Hannibal, panimot käyttävät vettä. | Well, Hannibal, breweries do use water. |
Kiitos kavereillemme Searsissa ja paikallisissa panimoissa, - jotka tarjosivat huippulaadukkaat kaljahanat ja vuoden ilmaiset kaljat! | Oh... Thanks to our friends at Sears and local breweries, who provided state-of-the-art taps and a year's supply of free beer! |
Taruissa kerrotaan, että jos oli riittävän kännissä, - sellaisen saattoi nähdä vaanivan Japanin panimoilla. | There's lore saying that, back in the old day, if you were plastered enough, you could see one skulking around the breweries in Japan. |
Heidän sukunsa omistaa Bavarian vanhimman panimon. | Their family owns the oldest brewery in Bavaria. |
Hän omistaa sen ison panimon Union Avenuella. | Mr. Leehman owns that big brewery over on Union Avenue. |
Käy sääliksi niitä panimon tyyppejä. | I feel sad for those brewery dudes. |
Lisa, käytin koko työpäiväni tehdäkseni Duffin panimon mini-Springfieldiimme. | Lisa, Lisa, I spent all day at work making a Duff brewery for our mini-Springfield. |
Muista, että panimon omistaja omistaa klubinkin. | Remember, the owner of the club is also the owner of the brewery? |
...se koskee koko panimoa. | The whole brewery knows. |
Katsellaanko panimoa? | Ever been to a brewery before? How about a little tour? |
Minä pyöritän panimoa. | - Because! I have a top-notch brewery to run. |
Torkel Knutssonin kadun risteyksessä, juuri ennen panimoa! | Entrance to Torkel Knutssons gata, just before the brewery. Skacke! |
- He, jotka pitivät minua siellä panimossa... Chloe vaihtoi itsensä minuun, jotta olisin vapaa. | Those people who were holding me at that old brewery -- she -- she traded herself in so I could be free. |
Et saisi työskennellä panimossa. | I don't like you working on that brewery bay. |
Ja kun pääsee perille, haisee kuin panimossa. | And you have to walk through all this meat, like hanging beef, like beef, like bacon beef. And by the time you get in there, you smell like a brewery. |
Kun on sihteerinä panimossa, on vaikea kuvitella olevansa mitään muuta. | When you're a secretary in a brewery, it's hard to make believe you're anything else. |
Minulla on silminnäkijätodistus ja kuvia väitteeni tukena, - että ryhmä teitä sankareita on kiduttanut viattomia ihmisiä panimossa satamassa. | But I've got eyewitness testimony... And photos... To back it up that a group of you heroes have been torturing innocent people by the old brewery at the docks! |
- Kerroin Rorylle panimosta ja linnasta... | I filled Rory in. I mentioned the brewery, and the castle. |
- Kuulimme, että sait potkut panimosta. | We heard you got fired from the brewery. |
- Sinulla oli kokemusta panimosta? - Kyllä vain. | Your work experience is in a brewery, right? |
Kun meidän täytyy pelastaa rikkaita naisia panimosta sinun on paras suostua. | But when the time comes to rescue a bunch of rich women trapped in a brewery, you better step up. |
Mies ostatti neidillä velipuolensa osuuden panimosta ylihintaan. | He persuaded her to buy her half-brother's share of the brewery at an immense price, so that when he was her husband, he could hold and manage it all. |
Menen panimoon. | I'll work in the brewery. |
Tärkeintä on, että olen palannut panimoon. Kaikki saavat viiden prosentin palkankorotuksen. | The important thing is that I'm back at the brewery and you're all in for a five-percent raise. |
Haluatko olla panimolla töissä? | I'm sorry. You like working at the brewery? |
Jos hän on ollut jutussa kolme vuotta, - hän on kuullut kaiken, mitä panimolla on sanottu. | If he's been working this board for three years, he's heard everything that's been said in that brewery. |
Joten, Peter, Lois kertoi sinun työskentelevän panimolla. | So, Peter, Lois tells me that you're working at the brewery. |
Kuka hoitaa poikaa, kun olet panimolla? | Who will look after him while you're at the brewery? |
Kuulemma panimolla on kiirettä. | I hear the brewery's getting some buzz. |
- Onko tämä kaikki panimolta? | All this from the brewery? |
Hän haisee aivan panimolta. | He smells like a brewery. |
Kuulin hänen tappaneen jonkun saatuaan potkut panimolta. | Oh, that's right. I heard that when the brewery gave him his pink slip, he killed a guy. |
Saat varmasti panimolta naisen osoitteen, jos pyydät kauniisti. | I'm sure the brewery'll give you that woman's address if you ask them nicely. |
Jokainen käärön löytäjä voittaa taianomaisen kierroksen panimolle, ja pääsee kahmimaan olutta varastoon loppuelämäkseen. | Each lucky scroll winner and a guest of their choice will take a magical tour of the brewery, and walk away with a lifetime's supply of beer. |
Menemme panimolle jossa Jasper työskentelee, hän hakee meidät 12:ta. | Well, we're gonna go to the brewery where Jasper works and he is gonna pick us up at twelve |
Miksi haluat niin kovasti sinne panimolle? | Why do you care so much about touring a stupid brewery? |
Sitten tajuttiinkin, ettei ollut aikani ja minut lähetettiin tänne panimolle. | But then they realised it wasn't my time, and so they sent me back to a brewery. |
Soitin panimolle. | I telephoned the brewery. |
- Haiset kuin panimo. | - Jesus, you smell like a brewery. |
- Kun panimo aukeaa... | When that brewery opens-- |
-Sieben'sin panimo... -Hyvä on. | So, the brewery, Sieben's. |
Argentiinalaiset rakastavat Simpsoneita niin paljon, että heillä on oma Duffin panimo. | Argentines love the simpsons so much that they actually have a duff brewery. |
Duffin panimo on tuolla saarella. | - The Duff brewery is on that island. |