- Ei jahkailla sitä. | Let's focus on what does. |
Ehkä epätavallinen teistä, mutta meillä ei ole tapana jahkailla. | - None. Possibly unconventional, but act quickly. No doubt. |
Ei kannata jahkailla. Ehkä on hyvä, että asia tuli ilmi. | You don't want to be messing around, so maybe it's good it came up now. |
Satamassa ei turhia jahkailla. | They don't play around down there; it's all by the numbers. |
Miksi jahkailet, Santiago? | Aah! What are you doing, Santiago? |
Mitä me jahkailemme? | I don't care! |
Teimme asioita palasissa kymmenen vuoden ajan. Autotallin ovi, yksi viikonloppu. Kahvinkeitin, yksi myöhäinen ilta kun jahkailimme työnteon sijaan. | We did bits and pieces over the past ten years- garage door one weekend, coffee machine one late night when we were procrastinating instead of working. |
Data, älä jahkaile. | Data, don't waste time! |
En minä sitä jahkaile. | -I don't have any doubts. |
Älä jahkaile, soita Bobille | ♪ yeah, da bug, mon ♪ ♪ don't delay, call Bob today ♪ |
Älä jahkaile, vaan tarkista tuloksesi. | What are you doing, dude? Stop stalling. |