Varastaa (to steal) conjugation

145 examples
This verb can also mean the following: purloin kotus type 53/muistaa, no gradation

Conjugation of varastaa

Present tense
I steal
you steal
he/she steals
we steal
you all steal
they steal
is stolen
Past tense
I stole
you stole
he/she stole
we stole
you all stole
they stole
was stolen
Conditional mood
I would steal
you would steal
he/she would steal
we would steal
you all would steal
they would steal
would be stolen
Imperative mood
let's steal!
be stolen!
Potential tense
I probably steal
you probably steal
he/she probably steals
we probably steal
you all probably steal
they probably steal
probably is stolen
1st long
2nd inessive
2nd instructive
3nd inessive
3rd elative
3rd illative
3rd adessive
3rd abessive
3rd instructive
4th nominative
4th partitive
to steal
to steal
while stealing
while stealing
just about to steal
Passive infinitives
while not stealing
not stealing
Passive participles
not stolen
not stolen
Present negative tense
en varasta
I do not steal
et varasta
you do not steal
ei varasta
he/she do not steal
emme varasta
we do not steal
ette varasta
you all do not steal
eivät varasta
they do not steal
ei varasteta
is not stolen
Past negative tense
en varastanut
I did not steal
et varastanut
you did not steal
ei varastanut
he/she did not steal
emme varastaneet
we did not steal
ette varastaneet
you all did not steal
eivät varastaneet
they did not steal
oli varastettu
had been stolen
Conditional negative tense
en varastaisi
I would not steal
et varastaisi
you would not steal
ei varastaisi
he/she would not steal
emme varastaisi
we would not steal
ette varastaisi
you all would not steal
eivät varastaisi
they would not steal
Imperative negative mood
älä varasta
do not steal!
älköön varastako
let him/her/it not steal!
älkäämme varastako
let's not steal!
älkää varastako
do not steal!
älkööt varastako
do not steal!
Potential negative tense
en varastane
I probably do not steal
et varastane
you probably do not steal
ei varastane
he/she probably does not steal
emme varastane
we probably do not steal
ette varastane
you all probably do not steal
eivät varastane
they probably do not steal
Present perfect tense
olen varastanut
I have stolen
olet varastanut
you have stolen
on varastanut
he/she has stolen
olemme varastaneet
we have stolen
olette varastaneet
you all have stolen
ovat varastaneet
they have stolen
on varastettu
has been stolen
Past perfect tense
olin varastanut
I had stolen
olit varastanut
you had stolen
oli varastanut
he/she had stolen
olimme varastaneet
we had stolen
olitte varastaneet
you all had stolen
olivat varastaneet
they had stolen
Conditional perfect tense
olisin varastanut
I would have stolen
olisit varastanut
you would have stolen
olisi varastanut
he/she would have stolen
olisimme varastaneet
we would have stolen
olisitte varastaneet
you all would have stolen
olisivat varastaneet
they would have stolen
olisi varastettu
would has been stolen
Imperative perfect tense
ole varastanut
you have stolen!
olkoon varastanut
he/she have stolen!
olkaamme varastaneet
we have stolen!
olkaa varastaneet
you all have stolen!
olkoot varastaneet
they have stolen!
olkoon varastettu
has been stolen!
Potential perfect tense
lienen varastanut
I probably have stolen
lienet varastanut
you probably have stolen
lienee varastanut
he/she probably has stolen
lienemme varastaneet
we probably have stolen
lienette varastaneet
you all probably have stolen
lienevät varastaneet
they probably have stolen
lienee varastettu
probably has been stolen
Present perfect negative tense
en ole varastanut
I have not stolen
et ole varastanut
you have not stolen
ei ole varastanut
he/she has not stolen
emme ole varastaneet
we have not stolen
ette ole varastaneet
you all have not stolen
eivät ole varastaneet
they have not stolen
Past perfect negative tense
en ollut varastanut
I had not stolen
et ollut varastanut
you had not stolen
ei ollut varastanut
he/she had not stolen
emme olleet varastaneet
we had not stolen
ette olleet varastaneet
you all had not stolen
eivät olleet varastaneet
they had not stolen
Conditional perfect negative tense
en olisi varastanut
I would not have stolen
et olisi varastanut
you would not have stolen
ei olisi varastanut
he/she would not have stolen
emme olisi varastaneet
we would not have stolen
ette olisi varastaneet
you all would not have stolen
eivät olisi varastaneet
they would not have stolen
Imperative perfect negative tense
ole varastanut
you have stolen!
olkoon varastanut
he/she have stolen!
olkaamme varastaneet
we have stolen!
olkaa varastaneet
you all have stolen!
olkoot varastaneet
they have stolen!
