que vous pistonniez
that you all pull strings
qu’ils/elles pistonnent
that they pull strings
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie pistonné
that I have pulled strings
que tu aies pistonné
that you have pulled strings
qu’il/elle/on ait pistonné
that he/she/it have pulled strings
que nous ayons pistonné
that we have pulled strings
que vous ayez pistonné
that you all have pulled strings
qu’ils/elles aient pistonné
that they have pulled strings
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je pistonnasse
that I would pull strings
que tu pistonnasses
that you would pull strings
qu’il/elle/on pistonnât
that he/she/it would pull strings
que nous pistonnassions
that we would pull strings
que vous pistonnassiez
that you all would pull strings
qu’ils/elles pistonnassent
that they would pull strings
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse pistonné
that I had pulled strings
que tu eusses pistonné
that you had pulled strings
qu’il/elle/on eût pistonné
that he/she/it had pulled strings
que nous eussions pistonné
that we had pulled strings
que vous eussiez pistonné
that you all had pulled strings
qu’ils/elles eussent pistonné
that they had pulled strings
Conditional mood
je pistonnerais
I would pull strings
tu pistonnerais
you would pull strings
il/elle/on pistonnerait
he/she/it would pull strings
nous pistonnerions
we would pull strings
vous pistonneriez
you all would pull strings
ils/elles pistonneraient
they would pull strings
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais pistonné
I would have pulled strings
tu aurais pistonné
you would have pulled strings
il/elle/on aurait pistonné
he/she/it would have pulled strings
nous aurions pistonné
we would have pulled strings
vous auriez pistonné
you all would have pulled strings
ils/elles auraient pistonné
they would have pulled strings
Imperative mood
pull strings!
let's pull strings!
pull strings!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie pistonné
have pulled strings
ayons pistonné
let's have pulled strings
ayez pistonné
have pulled strings

Examples of pistonner

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Et la serveuse, tu vas la pistonner aussi ?So, are you gonna pull strings for the french-fry girl, too?
Et maintenant, tu ne veux pas pistonner tes enfants ?You're not asking me to pull strings for your kids, are you?
Je n'ai personne pour me pistonner.There's no one to pull strings for me.
D'avoir une mère honnête et bien pensante, de faire des études, ...de fréquenter la bonne société, et d'épouser un haut.fonctionnaire, que mon père aura pistonné.having an honest and smart mother as an example, to be in good society and have to mary a high functionary. My father has pulled strings.
On l'a pistonné pour son brevet.He pulled strings to get his license.
Tu étais pistonné?You pulled strings.
Si on en pistonne un, le système s'écroule.If we pull strings for one child... the whole system will unravel.

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