Workshop etymology


English word workshop comes from English work, English shop

Etymology of workshop

Detailed word origin of workshop

Dictionary entry Language Definition
work English (en) (countable) A fortification.. (countable) A literary, artistic, or intellectual production.. (heading) Product; the result of effort.. (heading, uncountable) Effort.. (heading, uncountable) Employment.. (mining) Ore before it is dressed.. (physics) A measure of energy expended in moving an object; most commonly, force times distance. No work is done if the object does not move.. (physics, [...]
shop English (en) (figurative, uncountable) Discussion of business or professional affairs.. A large garage where vehicle mechanics work.. A place where things are manufactured or crafted; a workshop.. A variety of classes taught in junior or senior high school that teach vocational skill.. An act of shopping, especially routine shopping for food and other domestic supplies.. An establishment that sells goods [...]
workshop English (en) A brief, intensive course of education for a small group, emphasizing interaction and practical problem solving.. A room, especially one which is not particularly large, used for manufacturing or other light industrial work.. An academic conference. (transitive) To help a playwright revise a draft of (a play) by rehearsing it with actors and critiquing the results.. (transitive, business) To [...]