Potential perfect negative tense
en liene varastanut
I probably have not stolen
et liene varastanut
you probably have not stolen
ei liene varastanut
he/she probably has not stolen
emme liene varastaneet
we probably have not stolen
ette liene varastaneet
you all probably have not stolen
eivät liene varastaneet
they probably have not stolen

Examples of varastaa

Example in FinnishTranslation in English
"Annoin varastaa", ihan kuin olisin pyytänyt jotakuta varastamaan sen."I had it stolen" sounds like I asked someone to steal it. I didn't.
"Anubis tunnusti, että aikoi varastaa muumion."The Anubis further confessed "that it was his intention to steal the mummy
"Beatrice Quimby joutuu tappeluihin, varastaa myyntiautomaateista ja väärentää lupia.""Beatrice Quimby gets in fights... "steals from the vending machines, counterfeits hall passes.
"Eräänä yönä Onttonaama löysi vihdoin kasvot, jotka se saattoi varastaa."Until one night, Hollowface finally found a face to steal."
"Hogan, en välitä vaikka sinun täytyisi varastaa armeijan parhaan rykmentin, mutta löydä Sharpelle hänen tarkka-ampuja komppaniansa". Hänen omin sanoin."Hogan, I don't care if you have to steal the best regiment in the army, but you find Sharpe his crack company." His very words.
"ja sinisen esanssin varastan."And steal their essence blue
- Ehkä vain varastan ne.- Maybe I'll just steal it.
- Giselle, varastan hänet hetkeksi.- Giselle, I'm gonna steal him for a minute.
- Haluatko, että varastan timantin?So you want me to steal the diamond?
- Aina kun käännän selkäni, varastat jotakin.Every time I turn around, you're stealing something.
- Anteeksi? Jos varastat nämä vaalit, kuolet sisältä - siirtäen ehkä syövän suoraan sydämeesi.You try to steal this election,... you'll die inside... likely move your cancer right to your heart.
- En uskonut, että varastat lapsemme.I didn't think you'd steal our baby.
- En vienyt mitään. minun miehiltäni, varastat minulta.- If you steal, Charles, from my men, you steal from me.
- Gangsteri! Ryöstät, varastat, ammut ihmisiä!You rob, you steal, you shoot people!
- Ei varastamme sen Popsilta.- No, we steal it from Pops.
- Ja mekö varastamme sen?- And we're going to steal it?
- Ja vastapalveluksi me varastamme heiltä.- And all we could do in return was steal from them.
- Joten periaatteessa me varastamme varastettua taidetta.So we are stealing stolen art, basically. Not technically.
- Kuka sanoo, että varastamme?Who says we're stealing it?
- Ette tiedä keneltä varastatte.I'm taking! You don't know who you're stealing from!
- Joita te varastatte.For someone like you to steal?
- Välitättekö, keneltä varastatte?Can you? Do you care who you steal from?
Asutte halvoissa motelleissa, - varastatte luottokortteja ja pelaatte minigolfia.Stay at cheap motels, steal credit cards... Play mini-golf?
Eli te varastatte?So you're stealing?
"Abyzout ovat alueellisia ja varastavat hampaita.""The Abyzou were nocturnal, territorial "predators that often steal their victim's teeth
"Ja juutalaiset varastavat rahamme" "sionistisen hallituksensa avulla" "ja käyttävät mustia tuomaan huumeita" "sorretun valkoisen vähemmistömme keskuuteen.""And the Jews steal our money through their Zionist-occupied government and use the black man to bring drugs into our oppressed white minority communities."
"Loistavat taiteilijat varastavat." Kuka sen sanoi?Good artists borrow, great artists steal, man. - You know who said that?
"Vähäpätöiset taiteilijat lainaavat, suuret varastavat.""Lesser artists borrow, great artists steal."
"olette kaikki lukeneet. Kuinka he ryöstävät, varastavat -""I'm sure you all have read how they rob and steal...
Jotka eivät ole rikki, varastetaan.The ones that aren't broken are stolen by that scum.
Lääkkeitä varastetaan sairaaloista joka päivä.Drugs are stolen from hospitals every day.
On aina kova paikka kun tavara varastetaan.Well, it`s always hard when things are stolen.
"Anteeksi, että varastin isäsi jäätelöauton."I'm sory I got drunk and stole your dad's ice cream truck." I mean I could go on...
"Chrissy, varastin sinulle kakun, haluatko syödä sen?""Chrissy, I stole this cake, You want a piece? "
"Mukava nähdä. Anteeksi, että varastin rahanne".Sorry about all that money I stole.
