Aloitetaan tutusti Jeremyn valituksella. | Once I'd got into really kind of leathering it, it didn't have a lot of oomph. |
Jos yhdestäkin sukulaisesta tai tutusta löytyy merkintä - hän joutuu vankilaan. | He said if he find any paper on any one of my people or anybody who got anything to do with me, - they all going to jail. |
Ostin ne tutusta paikasta. | I bought the chemicals from the same damn place I always buy them. Smell it. I don't want to smell it, all right? |
Parasta mihin kykenen on tutusta sisääntuloaulaan. | Best I could do is a look inside the lobby entrance. |
Puhut Kleopatrasta kuin tutusta. Nyt sytyttelet paloja ja meidän pitäisi lukea savumerkkejä. | You get good grades, use your words well, you're throwing cleopatra's name around like she's in your gym class, for God's sakes, but right now, this stuff, all you're really doing |