- Altaassa ei ole haikaloja. | Ocean's an ocean. No sharks in the pool. Don't worry. |
Etsikääpä haikaloja, sillä veri houkuttelee ne paikalle. | The Wipeout King is back and I'm gonna tell you, start looking for the sharks. They'll be circling because there's gonna be blood. |
Etsisin merenpohjista aarteita haikaloja vastaan taistellen. | Then i'd descend into the tropical seas and look for sunken treasure. And fight sharks and squid. |
He ovat kuin haikaloja. | They're like all the sharks in the sea. |
Houkuttelemme enemmän haikaloja! | We'll attract more sharks! |
En tykkää haikaloista. | Do you like to swim? I don't like sharks. |
Mies on vertaansa vailla, kun on kyse kelloista - haikaloista - ja roistoista. | The man is in a league of his own when it comes to watches, sharks and villains. |
Okei, jos se kertoo haikaloista tai petoeläimistä. | If it's about sharks,or animals attacking people, They're good. |
Pidän yhä yhteyttä kaikkiin noihin miehiin ja osaan haikaloista. | I still keep in touch with all those men and some of the sharks. |
Tykkään haikaloista. | I love sharks. |
Saat mahdollisuuden tutustua kilpikonniin, trooppisiin kaloihin tai joihinkin haikaloihin lahdessa" | Take the opportunity to get to know turtles, tropical fish or some of the sharks in the bay. " |
Se toimii karhuilla ja haikaloilla, neropatti. | and look less like a meal. That's for bears and sharks, Chunky Chew. |
Kadun vain sitä, etten syöttänyt tätä rakkia aikaisemmin haikaloille. | My only regret is that l didn't think of... ...feedingthismutt to the sharks earlier. |
Sitten otamme pallit ja heitämme ne haikaloille. | And then we're gonna take his balls and cut them off and throw them to the sharks! |
Tai muuten syötän hänet nälkäisille haikaloille! | Or else I'll feed her to the hungry sharks! |
Upotettava, murskattava, syötettävä haikaloille. | Scuppered, smashed, fed to the sharks. |
Teillä on 15 minuuttia aikaa kirjoittaa runo mustasukkaisesta haikalasta. | Dear students, in the next 15 minutes, I want to write poetry about jealous shark. |
Työnnä loput haikalasta ulos! | Throw the rest of the shark out! |
Stark luottaisi vaikka haikalaan jos sillä olisi lyhyt hame. | Mr. Stark would trust a shark to not bite him if it was wearing a short enough skirt. That's not entirely relevant. |
Akvaariosta ostettu vanha, kärsinyt haikala. | It was this old, worn out shark that she got from the Starling Aquarium. |
Enemmän haikala. | More a shark. |
Hän oli kuin haikala vuorenhuipulla. | It was like seeing a shark on a mountaintop. |
Myönnät siis olevasi iso haikala? | So you're admitting you're a big shark. |
Satuttaisinko panttivankiani, senkin pieni haikala? | Hurt her, you little shark? She's a hostage. |