"Rakkaat kaikki, varastin rahat ja hyppäsin ikkunasta."Dear everybody, I stole the money and jumped out the window.
(Elsa:) Anteeksi, että mä varastin sen rahan. (Emilia:) Ei se mitään.I'm sorry I stole the money. - That's okay.
"Sinä varastit". En syytä jalkakäytävälle sylkemisestä.I'm going to say you stole, not talk to him for spitting on the sidewalk.
- $50,000 jotka varastit häneltä.- The $50,000 you stole from her.
- Aivot, jotka varastit, Fritz. - Niin.The brain you stole, Fritz- Yes-
- Aloita siitä, kun varastit rahani.- Just start from when you stole my money.
- Arvaa mikä on pahinta? - Se että varastit jonkun mekon?You stole some poor woman's dress?
"Dingo varasti lapseni."Remember? "Dingo stole my baby.
"Hän varasti Enronilta ja LJM: ltä."You know, he's the one that stole from Enron, stole from LJM.
"Hän varasti tauluni", sanoi Picasso."She's stolen my pictures," said Picasso.
"Isi, joku varasti timanttini!Daddy, somebody stole my diamonds.
"Joku varasti ajoneuvoni."Someone stole my vehicle."
"Richard Parker ja minä varastimme nämä rahat yhtiöltä, - jotta voisin maksaa sukupuolenvaihdosleikkaukseni. -- This is the note. Listen. "Richard Parker and I stole this money from the company...
- He luulevat, että varastimme Mercedeksen.They think we stole the Benz.
- Katso itse, me varastimme Huudon.We stole The Scream. Put that away.
- Me jopa varastimme muutaman Samsonilta.We even stole a few from Samson.
- Ei, varastitte rahamme.- No! You stole our money.
- Ette löytäneet sitä, vaan varastitte.- You didn't find it. You stole it.
- Että varastitte Babylon 4:n.- That you stole Babylon 4.
- Hän kirjoitti, kuinka varastitte Vatikaanilta - ja murhasitte siitä vihiä saaneen kardinaalin.- He wrote it all down: how you both stole from the Vatican and then murdered the cardinal before he could inform on you.
- Koko C4 varastonne, - kaikki lääketavarat, wraithien tiedot, jotka varastitte kansaltani.All of your stores of the C-4 explosive, all of your medical supplies, the Wraith data device you stole from my people...
"He varastivat hänen äänensä. " Niin hän sanoi, ja sitä Diane tuijotti."They stole her voice box." That's what he said. That's what she was staring at.
- Aivan, he varastivat autoni.- Yeah, they... they stole my car.
- Anteeksi, kommunistit varastivat sen.- Sorry, communists have stolen.
- D'Agostinon veljekset varastivat sen.The D'Agostino brothers stole it.
- En siltikään usko, että he varastivat sen.Yeah, I still don't think they stole it from us.
- Eli ne varastettiin.- It means they were stolen.
- En. Suunnitelmat varastettiin minulta.Those plans were stolen from me.
- Kaksi toimitusta varastettiin.The last two items were stolen.
- Ne varastettiin.! - They were stolen.
- Onnenpotku hyviksille. - Selvitämme, kuinka ne varastettiin.We will find out how those bones were stolen from the Jeffersonian.
Ei sillä, että varastaisin kuurolta.Hmm? Not that I would steal from a deaf person.
Heidän sijassaan varastaisin, tappaisin, valehtelisin...Given their lives, I would steal, I'd kill, I'd lie. Of course I would.
Luuletko, että varastaisin itse omasta keksipurkistani?To think that I would steal from my own cookie jar!
Minä en varastaisi asettasi, varastaisin autosi.Only thing is I wouldn't steal your gun, I would steal your car.
Kerro yksi hyvä syy, miksi varastaisit suklaapatukan?Boy, you want to give me one good reason why you would steal a Snickers bar.
Luulin, että varastaisit sen.I thought you would steal it from me.
Olet niin viaton, että varastaisit miehen odottavalta vaimoltaan.Hmm? You're so innocent that you would steal a man away from his pregnant wife. [Quietly] Yeah.
- Kuka ihme varastaisi ruumiin?You know what I don't get is who would steal a dead body?
- Kuka varastaisi katon?Who would steal a roof?
- Kuka varastaisi kenkiä juhlista?Who would steal shoes from a party?
- Kuka varastaisi kissoja?- Who would steal cats?
-Miksi kukaan varastaisi Geon?rose,it's hard to believe someone would steal your geo.
He eivät ymmärtäisi työtapaamme, vaan varastaisivat työmme.Because they would never understand our methods. Besides that, they would steal the work.
