- Kaikki miehiset periskoopit alas. | - All male periscopes down. |
Tapasimme kutsua niitä soutaviksi periskoopeiksi. | We used to call them roving periscopes. |
"Syvyys kahdeksan syliä kaikkialla." Voimme edetä periskoopin avulla. | "Depth, eight fathoms everywhere." Good, he's remembered everything. That means we can go slap in at periscope depth. |
Ne huomasivat periskoopin. | They must have spotted our periscope. |
Nostin heti periskoopin. | I sees her and says, "Up periscope." |
Näin unta, että nostimme periskoopin keskellä japsien keisarillisen laivaston paraatia. | Last night, I dreamed we upped periscope. Right in the middle of the entire Jap imperial fleet. Passing in review. |
RJ, kiipeä periskoopin huipulle ja pane lamppu sinne. | RJ, I want you to climb the periscope and put that lamp up on top of it. |
- Niin kuin pyörittäisi periskooppia. | Oh, yeah. Like swinging a periscope around. |
Ei siihen mahdu periskooppia. | There's no room for a periscope on a car. |
Haluaisitko mieluummin pidellä periskooppia? | You want to be the guy holding the periscope? |
Hän voi käyttää periskooppia tai kirjainlautaa. | Well, he might try a periscope or a Ouija board. |
Miten voi ajaa ja katsoa samalla periskoopista? | How are you gonna drive while you're looking through a periscope? |
Olen istunut ruuhkassa ja haaveillut periskoopista. | I've been in cars and I wanted- - You know, I'm stuck in traffic and I'm thinking there should be a periscope. |
Et ole edes katsonut periskooppiin. | You haven't even looked through the periscope yet. |
Ja nyt... Nyt kun katson periskooppiin, se näyttää etäisyyden ja vauhdin. | And now... now I look in the periscope and it gives me the distance and the speed. |
Kapteeni katsoi periskooppiin, huomasi kohteen, - suoritti laskelmat päässään, - ja sanoi "Torpedo los! " | The captain would look through his periscope and sight a target, and then he did arithmetic in his head and said "Torpedo los! " |
Kuin katsoisi periskooppiin. | It's like looking through a periscope. |
Pudotamme vain "kananmunan" suoraan sen periskooppiin. | I reckon we'll just drop an egg right down his periscope. |
- Ette osu. Varmistan periskoopilla. | We'll use the periscope to make sure the path is clear. |
Näen tällä periskoopilla koko olohuoneen. | It's gonna be a periscope. - I'll be able to see the whole living room. |
- Nostaisitko meidät periskooppi syvyyteen? - Selvä, kapteeni. | - Take us periscopes height. |
- Nostakaa periskooppi. | Up periscope! |
- Tai periskooppi. | Or a periscope. |
Autossa voisi olla periskooppi, jolla näkisi liikenteen. | A periscope in a car, so you can see traffic. |
Hän on hieman hutera ja periskooppi on ruosteessa. | But, he's a little dinky and his periscope's a little rusty... |