Example in Finnish | Translation in English |
No joo, jotkut suharit on töykeitä, muttei läheskään kaikki! | Ok so maybe there are a few drivers that are rude to customers. But they're not all like that! |
Olisiko suharille rauhoittavia? | We're coming. Who has a Xanax for the Uber driver? |
Ammatti? Taksisuhari vai pelkkä suhari? | Profession... should I write "crazy taxi driver" or just "roadhog"? |
En minäkään oikeasti ole suhari. | But the problem is that I'm not a real taxi driver. |
Language | Verb(s) | Language | Verb(s) |
Russian | водитель,возничий, драйвер, погонщик, ямщик |