Malja kilpailukyvylle, hyvälle johtamiselle, liiketulokselle ja rehellisyydelle. | A toast to competitiveness, good management, profit and honesty. |
Ehkä he kokivat sen välttämättömäksi jotta kilpailukyky voitaisiin säilyttää. | But maybe they were doing so because they felt they had to in order to maintain their competitiveness given so many other companies that were nonunion in the United States and also many companies abroad. |
Onko sinun niin - vaikea uskoa, kun Butters sanoo, että kilpailukyky voi olla myötätuntoista, - hän on täysin vilpitön? | Is it so hard for you to believe that when Butters says competitiveness can be compassionate, he's being completely sincere? |