Hylätyt telakat olisi hyvä paikka. | The abandoned shipyards at the Old Port, that might be a place to start. |
Mainitsitte äsken rautatiet ja telakat. | Look here, you're the one talking about railway lines and shipyards. |
Muistatko ne tuhoamamme telakat? | Remember those shipyards we destroyed? |
Nietzscheläisten telakat siellä ovat parhaita. | Nietzscheans built the almagast shipyards into the best in the three galaxies. |
Nämä telakat käyttävät paikallista materiaalia keskuslinssiin, - keskeinen osa energia-asetta. | Now, these shipyards use locally produced material to build a focusing lens a central part of any energy weapon. |
- Hänet löydettiin yöllä telakoiden luota. - Kuka hänet löysi? | They found him last night in an alley near the shipyards. |
Tunnetko rahastojen ja viljavarastojen asioita tai telakoiden ja sotilaiden hoitoa? | You've any experience of treasuries and granaries or shipyards and soldiers? |
-Ja rannikkovartiosto valvoo telakoita. | And the Coast Guard's got the shipyards wired. Good work. |
Ajattele telakoita ja kaikkia uusia osia Andromedaa varten. | Think of the shipyards. Imagine all the new parts just waiting for Andromeda. |
Tehtaita, telakoita, kaivoksia. Ja laivasto saartoa varten. | They've got factories, shipyards, coal mines and a fleet to bottle up our harbors and starve us to death. |
3000 rahtialusta ollaan rakentamassa parhaillaan Korean, Kiinan ja Japanin telakoilla, jotka tekevät 90 % aluksista. | Three thousand cargo ships are currently under construction in the shipyards of Korea, China and Japan, which provide 90% of the world's production. |
Meillä on ollut toimintaa vuonon telakoilla. | We've had shipyards here in the fjord. |
Tuhansia työntekijöitä virtaa telakoille. | Thousands of workers are pouring into the shipyards. |
-Liittyykö se telakan sulkemiseen? | This has to do with the shipyard closing? |
Alle vuosi sitten Olof Palme lupasi, että hallitus pelastaa telakan. | Palme promised to save the shipyard. |
Eivät kai saksalaiset teloita telakan väkeä? | Won't the Germans execute shipyard workers if they... |
He voivat ottaa telakan haltuunsa milloin hyvänsä. | The shipyard could be taken over anytime |
Hän ei ollut tekemisissä Russon kanssa ennen telakan sulkemista, -mutta tuki yhtäkkiä Russoa. | He had nothing to do with Russo before the shipyard closing, and then suddenly he's propping him up... |
Billie haluaisi nähdä telakkaa. | Billie says he wants to tour the shipyard |
Mitä Ko haluaa telakasta? | What does Ko want with the shipyard? |
Tahdon puhua telakasta. | And I want to talk about the shipyard. |
- Niin, telakalla. | - ln the shipyards, yeah. |
- Talbotien telakalla. | Where? The shipyard. |
-Olen hitsaajana Arendalin telakalla. | -I'm a welder at the shipyard. |
Alliedin telakalla. | Allied shipyard. |
Katsoin ympärilleni ja katsoin Nania tai Andersonia... Päävalmentaja yritti kuvailla nuoruusaikaa Glasgow'n telakalla leveällä skottiaksentillaan. | But what I'd do is I'd look round and I'd look at, say, Nani or Anderson, and the manager's trying to describe growing up in a Glasgow shipyard in a broad Scottish accent, and you can see Nani and Anderson |
- Ne jotka varastitte telakalta. | The money you stole from the shipyard. |
Autan varastamaan telakalta. | I'm helping steal stuff from the shipyard. |
Hyvät naiset ja herrat, Clyden telakalta: | Ladies and gentlemen... from the great Clyde shipyards... |
Löysimme hänet telakalta, jonne aluksen piti saapua. | We found him at the shipyard where the boat was supposed to dock. |
Tämä mies ei olekaan mikään juntti telakalta. | This ain't one of them smokers from the shipyard, Huard. |
- Käski ajamaan Vuo Taa -telakalle. | He told the driver to go to the Lee Kee shipyard. |
- Laivaston telakalle. | - The naval shipyard. |
- Menivät kai Vuo Taa -telakalle. | - I think to Lee Kee shipyards. |
- Yrittää telakalle. | He's hoping to get work at the shipyard, sir. |
Estrellan telakalle. | It looks like its end point is the Estrella shipyard. |
- Entä tämä Vuo Taa -telakka? | What about this Lee Kee shipyard? |
- Vuo Taa -telakka? | Lee Kee shipyards? |
Auto on nyt telakka-alueella, joka pitää eristää. | Suspect is now inside the shipyard. I need containment around the perimeter. |
Cebussa on telakka. | There's a shipyard at Cebu. We'll tow you. |
Ensin telakka suljettiin, ja sitten labra tuhottiin. | First the shipyard was shut down, then the lab was destroyed. |