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Ciller (to blink) conjugation

16 examples

Conjugation of ciller

Present tense
je cille
I blink
tu cilles
you blink
il/elle/on cille
he/she/it blinks
nous cillons
we blink
vous cillez
you all blink
ils/elles cillent
they blink
Present perfect tense
j’ai cillé
I blinked
tu as cillé
you blinked
il/elle/on a cillé
he/she/it blinked
nous avons cillé
we blinked
vous avez cillé
you all blinked
ils/elles ont cillé
they blinked
Past impf. tense
je cillais
I was blinking
tu cillais
you were blinking
il/elle/on cillait
he/she/it was blinking
nous cillions
we were blinking
vous cilliez
you all were blinking
ils/elles cillaient
they were blinking
Future tense
je cillerai
I will blink
tu cilleras
you will blink
il/elle/on cillera
he/she/it will blink
nous cillerons
we will blink
vous cillerez
you all will blink
ils/elles cilleront
they will blink
Past perfect tense
j’avais cillé
I had blinked
tu avais cillé
you had blinked
il/elle/on avait cillé
he/she/it had blinked
nous avions cillé
we had blinked
vous aviez cillé
you all had blinked
ils/elles avaient cillé
they had blinked
Past preterite tense
je cillai
I blinked
tu cillas
you blinked
il/elle/on cilla
he/she/it blinked
nous cillâmes
we blinked
vous cillâtes
you all blinked
ils/elles cillèrent
they blinked
Past anterior tense
j’eus cillé
I had blinked
tu eus cillé
you had blinked
il/elle/on eut cillé
he/she/it had blinked
nous eûmes cillé
we had blinked
vous eûtes cillé
you all had blinked
ils/elles eurent cillé
they had blinked
Future perfect tense
j’aurai cillé
I will have blinked
tu auras cillé
you will have blinked
il/elle/on aura cillé
he/she/it will have blinked
nous aurons cillé
we will have blinked
vous aurez cillé
you all will have blinked
ils/elles auront cillé
they will have blinked
Present subjunctive tense
que je cille
that I blink
que tu cilles
that you blink
qu’il/elle/on cille
that he/she/it blink
que nous cillions
that we blink
que vous cilliez
that you all blink
qu’ils/elles cillent
that they blink
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie cillé
that I have blinked
que tu aies cillé
that you have blinked
qu’il/elle/on ait cillé
that he/she/it have blinked
que nous ayons cillé
that we have blinked
que vous ayez cillé
that you all have blinked
qu’ils/elles aient cillé
that they have blinked
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je cillasse
that I would blink
que tu cillasses
that you would blink
qu’il/elle/on cillât
that he/she/it would blink
que nous cillassions
that we would blink
que vous cillassiez
that you all would blink
qu’ils/elles cillassent
that they would blink
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse cillé
that I had blinked
que tu eusses cillé
that you had blinked
qu’il/elle/on eût cillé
that he/she/it had blinked
que nous eussions cillé
that we had blinked
que vous eussiez cillé
that you all had blinked
qu’ils/elles eussent cillé
that they had blinked
Conditional mood
je cillerais
I would blink
tu cillerais
you would blink
il/elle/on cillerait
he/she/it would blink
nous cillerions
we would blink
vous cilleriez
you all would blink
ils/elles cilleraient
they would blink
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais cillé
I would have blinked
tu aurais cillé
you would have blinked
il/elle/on aurait cillé
he/she/it would have blinked
nous aurions cillé
we would have blinked
vous auriez cillé
you all would have blinked
ils/elles auraient cillé
they would have blinked
Imperative mood
let's blink!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie cillé
have blinked
ayons cillé
let's have blinked
ayez cillé
have blinked

Examples of ciller

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Assurez vous juste de ne pas ciller.Just make sure you don't blink.
Il dit aussi qu'il veut que vous vous fixiez sans ciller en le faisant.He also says that he Wants you to stare into each other"s eyes Without blinking While you do it.
Ils nous feront la même chose, coupant nos gorges sans ciller.They'll do the same to us, cut our throats without blinking.
Je vais le voir en prison chaque semaine depuis quatre mois où je défie du regard le diable. Il vient de ciller.I've been going to that prison every week for the last four months to have a staring contest with the devil, and the devil just blinked.
Je veux ces troupes sur le chemin des Flandres avant que Londres ne puisse ciller!I want these troops on their way to Flanders before London can blink!
C'est devant moi que la mort a cillé!Death blinked at me! You got that? He blinked at me!
Elle n'a même pas cillé.Never even blinked.
Il n'a pas cillé, souri ou bougé. Rien.He hasn't blinked, smiled, moved, nothing.
Je n'ai même pas cillé.I never even blinked.
La mort me regardait droit dans les yeux et c'est elle qui a cillé.Honestly, it was like death and I had a staring match and, well, death blinked.
- Ne cille pas, surtout.-It's all in the eyes. Don't blink.
Attendant que l'autre cille.Each of us waiting for the other to blink.
Aucun ne cille. Aucun ne se dégonfle.Neither one's blinking or backing down.
Avez-vous noté que La traversée du désert ressemble à L'oeil qui ne cille pas ?Hey, have you ever noticed that the Crossing the Desert is a lot like the Unblinking Eye?
Celui-ci est L'oeil qui ne cille pas.And this we call the Unblinking Eye.
Ne cillez surtout pas.Don't even blink.

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