Sports Illustrated nimesi motocrossin rankimmaksi urheiluksi. | Derek, Sports Illustrated recently ranked motocross... as the most physically demanding sport in the world. |
Tapasin hänet, kun hän oli lopettanut motocrossin. | When I met him, he'd just finished motocross and he was wanting to get into racing bikes. |
"Et saa ajaa motocrossia. | "No, you don't go with motocross. |
- Ajan motocrossia. | I ride motocross. |
- Ei enduroa, eikä motocrossia... | Not an enduro, not a motocross... |
Ajoin motocrossia. | I was riding motocross. |
En, ajan motocrossia. | - I race motocross. I- |
Harjoittelu on tärkeää motocrossissa. | Training in motocross is very important. |
Monet MotoGP-kuljettajat loukkaantuvat motocrossissa. | I think a lot of MotoGP riders have injury with motocross. |
Rakkaudessa ja motocrossissa kaikki on sallittu. | Anyhoo, all's fair in love and motocross. Did you come up with that by yourself, or did your dad help you with that? |
Ajattelin vain, että tienaisit tarpeeksi motocrossilla. | I just thought maybe you'd make enough money off the motocross, that's all. |
Heillä on motocross-kisa. | They're having a motocross. |
Hänen olkansa vahingoittui motocross-onnettomuudessa Italiassa pian sen jälkeen, kun hän voitti ensimmäisen MotoGP-kilpailun Qatarissa. | He injured his shoulder in a motocross crash in Italy a few days after winning the first MotoGP race in Qatar. |
Olen ammattimainen motocross-ajaja. | l am a professional motocross racer. |
Tänään alkaa vapaan tyylin motocross-urasi. | You're gonna begin your freestyle motocross career today. |
Vai onko tämä basehyppääjä - krokotiilipainija - haisukeltaja - tulivuorikelkkailija - karhutaistelija, käärmeenkasvattaja - motocross-retale kuoleman oma? | Or will this BASE-jumping, crocodile-wrestling, shark-diving, volcano-luging, bear-fighting, snake-wrangling, motocross-racing bastard die? |