Kunpa he varastaisivat tämän auton.I wish they would steal this car, for instance.
Narkkarit varastaisivat sen.Junkies would steal it anyway.
Tämä suunniteltiin suojelemaan arvokkaita salaisuuksia niiltä, jotka varastaisivat ne.It's designed to keep valuable secrets from those who would steal them.
Mistä hän tiesi, että se varastettaisiin?How would he have known the ginseng would be stolen?
Miten tiesit, milloin aseet varastettaisiin tai että varkaat myisivät ne eteenpäin?How did you know the exact time the hardware would be stolen? Or that the same thieve would sell it to someone else?
"Eivätkä varkaat murtaudu sisään ja varasta." "Missä on aarteesi, siellä on myös sydämesi.""and where thieves do not break in and steal, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
"En varasta."I don't steal.
"Jonota tuossa, ruksi tuo ruutu, älä varasta"."don't steal that." It's a load of cra... Cranberry juice!
"Kiltti" on sama kuin "ei varasta"?Nothing. That's how you define nice? Not stealing?
- No varastakaa.If you can't buy it, steal it.
Kohteemme on pääasiassa elämä, mutta jos teistä tuntuu että elämästä puuttuu jotain varastakaa elokuvakamera ja yrittäkää antaa elämälle tyyliä.Our subject is primarily life, but if you feel that life's missing something steal a movie camera and try to give life a style.
Kolme päivää ei ole tarpeeksi lyödäksemme turvatoimia. Etsikää lista ja varastakaa se.Three days isn't much time to clock this guy's security, find out where he's hidden the list, and steal it.
Olkaa nopeampia kuin Minotauri, varastakaa labyrintin virtalähde ja sammuttakaa se.Outrun the Minotaur, steal the power source for the maze, shut it down.
-...taloon varastaakseen kengät?Kane house simply to steal a pair of shoes?
Caran on päästävä tarpeeksi lähelle kreiviä varastaakseen avaimen.For Cara to get close enough to the Margrave to steal the key.
Ei liian ujo varastaakseen prototyypin arvokkaimmasta aseestamme.Not too shy to steal a prototype of our most valuable new weapon.
Eli joku lavasti sieppauksen varastaakseen timantin.So someone staged this abduction to steal the diamond.
Epäilet siis, että SG-2 käytti toista Tähtiporttia varastaakseen Touchstonen?Are you suggesting that SG-2 used the second gate to steal the Touchstone?
- Ei. Hän ei ollut varastamassa sitä.No, not exactly stealing it,Jim.
- Emme ole varastamassa mitään.- We're not stealing anything.
- En ole varastamassa mitään.- I'm not stealing anything.
- En, mutta missä hän onkaan, - hän on luultavasti varastamassa 50 tonnia minulta.But wherever he is... he's probably stealing another 50 Gs from me.
- He eivät olleet varastamassa autoasi.- They weren't stealing it.
"'Tajunta' on tarkkaavaisuuden suuntautuneisuutta - joka estää tekemästä hassuja - kuten tappamasta, varastamasta tai vahingoittamasta eläimiä.""'Conscience' is your inner morality gauge... "you know, the thing that stops you from doing bad things... e.g., killing, stealing, harming helpless animals and whatnot."
- Lakatkaa varastamasta kuolleitamme!- Stop stealing our dead!
- Laki ei kiellä varastamasta suunnattomalta paskiaiselta.There's no law against stealing from a colossal douchebag.
Eihän kamera oikeasti estä ihmisiä varastamasta?It doesn't really keep people from stealing, does it?
Enkö kieltänyt varastamasta meiltä?What did I tell you about stealing from us?
- Hän pakottaa panttivankinsa varastamaan puolestaan. - Miten?He uses hostages to do his stealing for him.
- Siis varastamaan autoja.So... You mean stealing cars?
- Ted on hyvä varastamaan rahaa.Ted is good at stealing money.
Alan varastamaan autoja kuten te.I'd start stealing cars, like you two.
"Demonit näkevät aurat varastamalla lasten näkökyvyn.""Which they're able to do by stealing the sight of innocent children."
Ajattelin muita asioita. Jesse James on lainsuojaton, joka loi maineensa - varastamalla mitä halusi ja tappamalla tielleen osuvat.Jesse James is nothing more than a public outlaw who made his reputation by stealing whatever he wanted killing whoever got in his way.
Aloitin tämän sotkun varastamalla kaavan...Well, it's kinda my fault. I mean, I started this whole mess stealing the formula...
