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Patienter (to be patient) conjugation

16 examples

Conjugation of patienter

Present tense
je patiente
I am patient
tu patientes
you are patient
il/elle/on patiente
he/she/it is patient
nous patientons
we are patient
vous patientez
you all are patient
ils/elles patientent
they are patient
Present perfect tense
j’ai patienté
I was patient
tu as patienté
you were patient
il/elle/on a patienté
he/she/it was patient
nous avons patienté
we were patient
vous avez patienté
you all were patient
ils/elles ont patienté
they were patient
Past impf. tense
je patientais
I was being patient
tu patientais
you were being patient
il/elle/on patientait
he/she/it was being patient
nous patientions
we were being patient
vous patientiez
you all were being patient
ils/elles patientaient
they were being patient
Future tense
je patienterai
I will be patient
tu patienteras
you will be patient
il/elle/on patientera
he/she/it will be patient
nous patienterons
we will be patient
vous patienterez
you all will be patient
ils/elles patienteront
they will be patient
Past perfect tense
j’avais patienté
I had been patient
tu avais patienté
you had been patient
il/elle/on avait patienté
he/she/it had been patient
nous avions patienté
we had been patient
vous aviez patienté
you all had been patient
ils/elles avaient patienté
they had been patient
Past preterite tense
je patientai
I was patient
tu patientas
you were patient
il/elle/on patienta
he/she/it was patient
nous patientâmes
we were patient
vous patientâtes
you all were patient
ils/elles patientèrent
they were patient
Past anterior tense
j’eus patienté
I had been patient
tu eus patienté
you had been patient
il/elle/on eut patienté
he/she/it had been patient
nous eûmes patienté
we had been patient
vous eûtes patienté
you all had been patient
ils/elles eurent patienté
they had been patient
Future perfect tense
j’aurai patienté
I will have been patient
tu auras patienté
you will have been patient
il/elle/on aura patienté
he/she/it will have been patient
nous aurons patienté
we will have been patient
vous aurez patienté
you all will have been patient
ils/elles auront patienté
they will have been patient
Present subjunctive tense
que je patiente
that I am patient
que tu patientes
that you are patient
qu’il/elle/on patiente
that he/she/it be patient
que nous patientions
that we are patient
que vous patientiez
that you all are patient
qu’ils/elles patientent
that they are patient
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie patienté
that I have been patient
que tu aies patienté
that you have been patient
qu’il/elle/on ait patienté
that he/she/it have been patient
que nous ayons patienté
that we have been patient
que vous ayez patienté
that you all have been patient
qu’ils/elles aient patienté
that they have been patient
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je patientasse
that I would be patient
que tu patientasses
that you would be patient
qu’il/elle/on patientât
that he/she/it would be patient
que nous patientassions
that we would be patient
que vous patientassiez
that you all would be patient
qu’ils/elles patientassent
that they would be patient
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse patienté
that I had been patient
que tu eusses patienté
that you had been patient
qu’il/elle/on eût patienté
that he/she/it had been patient
que nous eussions patienté
that we had been patient
que vous eussiez patienté
that you all had been patient
qu’ils/elles eussent patienté
that they had been patient
Conditional mood
je patienterais
I would be patient
tu patienterais
you would be patient
il/elle/on patienterait
he/she/it would be patient
nous patienterions
we would be patient
vous patienteriez
you all would be patient
ils/elles patienteraient
they would be patient
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais patienté
I would have been patient
tu aurais patienté
you would have been patient
il/elle/on aurait patienté
he/she/it would have been patient
nous aurions patienté
we would have been patient
vous auriez patienté
you all would have been patient
ils/elles auraient patienté
they would have been patient
Imperative mood
are patient!
let's be patient!
are patient!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie patienté
have been patient
ayons patienté
let's have been patient
ayez patienté
have been patient

Examples of patienter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Comment pourrais-je patienter ?""How can I be patient anymore?"
- Apprenez à patienter.- You must learn to be patient.
- Il va falloir patienter.- You'll have to be patient.
- Nous allons patienter.- We will be patient.
- Vous allez devoir patienter.You must be patient.
J'ai patienté pendant plus de trois mille ans, n'est-ce pas suffisant ?! I have been patient for over 3000 years!
"Je débute, "et j'espère que tu seras patiente avec moi.""I'm new at this and I'm trusting you to be patient with me."
"Livia, ma grand-mère sut se montrer patiente.My grandmother, Livia, could certainly be patient.
"Mais je te supplie d'être patiente."Now I beg you to be patient."
- Bientôt, soyez patiente.- Eventually. Just be patient.
- D'accord, soit patiente.- All right, just be patient.
Iwago, vous avez raison d'être en colère. Mais patientez.Iwago, you have a right to be angry but please be patient.
Je vous en prie, patientez.I beg you, be patient.
Mais patientez que nous ayons calmé la population effrayée, Vous saurons alors pourquoi, moi qui aimais César quand je l'ai tué, j'ai agit ainsi.Only be patient till we have appeased the multitude, beside themselves with fear, and then we will deliver you the cause, why I, that did love Caesar when I struck him, have thus proceeded.
Pendant que vous patientez, les Neuf Royaumes rient de nous.While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us.
Restez derrière et patientez.Just stay back and be patient.

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None found.