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دادن [dâdán] (to give) conjugation

86 examples

Conjugation of دادن

Present imperfect tense
I give
you give
he/she gives
we give
you all give
they give
Present progressive tense
دارم می‌دهم
dấram mí-deham
I am giving
داری می‌دهی
dấri mí-dehi
you are giving
دارد می‌دهد
dấrad mí-dehad
he/she is giving
داریم می‌دهیم
dấrim mí-dehim
we are giving
دارید می‌دهید
dấrid mí-dehid
you all are giving
دارند می‌دهند
dấrand mí-dehand
they are giving
Present perfect tense
I have given
you have given
he/she has given
we have given
you all have given
داده است
dâdé ast
they have given
Past tense
I gave
you gave
he/she gave
we gave
you all gave
they gave
Past aorist tense
I gave
you gave
he/she gave
we gave
you all gave
they gave
Past imperfect tense
I used to give
you used to give
he/she used to give
we used to give
you all used to give
they used to give
Past progressive tense
داشتیم می‌دادیم
dấštim mí-dâdim
I was giving
داشتید می‌دادید
dấštid mí-dâdid
you were giving
داشتند می‌دادند
dấštand mí-dâdand
he/she was giving
داشتم می‌دادم
dấštam mí-dâdam
we were giving
داشتی می‌دادی
dấšti mí-dâdi
you all were giving
داشت می‌داد
dâšt mí-dâd
they were giving
Pluperfect tense
داده بودم
dâdé búdam
I had given
داده بودی
dâdé búdi
you had given
داده بود
dâdé bud
he/she had given
داده بودیم
dâdé búdim
we had given
داده بودید
dâdé búdid
you all had given
داده بودند
dâdé búdand
they had given
Future tense
خواهم داد
xâhám dâd
I will give
خواهی داد
xâhí dâd
you will give
خواهد داد
xâhád dâd
he/she will give
خواهیم داد
xâhím dâd
we will give
خواهید داد
xâhíd dâd
you all will give
خواهند داد
xâhánd dâd
they will give
Imperative mood
you give
you all give
Subjunctive present tense
I have given
you have given
he/she have given
we have given
you all have given
they have given
Subjunctive past tense
داده باشیم
dâdé bấšim
I give
داده باشید
dâdé bấšid
you give
داده باشند
dâdé bấšand
he/she give
داده باشم
dâdé bấšam
we give
داده باشی
dâdé bấši
you all give
داده باشد
dâdé bấšad
they give