Flint miehistöineen tarjosi sinulle vapauden ja vaurautta, - mutta hyvitit sen varastamalla heiltä kuukausien työn tuloksen.Flint and his crew offer you a life of freedom and prosperity for which you repay them by stealing the product of months of their labor and sacrifice.
Heidän omistautumisensa oli yhtä järkähtämätöntä kuin omani. Ja nyt maksatte heille varastamalla heidän maailmastaan.Their commitment was as unwavering as my own, and now you would repay them by surreptisiously stealing upon their world.
Jos haluat välttyä vuokranmaksulta, istu alas. Varmista, että leidit hoitavat homman varastamatta kamaa, onko selvä?So if you want your situation to remain rent free, sit your ass down, make sure these lovely young ladies handle the business without stealing any of the product.
Kun näette rahaa, ette voi olla varastamatta sitä.You see money, and you can't resist stealing it.
Luotan Hawkeyehin, kun hän tajusi tilanteen, - että hänen pitää palkata pyssymiehet varastamatta ja ajaa ne tänne, - eikä pysähtyä Leadiin naimaan.I'd trust Hawkeye... once he learned the situation... to hire the guns without stealing, to herd 'em back here to help us out, not stopping to get laid in Lead.
Miksi murtovaras tappaisi jonkun uhrin omalla veitsellä ja lähtisi sitten varastamatta muuta kuin veitsen?Why would a burglar kill someone with a knife owned by the victim and then leave without stealing anything but the knife?
"Stop-merkin varastaminen on rikos."I told him, Mr. Mac. I said, "Hey, stealing a stop sign-- that's a felony,"
"mutta tajusin että jopa varastaminen ei enään kiinnostanut minua."but I found that even stealing no longer interested me.
- Ei, vaan varastaminen on.Who knew? No, stealing is a crime.
- Heiltä varastaminen...- So stealing their property... - No, no, no.
"Se on varastamista tai piratismia, "aivan kuin tiedon jakaminen -"It's called stealing or piracy, as if sharing a wealth of knowledge were
"Valtio." "Työ, joka ei ole varastamista."Government? "A job that ain't just stealing from folks"?
- Ei se ole varastamista jos hän on mukana.- It's not stealing if he's in the car.
- Ei se ole varastamista jos olen kotona.It's not stealing if I haven't left the house yet.
- Ei se ole varastamista.- It's not stealing.
Hän on miehiä varastava Pilatesopettaja.She's a husband stealing Pilates teacher. She's hot!
Tästä eteen päin jokainen ruumasta varastava vedetään mastoon.From this day forth, the next man stealing food from the hold shall hang from the yardarm.
Uskon, että näitä elimiä varastava henkilö, - yrittää koota tämän tytön uudelleen.I believe whoever is stealing these organs is trying to put this girl back together again.
"Carter oli saanut Taylorin humalaan ja pilveen ja varastanut tämän poikaystävän.""Carter had gotten Taylor drunk and stoned," "and stolen her boyfriend."
"Jokainen täällä on varastanut jotain - tai sytyttänyt lapsena jonkun talon palamaan - tai juossut karkuun, kun olisi pitänyt jäädä taistelemaan.""Everyone here has stolen something from somebody else, or when they were kids, they set someone's house on fire, or they ran away when they should have stayed and fought."
"Kun valkoinen kani oli varastanut porkkanan puutarhasta" "se piiloutui puna-apiloiden sekaan.""After White Rabbit had stolen the carrot from the garden... he hid in the deep red clover."
"Poliisit väittivät, että olin varastanut kellon koululta."When I handed in the watch to the police they said l'd stolen it at the school.
- Aster Museon vartijana - olette varastanut Fabergen munan, postimerkin ja egyptiläisen papyruksen.During the 16 months you worked as a guard at the Aster museum, you've stolen a Fabergé egg, a Cape of Good Hope stamp, and a scrap of Ancient Egyptian papyrus.
Ammutun miehen varastama rantakirppu seisoo pihallasi.Well, there's a dune buggy parked out back that was stolen by a man with a bullet hole in him.
Esi-isienne varastama punainen maa, jota vaihdettiin tupakkaan, viinaan.The red earth that your ancestors have stolen for a pack of cigarettes, a bottle of alcohol.
Millerin varastama auto.It's miller's stolen ride. This is his building.
Rudy uskoo luodin mikrosysteemin olleen asekauppiaiden varastama.Rudy thinks the MEMS in the bullet that killed Anton were stolen by gunrunners.
- Ei se ole varastettu.It's probably stolen. - It's not stolen.
- Ei varastettu.- It was not stolen.
- Rahoja ei varastettu.The money was not stolen.
- Se ei ole varastettu.- I mean, it's not stolen...

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