Examples of دادن

Example in PersianTranslation in English
...‏ولی اگه من یه چیزی به پلیدی انسان می‌ساختم ‏آخرین کاری که می‌کنم، قدرت دادن بهش برای ‏انتخاب بین بد و خوب ــهBut if I created something as diabolical as a human being... ..the last thing I'd do is give it the power to choose between good and evil.
پناه دادن به شياطين که بين ماست کافيستNo longer can we give refuge to the evil amongst us.
و خداوند شهامت انجام دادن امور الهي را نيز ميبخشدAnd he'd give you the strength and the grace to do it...
اونها که همينطور پتي هرست پس ندادن، دادن؟ (بازيگر و نوه ي "ويليام راندولف هرست"،غول مطبوعات که ربوده شد)They didn't just give Patty Hearst back, did they?
.‏بهش یه غذای دیگه دادن که گفت مزش بد بودهHe was given another meal, which he said tasted bad.
دمت گرم، به اندازه ده سنت از اون جنس نابت بدهThank Christ. Just give me a dime of your finest sticky.
می دونی که دستگیری اش فقط ...مگنیتو رو تحریک می کنه ولی همین که داریمش بهمون .یه برتری دیپلماتیک می دهYou know, her capture will only provoke Magneto, but having her does give us some diplomatic leverage.
ده سال زير سقف من و بااينحال هيچوقت نشد تو رو شخصا برکت بدمTen years in the shadow of my home, and yet I have never given you my blessing.
بله، يکي مون خبر بَد رو مي ده يکي هم نقش بيمار رو بازي مي کنهYeah. One of us gives the bad news, and one of us gets the bad news.
سرعت خيلي زيادي بهش مي‌دهNothing gives you speed like the whip.
داد زدم نمي توني بخشش من رو با يه الماس بخريI screamed, "You can't buy my forgiveness with diamonds."
.اي کاش يکي بهم درس مي دادI wish someone had have given me lessons.
نميدونم، يکي هفته ي پيش اينو واسه جمع آوري کمک هاي مالي بهم دادNo idea. It was given to me at a fund-raiser a week ago.
اشتباه نکنید،نمیشه به یه ورق کاغذ و یا شنیده ها استناد بکنیم یاد گرفتم و میدونم که نمیشه کسی رو تحت پیگرد قرار دادAnd make no mistake, not a shred of what you've heard from my learned friend acting for the Prosecution has given any proof at all.
پارلمان به الغاء قدرت هاي ويژه اي که يلتسين داده شده بود راي دادIt voted to repeal the special powers that had given to Yeltsin.
وقتي به عشق اين دوتا" ...دهنده و گيرنده فکر ميکنم نميتونم کاري جز حسادت ...به داشتن و عشق ورزيدن و "و دادن اما بعدش ديگه نميتونم کلمه مناسب را پيدا کنم"When I think of the love that these two givers and receivers share I can't help but envy the lifetime ahead of having and loving and giving..." And then I can't think of a good word for right here.
بعضياميگنبامپيجانسو ، مرد بزرگي بود ،برطبقمداحيها مردي دهنده .يکمردازميان مردم ... هيچکس انتخاب نکرد تاSome say Bumpy Johnson was a great man, according to eulogies, a giving man.
اين فرم دهنده (منظورش گچه ) باعث شده آرتروز بگيرمThis getup is giving me arthritis.
اميدوارم به عموم جزئيات کافي رو داده باشم مي تونين اون چيزايو که جا انداختم پر کنينI hope I've given my uncle enough detail. You can fill in anything that I've missed or...
بيشتر برده ها بهشون به عنوان کادو داده مي شنMost of their slaves were given to them as gifts.
.اسم پدر داده نشدهFather's name not given.
اون سمبل جهانيه مردي که همه اميدشو از دست دادهThey are the universal symbol of a man who has given up hope!
. از اينکه من اون فايل ها رو داده بودم عصباني بودHe was angry I'd given you those files.
و من داده‌ام اداره‌ی کل سئول پلورر بسلامتی حسنAnd I have given total control of the Saule Pleureur to Hassan.
ریزا باید اونجا باشه ما به هم قول دادیمYou will. She gave me her promise.
ما این امکان رو بهشون دادیم که بصورت مُسالمت آمیز جزیره رو ترک کننWe gave them the opportunity to leave the island peacefully.
پس خوشحالم که بهش سینه دادیمGlad we gave it tits then.
ما بهت یه چسب زخم دادیم و تو بهمونWe gave him a Band-Aid and you gave us the...
که خیلی وقت پیش به همدیگه دادیمWe gave each other so long ago.
شما بهش حرکت باستانی . موج هان شو به معنای اخراج رو نشون دادیدYou just gave him the ancient hun shu wave of dismissal.
.از جمله دختر من .پس بهش ترفیع دادیدSo you gave him a promotion.
.آنها جانشان را دادندThey gave their lives.
،گوش کنید ، اونا یه شماره امنیتی به من دادند ...و الان تو کیف پولمه Listen, they gave me a safety number, and it in my wallet...Listen to me. They gave me a safety number and it was in my wallet, and I don't know where it is now.
باورم نمي شه که اونها اينو بهش دادندI can't believe they gave it to him. Ah, this is pathetic!
اینو تو مدرسه به پسرم دادند.They gave that to my son at school.
چه تعداد از آنها قدرتشان را به تو دادند؟How many of them gave you their magic?
.من همه اينا رو بهت دادمI gave you all this.
...من کتابهام رو بهت دادم اما بهت اجازه ندادم که .شعرهاي منو بدزديI gave you my books... but I didn't authorize you to steal my poems.
بهش 15 درصد دادم . . اونم دخترمو طلاق داد .l gave him 1 5 percent... . ..he gives my daughter the divorce....
،وقتي اين کتاب رو بهت دادم ...به اين خاطر بود که ميدونستمWhen I gave you this book, it was because I knew...
...آره اما اون فيلمي که بهت دادم کاملاYou said you watched porn. Uh, yeah, but that movie that I gave you was totally...
تو شماره لامار رو اشتباه بهم دادی، میدونی!Man, you gave me the wrong number on Lamar. You know what else I know?
.تو بهش توی زندگیش یک هدف دادیThat you gave him purpose.
...اینو بهم دادی چون نمیدونستی که ..."مسئول تبدیل شدن پرونده‌ی رشوه دادن "ایوا .به پرونده‌ی قتل، خودت بودیYou only gave it to me because you hadn't realized that you were responsible for turning Ava's bribery charges into murder charges.
تو بهم دادی.You gave it to me.
چی میشه اگه اون بچه ای که به سرپرستی دادی برگرده؟What if the child that you gave up is back?
من به شما هر چيزي که دارم مي دهم[Music] I gave you everything I have [Music]
CC يک دهم - اين دوزِ استاندارده و من هم همينقدر بهش دادمPoint-one cc. That is the standard dose, that is what I gave her.
مدارک تولد من به شما يه تاريخ دقيق مي دهمBirth records. If I gave you a date. An exact date.
من به تو هر چيزي را که دارم مي دهم[Music] I gave you everything I have [Music]
خدايان به من دستور داده‌آند ولي نمي‌توانم اين‌كار را بادستان خودم انجام دهمThe heavens gave me an order, but I couldn't do it with my own hands.
بگذار بهت بگم چيزي رو كه ميخواهي بداني به فرض كه من مي توانستم كمكت كنم .اما من يك گربه ام و در هيچ جايي هيچ گربه اي جواب راست به كسي نمي دهدI would tell you what you want to know if I could, mum, but I be a cat, and no cat anywhere ever gave anyone a straight answer, har har.
'چگونه می توانم شما به این اتهام که به منظور... به شما داد پاسخ می دهند؟'How do you respond to the accusation that you gave the order...?
اونا کار رو به کسي مي دهند که نتونه باور کنهSomeone who can't believe they actually gave him the job.
زن هاي كشيش اين ها رو به يتيم ها مي دهندThe nuns gave it to us at the orphanage.
وقتي داشتم يه زندگي جديد براي خودم مي ساختم، تو ازم خواستي بمونم اون زندگيِ جديد، شانسِ دوباره اي بود که به خودم داده بودم درست همون موقعي که بهترين حس رو به زندگيم داشتمYou asked me to stay, when I was building a life... a new life... a second chance that I had given myself just so that you could feel better about leaving.
من اميدم به زندگي رو از دست داده بودم تا اينکه واريس قانعم کرد که شايد تو ارزش اين رو داشته باشي که زنده بمونمI had given up on life until Varys convinced me you might be worth living for.
اون همسرم بود اون فقط چيزي رو که بهش داده بودم بردShe was my wife. She just took what I had given her.
او تونست به خاطر بياره برداشتن اسلحه اى ... که جسى بهش داده بود و بعدش جمعه خوب بود و او ... ... اقدامات مربوط به تشييع جنازه رو مطالعه ميکردHe could remember lifting the gun that Jesse had given him and then it was Good Friday and he was reading about the funeral proceedings as if they'd happened a long time ago.
...اگه هيل چيزي به ورونيکا دوناوان داده بود ...که ميتونست جلوي اعدام رو بگيرهIf Hale had given Veronica Donovan anything that could have gotten a stay of execution,
...من تقريباً از هر راهي استفاده کردم براي پيدا کردن کسي که اين قلبو به من داده بود...I tried in every way that I knew how to find out... who had given me this heart.
...فقط امروز صبح حسابدار بهم گفت که .اون اون روز به آرمان 2 ميليون روپيه پول نقد داده بودJust this morning my accountant told me... he had given Armaan 2 million rupees in cash that day.
.خداوند به من يک پيغام داده بودGod had given me a message.
...من به اين دنياي پست ملکه‌اي رو که حقشه رو خواهم دادI will give this wretched world the queen it deserves.
من به مردم عظيم ترين . روياي زندگيشون رو خواهم دادI will give the people the greatest vision of their lives.
ورونسکی شنل من رو دزدیده و من کتم رو هم بهش خواهم دادVronsky has robbed me of my cloak and I will give him my coat.
. در اين صورت قدرتي خارج از تصورت را به تو خواهم دادAnd I will give you more power than they can.
.من "اين" رو بهت خواهم دادI will give you this.
به جوانان شهامت خواهد داد و آنان را به سرنوشتي تازه رهنمون خواهد کرد به سرنوشتي آزادThe young and inexperienced will give their courage and their faith to the tired and the uncertain.
،که ستارگان را آفريد... ...به ما نوادگي خواهد داد کهWho made the stars, will give us as many descendants-.
پرسي" دستورات مراحل بعدي رو به شما" خواهد دادPercy will give you instructions for the next step.
...اما اگه قلابي نباشه ...اونوقت پاسخهات رو خواهد داد... .و تاج رو بر سرت خواهد گذاشت...But if she's not... then she will give you your answers... and place the crown on your head.
اونا به شما پناهندگي سياسي خواهند دادThey will give you asylum there.
.ولي ارباب "کرازينس" به شما 20 نفر خواهند دادBut good Master Kraznys will give you 20.
من از محراب اين را به تو تقديم ميکنم تا کفاره ي گناهان بندگانت را بدهمAnd I have given it to you upon the altar... to make atonement for your souls.
خب اون توپو بده به منWell, then give me the ball!
دمت گرم، به اندازه ده سنت از اون جنس نابت بدهThank Christ. Just give me a dime of your finest sticky.
حالا خرس رو به من بده- Done! Now give me that bear!
بوسا، سنگ رو بده به منBoso, give me that stone.
خواهش ميکنم، بهم يه فرصت دوباره بدهPlease, give me another chance.
اگه اوليا حضرت شهادت صادقانه اي ،داده باشند .در دادگاه بي گناهي شما ثابت ميشهIf Your Grace has given honest testimony, your trial will prove your innocence.
اميدوارم به عموم جزئيات کافي رو داده باشم مي تونين اون چيزايو که جا انداختم پر کنينI hope I've given my uncle enough detail. You can fill in anything that I've missed or...
خوب، اين ملاحظه تورو ميرسونه با توجه به اينکه چند بار به تو غذا داده باشم چقدر پول برات جور کرده باشمWell, that's very thoughtful of you considering how many meals I've given you, how much cash has flown from me to you...
اگه من به کسي 5.7 ميليون دلار ،ظرف سه سال و نيم داده باشمIf I give someone 5.7 million dollars in three and a half years,
هيچ دستوري اعتباري نداره مگر اينکه من داده باشمNo order is valid unless I give it.
براي چي من بايد ادرار يه نفر ديگه رو داده باشم بهت؟Why would I give you someone else's urine?

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